Ultimate Spiderman #102 discussion (Spoilers)

Oh, crap! I was so excited by this issue that I forgot to mention--in the letters page, Bendis says the next storyline will be Ultimate Knights! Am I the only one who noticed this?
No, but I already knew because I listen to his podcasts. 8)
Also, apparently Jessica Jones will be showing up shortly ( before Bagley leaves )
and the next arc ( Ultimate Knights ) will be a direct follow up to Annual 2.
As well as they will be slowing up and looking at Peter's personal life ( all from part 3 of the last podcast )
But back to USM 102. Seeing Peter belt Kaine was awesomeness. It was like Bendis had Peter do it on behalf of all of us fans. And the MJ Goblin turns into MJ, and all Peter can do is look at her and then yell at Doc Ock? What is wrong with Peter? I like Spider-woman more than Peter already.
Why on earth would Doc Ock give Kaine Oz? did he know that letting Kaine screw with MJ would hurt Peter? ( I'm sure Kaine told "his father" all about this girl he loves. )
Also, apparently Jessica Jones will be showing up shortly ( before Bagley leaves )
and the next arc ( Ultimate Knights ) will be a direct follow up to Annual 2.
As well as they will be slowing up and looking at Peter's personal life ( all from part 3 of the last podcast )

Awesome! I loved Jessica Jones in Alias and liked her in the Pulse. I hope it's not something lame like a cameo or an alias of Jessica Drew. Although I do like action, the ramifications of the Clone Saga on Peter and the people around him definitely have to be carefully explored--hence, the epilogue (#105.)

This is gonna be the hugest TPB ever. NINE issues to the Clone Saga, two of them double-sized. Isn't that over two hundred pages?!
I'm ****ing sick of the Ultimate Knights and they haven't even appeared yet.

I kind of am too. And, to be honest, I wish there was a little breathing room between the Clone Saga and Ultimate Knights. Just seems like too much at once.
Hence, the epilogue issue.
We're going to need more room than that. ( one 32 page issue ) I'd bet the end of "double sized" 104 will be dealing with some of that. ( Hopefully Peter handing Kitty her walking papers, hence the cover to 105. )
Yeah, I had that thought about Jessica Drew calling herself Jessica Jones, but it would be a waste of one of their characters.
But he did say about them slowing down and showing Peter's personal life. He also said somewhere ( either on the podcast or somewhere ) That Peter would be facing big changes in his personal life. Any ideas on that guys?
I have a feeling Aunt May may actually die, cause face it, there is no way she'll let Peter continue his charade. I was thinking Peter would go back to MJ, but I am not too sure now. ( assuming she'll want him back after her ordeal ) He's being affected by all the other stuff, but he's seemed a little less panicky about her this round as he did during Legacy and Cats and Kings.
I don't think Richard is the real deal anymore, or if he is, he was sorely over-judged by his family, he just has seemed so out of it after 100.
Gwen's a goner ( again ) she is clearly out of control.
Everything about this issue pisses me off. Even the speculations by fans.

I noticed the Ultimate Knights thing and I think it kicks a lot of ***. Not only for DD but because Bendis writes street level best. He'll need it after this ****ing ****.
What did you consider wrong with it? Still not enough answers, drawn out..standards complaints I have, but I am curious..

I'm scared of the answers. It's not like answers can make what's happened already any better. I hate this sci-fi dumbass junk. A billion Peter's running around, MJgoblin, Gwarnage, Richard Parker conspiracy. Please. "Ok fans!! It's the big one!! We're gonna throw so much **** at you you're gonna think it's cool!!!"

I don't need this. It's insulting my intelligence... er what little I have of it.
If Aunt May dies, then does that force Peter to stay with who, his father? Yeah right. But what if Jessica Jones is, say, someone brought in to be like a foster parent for Drew, and takes Peter along as well. Highly unlikely, but I'm looking at those, since no one expected Bendis to **** up this the way he has. Stupid fat, bald guy.....

The social and personal changes are interesting. Perhaps they have Jessica Drew as part of the family now, and call her Peter's long lost twin, seperated by birth?

Oh, and did the attempt to get rid of the male memories go wrong or not? I haven't read the issue yet.
If Aunt May dies, then does that force Peter to stay with who, his father? Yeah right. But what if Jessica Jones is, say, someone brought in to be like a foster parent for Drew, and takes Peter along as well. Highly unlikely, but I'm looking at those, since no one expected Bendis to **** up this the way he has. Stupid fat, bald guy.....

