Squadron Supreme discussion (Chaykin / Turini)

My thoughts after reading through issue 3:

This isn't completely horrible but it just feels rather pointless. The characters are okay, but the overall vibe I get from this book is that Chaykin is trying really hard to do some Warren Ellis-style reinventions and it really just isn't working out with the desired result. There are worse books out there, but this is pretty underwhelming compared to JMS' Squadron. I'd rather see some of the Gruenwald SS characters make their appearances than the homage characters we're getting.
Squadron Supreme 2...an ongoing after all?

Most people probably won't even care (I barely do myself), but it looks like Squadron Supreme 2 (#4 just came out last week) is an ongoing after all. It had been originally announced as an ongoing, then as a 5 issue mini-series, then a six-issue mini. With Marvel's preview of January 2009 books they're putting out, Squadron Supreme 2 #7 is solicited, the first part in a 6 issue story arc entitled "One Fine Day".

See the solicit here (its halfway down the page):


Hopefully it'll get better, as I haven't been at all impressed by this title.
Re: Squadron Supreme 2...an ongoing after all?

Yeah, I noticed that myself with those solicits. And it has been exceptionally meh. Oh, well.
I'm still reading this series (although I'm downloading it illegally... don't tell anyone! I just got an email from my ISP about downloading True Blood from HBO... I need to update my IP blocker) and this issue (#4) is not too bad. Then again, like I said in my last post, I'd much rather see some "ultimizations" of my favorite Mark Gruenwald SS characters than what I'm seeing now. It's kind of like Nicholas Fury (now the original Super Soldier) is trying to put together an alternate-reality Ultimates.

Which, in turn, means that this really sucks.

Hell, at least I'm not paying to read these issues anymore. Thank god (or insert deity of choice) for torrents.
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