Is anyone else praying that all the set photos of Pittsburgh in destruction is from the opening 40 minutes which will be HULK DOES MANHATTAN and Pittsburgh is filling in for Times Square?

Because that is what I'm praying for. Seriously.

Robert Downey Jr smashing the Hulk into a train station. Chris Hemsworth rescuing Chris Evans. Scarlett Johansson giving Hulk the "Mardi Gras" special.

Okay. That last bit is a little/lot pervy. But I want to see Chris Hemsworth lightning punch Hulk in the center of Times Square. Please please please.
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I want to see hulk say, "hammer tickle," and "Betty make Hulk horny!" as Prinze Jr. looks on in horror.
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Right... so we have an inkling as to what's going on in Pittsburgh.
Here's pictures of Cap clearly fighting what will most likely be Skrulls but definitely is not the Hulk.

It's cool but I'd prefer if they'd gone even further towards the classic outfit, especially the mask, especially stick-out wings on the side. I like what they did in terms of World War II suits in the current film but seeing Chris Evans in this would be awesome:

A realistic CGI version of him wears the classic costume in the videogame and it looks great there too.
It definitely isn't as powerful and manly as the WWII costume and the weird, pointless silver shoulder strap things will take some getting used to.

Not too bad, though.
Captain America shouldn't have pads that cover up his ears. I can see where it could make sense maybe on the battlefield, but to me it's just as bad as having the rubber ears.
Footage description

From D23, description of the footage shown. It sounds pretty cool so far...

Loki: I have an army.
Stark: We have a Hulk.

That's a pretty awesome.

One thing that did annoy me was the "two world class assassins, a living legend who actually lives up to the legend..." mainly because I'd rather be shown this was the case. We've not seen Hawkeye or Black Widow do anything amazing (okay, maybe Widow was pretty cool in IRON MAN 2), and I don't think Cap lived up to the legend in his movie. I dunno, it irked me. Reminded me of how in STAR TREK they told us endlessly what a tactical genius Kirk was and how amazingly smart Spock was, but Kirk never actually comes up with a genius plan ever and Spock never actually does anything smart (answering maths questions and using long words isn't being smart). And I wonder if, with so many characters, we'll just be told "person X is awesome" rather than have them do something really awesome. It might be okay if they had their own film, I mean Iron Man and Hulk definitely have gravitas. I dunno. I'm probably unjustified in my concerns.
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I've recently been watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer and my excitement level for The Avengers has risen a lot. I always knew Joss Whedon was a great writer but I never realised how great a director he was as well until I saw the episodes he had directed. He's very talented.
When do we get to see the footage so my concerns can be allayed? I worry until I see footage, then I cream my pants. FOOTAGE.

I have a foot-age fetish! BA DUM TISH!!!!
So I saw a video someone posted on the boards (which has since been taken down due to copyright ownership by Marvel) of some video game footage of the upcoming tie-in Avengers video game. Its basically a resume video by one of the CG artists working on the Avengers game (since mixed in with the Avengers footage was some FPS game footage and a singing rat montage?) It wasn't anything highly detailed (it was just character models interacting with unfinished scenery or fighting Skrulls), but Thor, Cap, and Hawkeye all appear. Thor is shown fighting what looks like a Super Skrull. Its interesting only because obviously the movie designs are inspiring the looks in the game, but apparently the Skrulls will look very similar to their 616 counterparts (at least according to this video).

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