Well-Known Member
Civil War # 1
So, we start with the New Warriors scene I'm sure everyone's seen already, resulting in Nitro blowing up near a school. Then New Avengers and the X-Men are clearing the scene and looking for survivors with firefighters, there's Iron Man, Cap, Falcon, Goliath, Iceman (did he get his powers back after HoM?), Spider-Woman, Luke Cage, Thing, Marvel Girl, Cyclops, Colossus, Wolverine, She-Hulk, Ms Marvel and Human Torch that I can see. Iron Man and Cap talk about how the NW were in over their heads and Cap says F.E.M.A. estimates 800-900 casualties. Marvel Girl clears out a big pile of rubble and rescues a damily trapped under. Two Sentinels are watching over and Wolverine's pissed about them. Goliath and Ms Marvel have a short conversation, G saying the government's gonna come after every super-human and Ms Marvel saying maybe they're right.
She-Hulk appears on Larry King that "training them up and making them carry badges souns like a reasonable response". There's a memorial service for the victims and after it a woman whose son was killed spits on Stark and starts yelling at him how, although he has nothing to do with NW, he's funding this sort of thing and showing a bad example, saying "the blood of my little Damien is on your hands right now".
Human Torch is going into a bar with a girl and a mob outside attacks him accusing him of being a "babykiller". One guy smashes him on the head with a bottle before he can defend himself and they're all going at him. Then we're cut to a news report that says these attacks have been happening around New York.
Cut to the Baxter Building, where there's a gathering of super-humans. Present are Reed, Sue, Thing, Dr Strange, Wolverine, Spider-Woman, She-Hulk, Cyclops, Falcon, Iron Man, Yellowjacket, Luke Cage, Wasp, Nighthawk, Patriot, Hulkling, Stature and whatshername (the Bishop girl from YA). Reed tells Strange that he's one of the few post-humans the government might make an exception on. Iron Man is quite clearly for the registration act, while Patriot talks about going on strike and Reed shoots him down. Falcon seems against the act, Yellowjacket for. Spider-Man turns up and says the act might drive a lot of supers to "hang up their tights", while Sue says being public's never been a problem for the FF.
Cap meets with Commander Hill on the SHIELD helicarrier, where Hill wants to know what the general concensus among the supers is and expects Cap to "handle" the ones who oppose. Hill wants the Avengers rooting for the registration act and Cap leading them. When Cap doesn't see things her way, Hill brings in a hit squad armed with tranquilizer guns and they try to take Cap down, but Cap manages to escape.
The Watcher is present at the Baxter Building, and Strange explains "he only appears to record moments of great change and enormous upheaval. His presence now does not bode well."
Outside the White House there are people protesting with banners like "Justice for Damien". The president is worried that with Cap "going underground", every superhero who disagrees suddenly has a figurehead. Present with Bush are Iron Man, Reed and Yellowjacket. Iron Man: "You push ahead with registration as planned, gentlemen. Leave Captain America to us."
To be continued...
Hope it's readable and comprehensible.
So, we start with the New Warriors scene I'm sure everyone's seen already, resulting in Nitro blowing up near a school. Then New Avengers and the X-Men are clearing the scene and looking for survivors with firefighters, there's Iron Man, Cap, Falcon, Goliath, Iceman (did he get his powers back after HoM?), Spider-Woman, Luke Cage, Thing, Marvel Girl, Cyclops, Colossus, Wolverine, She-Hulk, Ms Marvel and Human Torch that I can see. Iron Man and Cap talk about how the NW were in over their heads and Cap says F.E.M.A. estimates 800-900 casualties. Marvel Girl clears out a big pile of rubble and rescues a damily trapped under. Two Sentinels are watching over and Wolverine's pissed about them. Goliath and Ms Marvel have a short conversation, G saying the government's gonna come after every super-human and Ms Marvel saying maybe they're right.
She-Hulk appears on Larry King that "training them up and making them carry badges souns like a reasonable response". There's a memorial service for the victims and after it a woman whose son was killed spits on Stark and starts yelling at him how, although he has nothing to do with NW, he's funding this sort of thing and showing a bad example, saying "the blood of my little Damien is on your hands right now".
Human Torch is going into a bar with a girl and a mob outside attacks him accusing him of being a "babykiller". One guy smashes him on the head with a bottle before he can defend himself and they're all going at him. Then we're cut to a news report that says these attacks have been happening around New York.
Cut to the Baxter Building, where there's a gathering of super-humans. Present are Reed, Sue, Thing, Dr Strange, Wolverine, Spider-Woman, She-Hulk, Cyclops, Falcon, Iron Man, Yellowjacket, Luke Cage, Wasp, Nighthawk, Patriot, Hulkling, Stature and whatshername (the Bishop girl from YA). Reed tells Strange that he's one of the few post-humans the government might make an exception on. Iron Man is quite clearly for the registration act, while Patriot talks about going on strike and Reed shoots him down. Falcon seems against the act, Yellowjacket for. Spider-Man turns up and says the act might drive a lot of supers to "hang up their tights", while Sue says being public's never been a problem for the FF.
Cap meets with Commander Hill on the SHIELD helicarrier, where Hill wants to know what the general concensus among the supers is and expects Cap to "handle" the ones who oppose. Hill wants the Avengers rooting for the registration act and Cap leading them. When Cap doesn't see things her way, Hill brings in a hit squad armed with tranquilizer guns and they try to take Cap down, but Cap manages to escape.
The Watcher is present at the Baxter Building, and Strange explains "he only appears to record moments of great change and enormous upheaval. His presence now does not bode well."
Outside the White House there are people protesting with banners like "Justice for Damien". The president is worried that with Cap "going underground", every superhero who disagrees suddenly has a figurehead. Present with Bush are Iron Man, Reed and Yellowjacket. Iron Man: "You push ahead with registration as planned, gentlemen. Leave Captain America to us."
To be continued...
Hope it's readable and comprehensible.