Heroes seasons 1 & 2 series discussion [spoilers]

Re: Heroes *Spoilers*

Not necessarily. We don't know if his regeneration needs food or water.
Law of conservation and thermodynamics. In order to grow things back your body would need to grow more cells, and for that you need food to fuel it. Also you need energy it more, breathe and think, without food you'd run out. Now he could last a lot longer than most, but at one point it just gets too ridiculous.

Possibly. Although, as soon as that casket opened, he'd regenerate just like Peter and Claire did when their brains were impaled.

Not if too many cell died, everyone who has been dead, were only dead a few hours, not weeks. At one point everything would die.
Re: Heroes *Spoilers*

Nope. Peter's blood doesn't work that way. He mimics the healing abilities of Adam and Claire, his blood doesn't actually have them. Otherwise, why would he have needed Adam to heal Nathan in the first place?

Because Peter is a total n00b. He has no idea what any of his powers can do ever, let alone how to use them. For example - if he had played a single game of D&D the first thing he would've done when Hiro and Parkman and Victoria told him Adam was super-evil, he'd have read Adam's mind and never taken him to Odessa.

He's a n00b. So when Adam says his blood can heal Nathan, Peter doesn't think his can - because he's a goddam retard.

He has to be. Because his powers make him too powerful for the show, so instead of creatively limiting Peter's powers ("He can only use their powers if they're in his proximity" for example), they have to write him stupid in order for him to not end the entire plot each episode he shows up in.

Peter's blood does work that way, I'm positive. He doesn't use it because of bad writing.

My biggest problem with the series is that every episode, I find myself yelling "you idiot just do THIS with your powers!" at least two or three times. Hiro never teleports out of anything, Peter never reads minds, Micah never stops anyone else's car engine and Monica can't do **** all.

Exactly. It's so frustrating. Sometimes, it's really well handled because it reaffirms the fact that these guys are really like a fish out of water - they can't process their powers. But a lot of the times, it's stupid. By now, a lot of characters have reliable, controlled access to their powers (or aspects of their powers) and it's silly to have them still not get it.

I get annoyed when a character can do X all the time, but when X would help end the story, suddenly they can't.

Peter is the biggest culprit of this poor writing, whereas I think Hiro is probably the most consistent of the cast.

Speaking of Micah, is anyone else getting really sick of characters being all surprised that he can use his power to do things, and them him just smiling and them finding it really cute?


But I'm not surprised. Everyone but Hiro reacts the same way upon discovering their powers. The show is terribly repetitive.

Calling a few things:

- Angela Petrelli has the same powers as Peter. That's why she can use Telepathy when Matt's around... Perhaps they're more limited with her, more of Early Season One Peter Petrelli Level...

I don't think she does, simply because of her line in the future about how "Peter is the most powerful". I think she'd've used it by now. On the other hand, if she can only use another hero's power while they're around, that would be awesome: That's how Peter's power should work. It makes perfect sense. Because if that was the case, in the first season finale, it would be the reason why he'd explode: Sylar has so many powers and Peter can't control them, and so: BOOM. And Sylar, because he "knows how things work" would know that would happen. It works because Peter immediately becomes as powerful as the villain, but Sylar becomes more terrifying because he knows how to use Peter's "stalemate ability" it against Peter.

- Linderman is alive. Angela used his own healing powers to fix him.

- She was on the phone with Linderman.


Probably wrong, but if I'm right, i want everyone to know how awesome I am.

I would love to see Linderman again - but he got it in the brain. This show continually states: You get it in the brain, you dead fo'evah. :|

No. Here's who I think it is, but be warned.... I'm almost positive I'm right.
Future Peter, and they'll be an episode down the line from his point of view where he has to do it.

That's a brilliant idea. So good, I'd think they could've shown it right now and it would've worked amazingly well.

Alright, dug up a few. . .interesting things. These are spoilers for Volume III, so read if you dare.

Nikki: Nikki's dead. Gone. Woosh.

. . .but Jessica isn't. :shock:

I thought so.

I want to see Bob fight someone and turn them into gold.

So do I. File this under: "Why the hell don't they use their powers when it's appropriate?" (Turning the door to his office to gold would've stopped Niki from getting to him.)

As for my thoughts on "Powerless".

First of all, "Written by Jeph Loeb" means very little. A lot of time on TV, a script will be written a couple of times by a writer, then re-written by the entire writing staff and the original writer still gets full credit. This may sound horrible, but I'm certain very little of Jeph Loeb really made it to the screen - I say this because the caliber of writing in this episode was higher than his comics work.

