Dark Reign Pre-Release discussion (Spoilers).

Like I said, I have low expectations about this, but it just occured to me:

Norman Osborn has the general populace of the MU, or at least America under mind control.

I refuse to believe that people in the MU are so stupid to unanimously accept Osborn, a known sociopath, as one of the most powerful men in the world. For goodness sake, Hawkeye went on national television and told America just how stupid that is. Norman has used something (maybe it's his unknown associate, maybe it's a machine he stole from the Skrulls or something) to make the general populace accept him. He hasn't used it on the heroes or president because he either wants the pleasure of destroying them himself or only a certain amount of people can be controlled at a time.

And now I'm excited about this again against my better judgement. Darn my speculating mind.

We had George W Bush as President and Darth Cheney as VP for EIGHT YEARS, and Norman Osborn being head of SHIELD bothers you?
Not to mention the public buying into the Iraq war, desert storm, vietnam, cuban missile crisis, bay of pigs invasion and gulf of tonkin incident to name a few.

Need I mention Project MKULTRA?
We had George W Bush as President and Darth Cheney as VP for EIGHT YEARS, and Norman Osborn being head of SHIELD bothers you?

Niether of them were known sociopaths and murderers who bombed their own arreignments.

To quote TV Tropes:

let's remember the President's conversation with Osborne, which basically boils down to "We've learned from dealing with Tony Stark that giving too much power to just one person is asking for failure. Therefore, let's take all the power we'd given him -and then some- and hand it to you."

Maybe I'm an optimist, and I know the MU has been sheeple before, but that's more then a little hard to swallow.
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