Who will be the new 616 character to get the Ultimate treatment in the next 9 issues?


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2005
Kirkman said he planned on bringing one, and only one, character from 616 into the UU.

So who will be the chosen one? I'm pretty uneducated toward 616 and about the only mutant I know that hasn't already appeared is Jubilee...

But I'm getting a feeling the new 616 arrival might be a villain.
I'm thinking it's going to be the first sighting of an Alpha Flight character...

Maybe Jean Paul has an overprotective dad, who after the triskelion incedent, sends somebody to trail the group....

And then if that person were to have had a past with Wolverine, sparks will fly...
Well, Kirkman did write the Jubilee mini-series in 616, and since Dazzler will presumably be gone after "Magnetic North", i'm guessing Jubes will step in to fill the role of the semi-disinterested smart-mouth who is only on the team for her own protection.

Well, less hostile than Ali, obviously. A bit more like Gert from the Runaways.

Or would that just defeat the purpose (especially considering the relative similarities in their powers)?
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At first I thought this was just another pointless peculation thread about who should join, but I'm glad you pointed out that kirkman said he would Ultimize a 616 character. I wouldn't mind see an Alpha Flight character. If I had to choose I would say Sasquatch. I like the idea of a battle of the heavy hitters. Personally, I would love to see Colossus and Sasquatch destroy everything within a two-mile radius.

Whatever it is I just hope that with the "Date Night" story line he doesn't make it a lovers quarrel and introduce some previously unknown relationship.
I hopeing that it's not anyone to "replace" anyone that has left the team. I hope the ultimization comes out of left field and there's no need for it other than he's a mutant who the X-Men have recruited because let's face it... I still don't understand why Xavier hasn't picked up anyone else. It's like he just stopped.
Who is the most popular 616 mutant that hasn't been Ultimatized yet? What about the classic ones, those who have been there since the early days of X-Men? It seems to me that most of the current UU characters are either calssics, populars or both. I'm guessing the new character will fit the pattern.

What about big name villains that haven't made an appearance yet?

Looking at Marvel Directory, here are the name that I see of what appear to be fairly classic X-Men who have yet to appear : Thunderbird (There is more than one, so let's say number 1!), Jubilee, Bishop and Marrow. Anyone of those is especially big in the 616 universe (seriously, I don't know)?
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Okay, I know probably a lotta' folks don't like their powers, but what about the Cassidy family? Maybe he'll make a Ultimized Sean Cassidy a.k.a, Banshee, or Siryn? I always liked Banshee for some reason...even though it's hard to believe how he flies...:?

I think, if there had to be someone to replace Dazzler, instead of Jubilee, maybe Boom Boom/Meltdown... ( I would hope they used the callsign Meltdown)

If it was a villain...Well, I don't think we've seen Pyro or Avalanche yet, have we? I freakin' love Pyro! :twisted:
XFactor said:
If it was a villain...Well, I don't think we've seen Pyro or Avalanche yet, have we? I freakin' love Pyro! :twisted:

Ooooh, Pyro is the only character I can think of who is significant in the X-Men movies but who didn't appear in Ultimate X-Men. UXM has a lot of the same sensibilities as the movies so we might have a winner, here.
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Introduce Siren/Syren (sp?). She would be cool.
Re: Who will be the new 616 character to get the Ultimate treatment in the next 9 iss

I think that if you're going to have a Banshee. Make it a chick. And Jubilee could be cool if different from her 616 self.
Re: Who will be the new 616 character to get the Ultimate treatment in the next 9 iss

thee great one said:
I think that if you're going to have a Banshee. Make it a chick. And Jubilee could be cool if different from her 616 self.
Why make Banshee "a chick", when there is one already. She's called Syrin. His daughter. SAME powers.
Re: Who will be the new 616 character to get the Ultimate treatment in the next 9 iss

I know but Banshee is such a girly name. They don't need a Siryn. Unless they're twins or something.
Re: Who will be the new 616 character to get the Ultimate treatment in the next 9 iss

thee great one said:
I know but Banshee is such a girly name. They don't need a Siryn. Unless they're twins or something.
I sort of agree with you TGO but I'm not gonna support it because I think Sex changes in the Ultimate Universe are ridiculous. But they shouldn't have named him Banshee in the first place.
There's a lot of talk about Banshee but we're forgetting one thing...........he sucks. :p

How about instead of a new X-Man......a new Ultimate villian??? Say maybe the Brood or Lady Deathstrike???

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