Avengers Young Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

It's a decent read that has lots of unexpected action, but Ensign America is the most interesting character. Every issue he does something surprising. He goes from angry guy to wreckless guy to drug guy to contrite guy -- I think he made up the whole "Uncle Josiah" story. Clever archer girl has the best lines and the most babe potential. I think Hulklette's job is mainly to tell Assgard "Billy (or Freddy or whatever) cast a spell!"
"I don't know how!"
"Just do it."
Poof: No more parents.

I also think the parents (Giant Ant Girl's mom made up the story about the heart problem, I'd bet) and the Avengers trying to shut the kids down is going to be a subplot for as long as this thing lasts. As for the future origins, Freddy and Billy are Wanda's kids.
Young Avengers #9

So what did you think about the new issue?
It focus most of all on Hulklings origin and we finds out that the woman he thinks is his mother is instead a Skrull that is there to protect him.
Speaking of the Skrulls, a Super Skrull shows up to take Hulkling home (because they say he is an Skrull) but get the **** kicked out of him by Hulkling.
Hulkling seems to have some connection to the Skrulls but is more powerful so he is different somehow. To bad we have to wait until next year to find out :(
I wonder what the connection is. I mean, if he was a Skrull, he would've turned back into one like his "mother". But he didn't. I do hate the fact that we have to wait 3 months for the next issue. At least there's the special next month...

Wow - I thought this was the best issue yet. I was thinking about dropping the book and getting it in TPB, but this issue convinced me to hold on.

This was totally loaded. Super Skrull? Teddy's mom a Skrull? Wow.

I don't think a series has ever pulled so many totally unexpected surprises as this has. Nothing I've ever read anyway. As soon as Teddy was said to be a shape shifter I (and I'm sure many others) immediately thought Skrull, but not that his Mom was a Skrull on some kind of secret mission! Apparently he's not a Skrull though, so we'll see what comes of that.

So I was very impressed with this issue. 4.5/5
Anyone catch the "she's not your mother", and "the empress told me to protect him"??

Anyone else expecting them to have Teddy be the child of the Skrull Empress and a Kree soldier???

either way.... I <3 him as a character.

Glad Patriot is back(ish)...

UltimateE said:
Wow - I thought this was the best issue yet. I was thinking about dropping the book and getting it in TPB, but this issue convinced me to hold on.

This was totally loaded. Super Skrull? Teddy's mom a Skrull? Wow.

I don't think a series has ever pulled so many totally unexpected surprises as this has. Nothing I've ever read anyway. As soon as Teddy was said to be a shape shifter I (and I'm sure many others) immediately thought Skrull, but not that his Mom was a Skrull on some kind of secret mission! Apparently he's not a Skrull though, so we'll see what comes of that.

So I was very impressed with this issue. 4.5/5
I didn't see THe Skrull coming. I should have. Shape Shifter, super strong, especialy with the skrull in Runaways a little bit back. Hell, I dind't even think Skrull in the pannel befor he was grabed up. I thought Impossible Man.

I think theres something wrong with me for that.

Good issue 7.5/10
Hmmm. I'm a fan of this, but I thought this issue jumped the shark a bit. All of a sudden I felt like I was reading Hudlin on MK Spidey, where the guy based on Superman, Ethan Allen, turns out to be a Skrull who is also in serioius denial about it and moaning for his mommy. And that was, like, two months ago.

It's like Hudlin, Hollywood guy, goes to Joe Gasbag and says "I'm stuck on the plot here" and Joe says "Throw in a Skrull."

And then this other Hollywood guy goes to Joe and says "I'm stuck on a plot point on my super-strong character's origin." And Joe says "Throw in a Skrull."

What's next? The traitor in the Ultimates turns out to be a Skrull?
John Q. Public said:
Hmmm. I'm a fan of this, but I thought this issue jumped the shark a bit. All of a sudden I felt like I was reading Hudlin on MK Spidey, where the guy based on Superman, Ethan Allen, turns out to be a Skrull who is also in serioius denial about it and moaning for his mommy. And that was, like, two months ago.

It's like Hudlin, Hollywood guy, goes to Joe Gasbag and says "I'm stuck on the plot here" and Joe says "Throw in a Skrull."

And then this other Hollywood guy goes to Joe and says "I'm stuck on a plot point on my super-strong character's origin." And Joe says "Throw in a Skrull."

What's next? The traitor in the Ultimates turns out to be a Skrull?

Mark Millar said:
I've finally decided to reveal the traitor since you might not get the next issue until 2010... It's Jarvis... But not the human Jarvis. It's Jarvis the Skrull!

JQ is Marvel for Skrull.
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John Q. Public said:
Hmmm. I'm a fan of this, but I thought this issue jumped the shark a bit. All of a sudden I felt like I was reading Hudlin on MK Spidey, where the guy based on Superman, Ethan Allen, turns out to be a Skrull who is also in serioius denial about it and moaning for his mommy. And that was, like, two months ago.

It's like Hudlin, Hollywood guy, goes to Joe Gasbag and says "I'm stuck on the plot here" and Joe says "Throw in a Skrull."

And then this other Hollywood guy goes to Joe and says "I'm stuck on a plot point on my super-strong character's origin." And Joe says "Throw in a Skrull."

What's next? The traitor in the Ultimates turns out to be a Skrull?
I agre Skrulls are lame. I didn't like the one in Runaways and now there's one in YA. Why? But I think Teddy's been a skrull from the get go. I don't think they just suddenly made him one. The origins of these characters were done when they were introduced.
TheManWithoutFear said:
But I think Teddy's been a skrull from the get go. I don't think they just suddenly made him one.

I agree. It does not seem the least bit forced to me.
icemastertron said:
Well, we can say that his "dad" is dead. His "mother" told him he died before he was born due to cancer. That's all we know.

Cancer? Teddy's Dad was the original Captain Marvel. I'm calling it right now.
Fuzzy Birds said:
Cancer? Teddy's Dad was the original Captain Marvel. I'm calling it right now.
We don't know if that's the truth or not. That what Teddy had told his friends when they asked him about his father.
Well I know over at Newsarama they did an interview with Joe Q. and said when asked if we will see captain Marvel and he said yes. He also said it was a captain marvel just not the dead one maybe yet and its not the one from Thunderbolts. he says its an already character in the marvel U. so it could be Hulking....
Ultimate Gambit said:
Well I know over at Newsarama they did an interview with Joe Q. and said when asked if we will see captain Marvel and he said yes. He also said it was a captain marvel just not the dead one maybe yet and its not the one from Thunderbolts. he says its an already character in the marvel U. so it could be Hulking....

That's where I'm basing my theory off. Teddy would technically be the new Captain Marvel if that's who his father was. A Skrull Captain Marvel? Cool.
Ultimate Gambit said:
Well I know over at Newsarama they did an interview with Joe Q. and said when asked if we will see captain Marvel and he said yes. He also said it was a captain marvel just not the dead one maybe yet and its not the one from Thunderbolts. he says its an already character in the marvel U. so it could be Hulking....
I'll take it.

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