The social and personal changes are interesting. Perhaps they have Jessica Drew as part of the family now, and call her Peter's long lost twin, seperated by birth?

Oh, and did the attempt to get rid of the male memories go wrong or not? I haven't read the issue yet.

Nah they didnt get to alter her memory's becouse the clones broke out she's still Peter in a female body.
Someone on the Bendis Boards said one of the clones looked like Richard Parker in the escape from cells scene. Like Richard more or less appeared out of nowhere like he, too, came from one of the cells. Confirmation? I still would rather Richard be dead.
Someone on the Bendis Boards said one of the clones looked like Richard Parker in the escape from cells scene. Like Richard more or less appeared out of nowhere like he, too, came from one of the cells. Confirmation? I still would rather Richard be dead.
I don't think he's a clone. He did show up at about the same time, but he was the one telling them there was an accident and they should go back to their rooms.

On the other hand Ben Reilly told Jessica that she was stage five of the project and we've only seen 4 clones of Peter. Maybe Richard is the fifth.
In the escape from cells scene, we saw three doors unlocking. Three clones (Tarantula, Scorpion and Kaine) walked towards Jessica. However, we also saw a man in a suit walking towards her from the same direction, but it's unclear whether he just walked up the hallway or came from another room. When the clones were talking, he kept insisting they had to stay. Tarantula, Scorpion and Kaine ran off, ignoring him. Jessica stayed for a moment, exchanged glances with him, then ran off with the other clones.

The agent we saw could have been Richard Parker. There was one shot where he looked a lot like him. The artwork was ambiguous.
A minor note... I just got a glimpse of the cover to #105... damn. I'm a fan of the whole Kitty/Peter dynamic, and she's just been thrown by the wayside for a good chunk of this arc.
Stage one could have been a perfect clone of Richard Parker. Ben was perfecting his technique after the failed clone of Richard (The original Carnage).

TheManWithoutFear said:
I'm scared of the answers. It's not like answers can make what's happened already any better. I hate this sci-fi dumbass junk. A billion Peter's running around, MJgoblin, Gwarnage, Richard Parker conspiracy. Please. "Ok fans!! It's the big one!! We're gonna throw so much **** at you you're gonna think it's cool!!!"

I don't need this. It's insulting my intelligence... er what little I have of it.

I'm not. To be honest, the sci-fi aspect has existed since Norman shot himself up with OZ. This is just the pinnacle of how important Peter was in the Genetic War. I will whole heartedly agree that making MJ a Goblin was retarded as hell, but I'm still digging the rest of this. Some of the answers may be dumb (I have no clue how they're going to answer the questions about Gwarnage or Richard Parker), but so far its been decent (Minus Demogoblin).

As far as Bendis is best at the street-level, I agree. Wholeheartedly. But, when he uses the Ultimate Knights, they hog the spotlight. The book is called Spider-Man, not Ultimate Knights guest starring Spider-Man. I still like Learning Curve and Cats & Kings. Warriors was a nice change of pace, but the Annual started bordering on oversaturation with the guest characters.
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And Gwarnage is then an offspring of the Richardcarnage? How many Carnages are we gonna have?

Like I said, I have no clue what they're doing with either character. My theory, right now, is Richard was the original clone and Gwen is the original Gwen, revived using the Carnage method. This issue seems to support "Richard is a clone", at least, in passing. I'm sticking with my Gwen theory because I don't understand why they would clone Gwen otherwise.
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off topic, but:

Conversation between Bendis and other authors of Ultimate Universe:

"So, Brian what do you have for us so far?"

Bendis: Well, since the Clone saga is doing so great-
places a gun on the table
Kirkman: oh yeah all these clones, and Richard back from the dead, great.
Loeb: oh and Gwen being carnage? priceless.
Carey: and turning MJ into a monster-
Bendis stares at him, and points at the gun.
Carey: it was the best move since.....since you killed Beast.

Bendis: Thankyou. Now, I plan on doing Ultimate Knights. I think we need more Daredevil and Moonknight. Maybe others.
Others: But it's an Ultimate Spider-Man book, not...
Bendis pulls off jacket and reveals a bomb strapped to his chest.
Others: Oh, but it's GREAT.
Bendis smiles........

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