Well-Known Member
ok, since i've now also become a mighty follower of YA, and Runaways....might as well as spot check them all....
[civil war #2]
here on the left hand side you have (Kate, Hulking, Wiccan)
as the cover that MWoF just posted [Daily Bugle]
on the left hand side you have the Young Avengers (Stature,Kate Bishop, Patriot, Hulking, Wiccan)
on right hand side you have runaways (Molly, Nico, Karolina, chase?/vic?)
the cover to [YA/Runawys Cross over 1]
on this cover you have (Wiccan {top left} and Nico {bottom right} with the leapfrog in the lower left corner)
the cover to YA/Runaways cross over 2 on this cover you have {front} Victor {back} you have Vision and Kate, with Karolina on the right hand side going into the next page {very back} you have a pic of the Pride hanging up on the wall
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