Y: The Last Man - series discussion (spoilers)

**** me. **** me with something long and sandpaperish. I did not see that coming at all.

At. All.

Here I am reading one of the greatest stories I've ever read, and then BOOM! The book has it all. Action, drama, horror, suspense, love, sci-fi, clones, cranberry sauce, etc.

I'm a seriously at a loss for words. I know my posts are a bit more intelligent than this....but **** me! Probably one of the greatest love stories I've ever heard of and then I get a twist....and then another predictable twist....and what seemed to be a happy conclusion coming...and BOOM!

I'm gonna go cry now....
:x I was seriously contemplating whether or not to start picking up the trades...now my mind has been made.
The #60 cover is fantastic... though it's a trick. It must be.
Too easy and unbelievably cheap. There's no way.
That cover freaks me out.

*curses the fact that he's only half-way through with the series*
Well you have until January or so before #60 ships. Unless you're an extraordinarily slow reader, I think you'll pull it off.

Yeah, I just caught up in about a week.

Wow. Great f'ing series. I'm actually kind of pissed at myself that I didn't just wait until issue #60. Now, I have to wait a whole two months to see the final payoff.

Well, I still have to catch up with 100 Bullets, so I'll be doing that in the meantime, I suppose. Can't wait to see how Y ends. :D
I haven't read any of the series, I', merely waiting for it to finish before starting, but if this is truely based on man's fantasy of being the last man on earth, that cover makes sense.
Yeah, I just caught up in about a week.

Wow. Great f'ing series. I'm actually kind of pissed at myself that I didn't just wait until issue #60. Now, I have to wait a whole two months to see the final payoff.

Well, I still have to catch up with 100 Bullets, so I'll be doing that in the meantime, I suppose. Can't wait to see how Y ends. :D

Yeah, I just started a new job, and got one of the guys I work with to check it out. Let him borrow the first 9 trades and the rest of the single issues up to the most current (#58 ). He's not a comic fan at all, but loves it.

Y - The Last Man is simply one of the best comic book series out there, especially for people who don't read comics.

TheManWithoutFear said:
I kind've see it as Yorick's actual future self after the events of the story and not as him dreaming/fantasizing. Guy's been through a lot. It's possible he looses a few marbles toward's the end.

The cover's definitely more symbolic than to reveal "hey, it was all in my head".

God, I hope so.
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I love how most (and maybe all) of the covers incorporate a Y into the artwork. It's quite unnoticeable in a lot of cases, but it's a nice touch.

I'm relatively certain Vaughan has something suitably surprising up his sleeve. I don't think we'll get any huge twists though. DC/Vertigo certainly wouldn't spoil the ending of one of the most critically acclaimed books in years months before it's even out.
Yeah, I just started a new job, and got one of the guys I work with to check it out. Let him borrow the first 9 trades and the rest of the single issues up to the most current (#58 ). He's not a comic fan at all, but loves it.

Y - The Last Man is simply one of the best comic book series out there, especially for people who don't read comics.
I've gotten at least three people in trouble at school because they were reading on of my Y trades while they were supposed to be taking notes.

I'm really surprised at how easily entranced non-comic fans are with the series.
I've gotten at least three people in trouble at school because they were reading on of my Y trades while they were supposed to be taking notes.

I'm really surprised at how easily entranced non-comic fans are with the series.

I'm right there with you. Besides Mark Millar's "Wanted" mini, "Y" was the easiest comic to get my girlfriend to check out, and once she had, it was impossible to pull her away from the trades/issues until she'd read up to the current issues.

Now with the series having only one issue left, I eagerly hope the movie ends up happening.

Speaking of which, #59 came out today. A bit underwhelming after last issue, but I think it'll serve as a nice bridge between #58 and the final issue. I'm dying to read it, but at the same time regret its almost over.
#59 was...........pretty bland compared to the dramatics we've been getting the past few issues.

Ciba and Natalya rescue Beth and Hero from Alter's foot soldier.

355 looks to be completely dead. Alter finally finds Yorrick and they fight. Yorrick puts up a pretty decent stance...but in the end gets his *** kicked. Fortunately for him he lands right next to Alter's dropped gun. They talk and Alter reveals that Dr.Mann's father wasn't responsible for the plague....it was the Culper Ring. 355 was just there to make sure Y didn't get to close to the truth. Of course this is all heresay since it seems Alter was just lying in order to infuriate Y into killing her.

That's been her reason for tracking Yorrick all along. She believes that she has a right to die in battle.....but it cannot be by the hands of a some random girl. It must be a man.

Y takes Alter outside and confronts Alter's troops. Alter makes some big speech and Y just bonks her on the back of the head with the butt of his gun and walks away.

Later on we find Hero and The Gang walking thru the streets and they see Yorrick just sitting at a fountain. He tells them the Israelis are gone.....and so is 355.

End issue.

With only one issue left, I'm so excited to see how BKV will wrap all this up. It's obvious we're not gonna get a "everybody lives happily ever after" kinda ending. And with this issue ending in conclusion...it only leaves #60 to be the wrap up issue.

But with only issue left and so many stories going on....how can something like this end? Maybe the cover to #60 isn't a red herring after all? Maybe in order to wrap all this up nicely (so to speak) it is all just a fabrication of his imagination.

God I hope not.....

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