Anyhow - if it was all him, kudos, it was pretty damn good. Some of it was, for certain (namely the line about how parents can never stomach the pain of their children).

The episode was half awesome: it didn't go far enough.

Hiro puts Kensei in a coffin: why? Why not take him 20 years into the future? How cool would it have been to have Hiro teleport Adam into Times Square and disappear? Then Adam screams, "DAMN YOU HIRO! DAMN YOU!" and he realises that his voice echoes. There is no one in Times Square. Is he in the plague-ridden NY? No. He's really not. And then, walking up to him, surrounding him, is Future Hiro. Future Peter. Future Nathan. Future Parkman. Future Sylar. And Future Hiro says, "We've had 5 years to plan for this. We know how to put you down." And cut away.

That would've been awesome.

Monica is totally useless.

Maya, Molly, Mohinder (what's with the ****ing M's?), Elle and Sylar's scenes were all very good.

I loved Nathan flying Parkman. That was great. As was Hiro teaming up with them all again. But I got annoyed by n00b Peter and his inability to read people's minds.

It was all pretty good.

The safe is exciting. A friend of mine pointed out that the dagger on display in the safe is the same as the dagger St Joan is carrying on the cover of the 9TH WONDERS comic and he's bloody well right.

Noah showing up is good (no more emo Bennets) and it's probably him who shot Nathan. They should've shown the assassin's face. If it's someone we know - it's awesome no matter who it is. If it's someone we don't know - show us so that we don't waste time guessing. The reason I want to be shown is this season BEGAN on a "whodunnit" so it's stupid it ends that way.

But as I say - this show can be terribly repetitive.

The one problem?

Nathan doesn't die.

Multiple reasons: One - unless the Haitian is there, it's ****ing stupid that neither Parkman nor Peter read the assassin's mind.

Two - If they kill Nathan it's not an effective tactic. "Touching" Nathan as it were is an effective tactic - killing him is not. Because that only reinforces Parkman and Peter to expose the company. It's a silly move.

But if the Company sent hitmen and shot Peter, Parkman, and Nathan in the head (so they can't come back) - that would've been ****ing awesome. (And terrible too.)

Three - Peter can heal Nathan. Or Claire can. Or Adam. I can imagine Peter rushing to Hiro demanding to know where Adam is so he can heal Nathan again. Hiro won't say, Peter pulls the information from Hiro's mind, frees Adam, heals Nathan, and lets Adam go free as payment. Parkman got hit with five bullets in the gut and he's fine. Nathan cannot die in this fashion unless the Company goes to extreme lengths to prevent Peter, Claire, or Adam from healing him (The Haitian is a possibility). But yes - Nathan can't die from the gun wounds alone. If he does, I will be ****ing disappointed in the writers as this sets a precedent of them cheating with their show's rules whenever they need to, and only further reinforces the idea that they're not thinking things through when they invent a power.

That and Nathan is pretty much one of my absolute favourite characters in the show. Him taking charge of Parkman and Peter as the "team leader" was a ****ing superb moment and I want more of them.

Adrian Pastar is one of the better actors in the show and I don't want to see him gone.

But on a story level - unless they make a BIG deal out of it, Nathan has to come back. Anything else would be contrived.

But not a bad episode.

I think though, the end for volume three - Sylar should've crushed the spinach can and tk'd the spinach into his mouth while the POPEYE theme tune played. ;)

Actually, I feel he should've used Candice's illusion powers as we'd know for certain if he had them.

Good episode all in all. Satisfying, if frustrating.
Re: Heroes *Spoilers*

Pretty decent episode. Better than Volume One's finale, if only by virtue of the dumb Peter vs. Sylar fight.

Instead of an anticlimactic showdown this season, what we seem to have gotten instead was a lot - and I mean a lot - of setting up for future events. Virtually the only resolved plotline was the virus mess, and that was such an insignificant part of the season, it barely matters (I'm not saying plotwise, because in that respect, it sort of dominated the second half - I'm saying "I really couldn't care less"-wise). Instead, Nathan is shot, Niki is burned up, Adam is buried alive, and Peter proves once and for all that he is far too powerful for his own good. None of these are bad things, of course, (well, maybe the last one is) but none of them are resolved (you'd think death for any character would be a resolution, but now that we have Claire's blood, it's up in the air as whether any of them are actually, in fact, dead), and rather they all set things up for Volume Three, "Villains" (let's hope that the villains aspect of "Villains" is more fulfilling than the generations aspect of "Generations"), and good God, there were three parentheticals in that sentence.

