Batman: Arkham Asylum

Ps3 exclusive = Joker

360 exclusive = Bruce Wayne's Aunt Agatha

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Batman: Arkham Asylum FreeFlow Blowout
We've got new info and a brand-new trailer all about fist-to-face combat.

am Batman. OK, I'm not really the Dark Knight, but this June everyone's going to get the chance to don the cape and cowl and take on the scum of Gotham City when Batman: Arkham Asylum comes to stores.

However, this game might not be the traditional Batman experience you're banking on. Sure, you're going to be dressed like a badass and using gadgets to take down bad guys, but in this title, the Joker has locked Batman in Arkham and let every crazy out of his cell. What's this mean for Batman's fighting style? Frantic, close-quarters combat, friend. FreeFlow Combat is the feature developer Rocksteady has been touting as the key to separating Batman: Arkham Asylum apart from previous Bat-inspired experiences.

What is FreeFlow Combat? Well, we know it'll let you engage tons of enemies at once, but rather than us stumble through trying to describe it, we've got the video below and an interview with Game Director Sefton Hill.

Video and interview here :
Figures, right when I get hyped about this game and think "oh, it's only two months away", damn it
Swine Flu. People are too afraid to go out to buy the game and they don't want it to effect sales.

Quick Mole grab you suit and call you fellow "Allegiance of Heroes." Then tell the game Producers that they shouldn't give up hope just yet. That they must stay strong and have faith in the world consumers. (and make sure one of your teamates, I mean partners brings a fan to help make you cape flap in the wind.)
Quick Mole grab you suit and call you fellow "Allegiance of Heroes." Then tell the game Producers that they shouldn't give up hope just yet. That they must stay strong and have faith in the world consumers. (and make sure one of your teamates, I mean partners brings a fan to help make you cape flap in the wind.)


gives me more time to play ghostbusters till batman is out.
I played a demo of this game at Best Buy last night. Wow, it's fun. And so fluid. Damn, I wish this weren't pushed back.
Yes! I like the new look she's got, Her voice is good too. i think this game will be pretty fun. Glad she's in and been waiting tosee footage as she's my favourite dc villain.
Here's a better look at Poison Ivy.

I'm very bothered by the red shirt, yet leaf thong. It just looks weird, there should be some sort of consistency
I'm very bothered by the red shirt, yet leaf thong. It just looks weird, there should be some sort of consistency

You do realize, sometimes, (well a lot of times for me and girlfriends in my experience) girls actually do the blouse and panties thing for comfort, right?

Secondly, she's a plant, she'd need her leg stalks bare for any kind of rooting.

And how do you know it's a thong? I don't see a back in that picture.
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