Ok...just something I think of.
I still swear Iron man is the traitor. I dont know why, I just know it. I was reading a scene that I think many overlook.
Death sentence of the Hulk...we all assumed by the phone call that Hank was responsible, but why did he look so shocked?
Would it have been so hard for someone else to tamper with the med's? I know it wouldnt have been easy, but surely one of the Ultimates could have done it. Maybe even Fury...
But besides the point, Iron Man was the last one on that ship, giving the beads, who is to say he didnt spray Banner with something to wake him up? I mean, yea, maybe he wasnt given meds, but why would Banner just wake up in Hulk form?
Also, I think everyone is being thrown off. I know Loeb is showing his designs and saying this and saying that. But think about it? If I was Millar, I would be PISSED if halfway through my book, some other guy F'ed up my storyline, perhaps one of the greatest stories ever written and drawn, to have his precious interview in a magazine. In fact, anything printed I am taking with a grain of salt, unless u got the comic in your hand (ONE MORE DAY!!!). Remember the "leaked" photo that Millar asked everyone to no longer show??? Remember debating whether that was for real or a clever ploy? Well, having another guy tell who is gonna be around and who isnt like ruins the story. Can you imagine if halfway through LOST, they just showed u the third season and told u who would and wouldnt be in it? Ok, Im done ranting now, its just I think everyone is believing things too easily...I mean, yea, there could be Red Skull, but do I believe it because it was printed in a magazine? Hell No, that would just be a smart throw off tactic, just like Im sure that SOMEONE has guessed the traitor, but Millar saying, "nope, no one knows".
Ok, Im seriously done ranting now. I think I am just tense because I wanna wake up and have wednesday be now, and I wanna READ this damn thing!!! Also, to be honest, im pretty worried. I think this is one of the things I have been the most excited and craziest about in comics (I think the last time I was this excited was like ten years ago, waiting to see if Peter Parker was the real deal or the clone....LOL). Also, I think we should have some kind of board agreement that there will be no discussion on ANY thread besides a "THE TRAITOR WAS...." Oh, besides that, im worried because this has had SO much damn hype, how is it ever gonna live up to what we have all been waiting for? I think some are gonna be REALLY surprised, some are gonna be REALLY happy, and others are gonna be REALLY let down...just the way it goes...