There were a few really good things this episode. Elle is swiftly becoming one of my favorite characters, although I was actually gunning for Sylar to kill her. Maya is of course alive, but hopefully Sylar will rectify that soon. Speaking of Sylar - he is AWESOME. He ruthlessly manipulates Mohinder, Maya, and even Molly in order to get what he wants. Great stuff. Adam was great, but Sylar was just all kinds of awesome in this episode. And something tells me he won't be defeated so easily.

Speaking of Adam - I think he'll be back. Angela seems to think a bullet to the brain will kill him, but it doesn't add up; he says when he first meets Peter that if the company could have found a way to kill him, they would have. If they could just shoot him in the brain, why wouldn't they? I personally think Adam's power is to be immortal - he just can't die. Which means that, eventually, he'll break out. Of course, I could be completely wrong on this, but I don't get the impression that his power's are the same as Claire's (well, actually, maybe they are - who's to say she's not immortal?).

All in all, a pretty decent episode. This season (or half season, or whatever it turns out to be) was just kind of lackluster as a whole, and it pales in comparison to the first. The pacing just seems to have been off the entire time, right down to the ridiculously cheesy ending montage sequence. Let's hope that after the writer's strike, the Heroes scribes can dust themselves off of all the bad ideas of this season, pick up their pens, and write a phenomenal third volume.
Re: Heroes *Spoilers*

Law of conservation and thermodynamics. In order to grow things back your body would need to grow more cells, and for that you need food to fuel it. Also you need energy it more, breathe and think, without food you'd run out. Now he could last a lot longer than most, but at one point it just gets too ridiculous.

I'm not sure that applies to magic blood. :wink:

Not if too many cell died, everyone who has been dead, were only dead a few hours, not weeks. At one point everything would die.

The brain dies only several minutes after the body does. Everybody who's come back has been dead for far longer than several minutes.

Bass said:
Peter's blood does work that way, I'm positive. He doesn't use it because of bad writing.

The reason I don't think so is because Peter is a mimic. He needs to recall those abilities. Once his blood leaves his body, there's nothing to recall. . .his brain is no longer attached to his blood to recall the healing property. Of course, I could be wrong, but that's how I see it.
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Re: Heroes *Spoilers*

Bass I completely agree
I'm not sure that applies to magic blood. :wink:
The Blood is just has super white blood cells and things of that sort, not really magic.
The brain dies only several minutes after the body does. Everybody who's come back has been dead for far longer than several minutes.
I'm not talking about the brain, I'm talking about the white blood cells, the cells that makes the white blood cells, and the fuel for the cells that makes the white blood cells. Once those go, Adam would be dead and all the cells will decay to a point where its un heal-able.

The reason I don't think so is because Peter is a mimic. He needs to recall those abilities. Once his blood leaves his body, there's nothing to recall. . .his brain is no longer attached to his blood to recall the healing property. Of course, I could be wrong, but that's how I see it.

I see it like that too.
Re: Heroes *Spoilers*

The Blood is just has super white blood cells and things of that sort, not really magic.

We don't know that, though. It's all just speculation. Technically, Claire and Peter shouldn't have come back after their mishaps because it had been too long.

I'm not talking about the brain, I'm talking about the white blood cells, the cells that makes the white blood cells, and the fuel for the cells that makes the white blood cells. Once those go, Adam would be dead and all the cells will decay to a point where its un heal-able.

Maybe, but we also don't know if the fuel ever runs out. Especially since its very likely that Adam will be returning
Re: Heroes *Spoilers*

Maybe, but we also don't know if the fuel ever runs out. Especially since its very likely that Adam will be returning

The fuel has to run out. Matter can't be created or destroyed. Maybe his body doesn't need food, maybe it can draw in and use nitrogen molecules in the air for fuel, or something like that, but if they try to say he's just conjuring matter, that'll be silly.

And either way, he still needs oxygen to keep that brain running.
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Re: Heroes *Spoilers*

The fuel has to run out. Matter can't be created or destroyed. Maybe his body doesn't need food, maybe it can draw in and use nitrogen molecules in the air for fuel, or something like that, but if they try to say he's just conjuring matter, that'll be silly.

And either way, he still needs oxygen to keep that brain running.
Exactly, there has to be a point of no return or else its just stupidly unrealistic. There's a certain believability with these powers and they really shouldn't push it. If he last longer than two months, I will see that as way over the top of believability for this show.

