Squadron Supreme discussion (Chaykin / Turini)


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2006

New Squadron Supreme ongoing announced

Written by Howard Chaykin, illustrated by Marco Turini.

The series will start over with issue #1, but will address everything from supreme power (eesh), as well as the cliffhanger that JMS left us in the final issue, #7, of the previous series.
Thanks for posting - I thought this warranted its own thread.

Chaykin? Really? has he written anything that I should be aware of? I don't mean to be mean, but I'm glad he's not drawing it.

Maybe it doesn't matter. Ultimate Power probably destroyed anything this book had going for it anyway.
has he written anything that I should be aware of?

The only thing of note that he's written (IMO opinion anyways) is a crime-mini starring vampires called Bite Club for Vertigo.

Its actually pretty good. But other than that....no.

So needless to say, I am not exactly thrilled at this news. But on the other hand, I was never a big Squadron Supreme fan to begin with. So.... :neutral:
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The only thing of note that he's written (IMO opinion anyways) is a crime-mini starring vampires called Bite Club for Vertigo.

Its actually pretty good. But other than that....no.

So needless to say, I am not exactly thrilled at this news. But on the other hand, I was never a big Squadron Supreme fan to begin with. So.... :neutral:

Ah, Bite Club. I have actually heard of that and I think I read an issue of it...I don't remember if it was good or not.
I really, really, really, want this to be good. If the Ultimates got me into comics, then Supreme Power was what convinced me to stay. The pitch sounds fine, I guess, but what I'm really hoping is that Ultimate power gets downplayed. It never really worked as an ultimate crossover, but was absolutely the opposite of everything the series had been.

The more i read about this guy, too, the more excited I am. I couldn't say anything about his skill or talent, but his ideas themselves have already sold me. As far as I can tell he's handling UP right, mostly by taking the idea (superheroes nearly destroy the world and leave massive damage and death behind) and then doing the consequences right. As for his new characters, I don't think that was ever really a secret. The Hyperion mini showed a lot of new guys, and if some have died by then it's definitely room for ten more at least.

In fact, wouldn't UP, as horrible as it was, help explain how badly damaged New York was in the future? If this is salvageable, it has the potential to be so good.
Ah, Bite Club. I have actually heard of that and I think I read an issue of it...I don't remember if it was good or not.

It was pretty good. Not really a must-have or must-read unless you're Vertigo completist.

I mean it's worth a read, but if you never get around to it, you'll be just fine.
I don't care anymore. I gave up when they moved it to Marvel Knights and then again when everyone forgot about it and then AGAIN when they made it part of some stupid crossover with the Ultimate Universe. It's a ****in' mess.
I don't mean to be mean, but I'm glad he's not drawing it.

I was just re-reading the last Punisher MAX arc where he did the first issue.

The art was so bad. All of his hands looked like mangled wrecks. And he even drew Baracuda with all his teeth and fingers. Did he not read the last 2 'Cuda arcs? And lest we forget that one panel with Frank's gimpy arm.

But for every mistake or horrible panel he had a few panels that fit the tone and style of the book greatly. Especially the panels with Frank doing target practice in teh woods.
The Squadron Supreme return...with Ultimate Nick Fury!!

From Newsarama:

The last time Marvel's Squadron Supreme was seen was late last year, at the end of the Ultimate Power miniseries, and their world was…a mess, ravaged not only by a weapon designed by the Ultimate Universe's Reed Richards, but also by the battle between the Ultimates, the (J. Michael Straczynski) Squadron Supreme and the original (Mark Gruenwald) Squadron Supreme.

Prior to that, volume 2 of the Squadron Supreme series had ended on a cliffhanger that was never resolved (although something terrible and unexpected happened afterwards).

Questions, it would appear, abound, such as: what happened after the cliffhanger? What's the Supreme world like post Ultimate Power? Are those who stayed behind on the Supreme world still there? Will JMS be coming back to tell more Squadron Supreme stories?

Well, Squadron Supreme is coming back later this year as an ongoing series, written by Howard Chaykin, illustrated by Marco Turini, and edited by John Barber (a quick aside, the new series will not be under the MAX imprint as the original Supreme Power series was).

More at the link.

Pretty interesting. Looking forward to seeing Ultimate Fury again.
In fact, wouldn't UP, as horrible as it was, help explain how badly damaged New York was in the future? If this is salvageable, it has the potential to be so good.

Thats what I was thinking. It'd be a nice switcheroo, with the previous assumption of ALL the damage being attributed to the Super War shown in the Hyperion mini. The events of Ultimate Power also playing into that makes sense (in so far as Ultimate Power's inclusion in Ultimate/SS continuity).

I'm just looking forward to seeing Ultimate Fury again, and am excited to see the Supreme Earth through his eyes (as described in the interview).

From Newsarama:

More at the link.

Pretty interesting. Looking forward to seeing Ultimate Fury again.

Whoops! Didn't see this thread. My bad.


Who cares anymore?


I do...?
Marvel updated thier announcement with some art from Turini as well as a cover by Greg Land. Sorry if someone already got this.


I will take a wild stab and say the characters on the cover are the new ones Chaykin mentioned. There seems to be Captain America and Iron Man analogues, and some sort of wierd Spider-Woman. The other characters are an alien looking guy, a melty woman, a guy dissolving into mist, and some bloke blasting lightning out of his hands.

The Turini page looks decent, but doesn't seem to offer any clues to the story.
No clues??

Maybe the page on it's own offers little, but the Greg Land cover blew my mind (and it obviously wasn't his art, of which I'm sure this wasn't the first permutation :roll:). Not only are the Captain America, Iron Man, and Spider-man characters analogues, they're meant to correspond to the Ultimates. Nick Fury now runs the Ultimates, recreated by the Squadron Supreme Universe.

That's amazing. I have no idea what this could mean for the actual story, but it changes so much about how things are going to go down. It makes a lot of sense too. These unstoppable super people were bested, or at least fought to a standstill, by invaders from another world. Of course they're going to be emulated.

I'm looking forward to this now, no trepidation. It's not trying to write JMS' story or ignoring it, but making something that will hopefully continue to be as realistic and thought-provoking as it's original was.

No clues??

Maybe the page on it's own offers little, but the Greg Land cover blew my mind (and it obviously wasn't his art, of which I'm sure this wasn't the first permutation :roll:). Not only are the Captain America, Iron Man, and Spider-man characters analogues, they're meant to correspond to the Ultimates. Nick Fury now runs the Ultimates, recreated by the Squadron Supreme Universe.

That's amazing. I have no idea what this could mean for the actual story, but it changes so much about how things are going to go down. It makes a lot of sense too. These unstoppable super people were bested, or at least fought to a standstill, by invaders from another world. Of course they're going to be emulated.

I'm looking forward to this now, no trepidation. It's not trying to write JMS' story or ignoring it, but making something that will hopefully continue to be as realistic and thought-provoking as it's original was.


Good points. Very interesting indeed.
Here's some more art from Turini for Squadron Supreme.

Edit: Nevermind, because the link is not working. I'll just post some instead.





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I like his Hyperion.

Does this mean Zarda is coming back?
I like his Hyperion.

Does this mean Zarda is coming back?

I liked them all! And yes, Zarda is back, somehow. They said in interviews the whole cliffhanger ending from SS #7 will be addressed and resolved through flashbacks in the first arc of the new SS series. Plus, since Ultimate Power takes place after SS #7 timeline-wise, its no surprise Zarda survived. Its just the how thats unresolved (but hopefully will be as promised).

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