EDIT: Also I don't like what Hiro did to Adam. It doesn't feel right. It's a cool twist, but I just can't imagine Hiro would do that to his parent's grave. I was thinking that he would leave Adam in prehistoric with the dinosaurs (also for filling that Mendes painting). Or at least have a final one on one showdown. It's cool, just doesnt fit with me
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Re: Heroes *Spoilers*

So in the vault there was the crooked dagger someone already mentioned, a brain, a hand of cards embedded in glass, and a horse statue with a house on its back. Look for all these items in the future.

I'm pretty sure both Nikki and Nathan are still alive. They both got Claire/Adam blood injections. How long do they retain their healing abilities?

When did Nikki get an injection? Mohinder stopped to fight Sylar on the way to get to her.

I want to see Bob fight someone and turn them into gold.

I was expecting him to Midas touch Mohinder in that one episode where Mohinder was whining and slamming him against the wall. Anyway, Bob is one of the few people who could kill or permanently injure Adam or Claire.

Law of conservation and thermodynamics. In order to grow things back your body would need to grow more cells, and for that you need food to fuel it. Also you need energy it more, breathe and think, without food you'd run out. Now he could last a lot longer than most, but at one point it just gets too ridiculous.

Not if too many cell died, everyone who has been dead, were only dead a few hours, not weeks. At one point everything would die.

Please, any logic went out the window a long time ago. Claire regenerated after hours in a river with a stick in her brain. She regrew her entire skin and an enormous portion of muscle from nowhere after being burned. Noah got his brain grown back after getting shot and left that way for a while.

So here's my theory about what Noah's doing. He can't fight the company anymore. He's going to be actively working for them and trying to help as many innocents as he can without going against the company. Meanwhile, he'll be slowly and carefully spreading the seeds of the company's eventual destruction, beginning by starting the countdown on ticking time bomb Elle. He can't do anything aggressive that would provoke the company.

Assuming this analysis is correct, it would make sense for Noah to be the one who shot Nathan. It's not an order he could disobey--he has no leeway with the company right now, keeping the secret is incredibly important, and it's not like he could pretend to assassinate Nathan on live TV. Plus, I don't think Noah would see Nathan as an innocent.

I'm almost certain that Noah killed Nathan.

You know what's sad? I think watching Elle go off to fight Sylar was the first time I've been really afraid for a character and cared whether they lived or died. I love Elle and I'm so happy she survived. I think she's the best new character and probably my favorite on the show right now. Honestly, I was afraid I'd hyped up Bell too much and would be disappointed after the first episode with Elle, but now I realize that that was just stilted writing--beneath both the character and the actress.



I swear I got a little chill when "Volume Three: Villains" showed up. This is gonna be good.
Re: Heroes *Spoilers*

The fuel has to run out. Matter can't be created or destroyed. Maybe his body doesn't need food, maybe it can draw in and use nitrogen molecules in the air for fuel, or something like that, but if they try to say he's just conjuring matter, that'll be silly.

And either way, he still needs oxygen to keep that brain running.

Exactly, there has to be a point of no return or else its just stupidly unrealistic. There's a certain believability with these powers and they really shouldn't push it. If he last longer than two months, I will see that as way over the top of believability for this show.

I'm just saying don't count it out. Science, outside of Mohinder's research, hasn't really stopped the writers before.

EDIT: Also I don't like what Hiro did to Adam. It doesn't feel right. It's a cool twist, but I just can't imagine Hiro would do that to his parent's grave. I was thinking that he would leave Adam in prehistoric with the dinosaurs (also for filling that Mendes painting). Or at least have a final one on one showdown. It's cool, just doesnt fit with me

Fill the Mendez painting? But that happened already. In the museum. Hiro turned to a replica of a T-Rex, sword in hand. As for a final showdown, that's coming, I guarantee it. And its going to harden Hiro. I don't think he can escape the fate of hardened, humorless Future Hiro.

Speaking of Future Hiro. . .I'm having a hard time believing Hiro isn't supposed to mess with the past. Future Hiro did it. Peter does it by hoping to the future then returning. Why is Hiro so concerned about it?
Re: Heroes *Spoilers*

I'm just saying don't count it out. Science, outside of Mohinder's research, hasn't really stopped the writers before.
It should

Fill the Mendez painting? But that happened already. In the museum. Hiro turned to a replica of a T-Rex, sword in hand. As for a final showdown, that's coming, I guarantee it.
I recall hearing that the creators said it would happen, I may be mistaken, but I like the idea of stranding Adam in prehistoric times
Speaking of Future Hiro. . .I'm having a hard time believing Hiro isn't supposed to mess with the past. Future Hiro did it. Peter does it by hoping to the future then returning. Why is Hiro so concerned about it?
This is the way I see it. Hiro can only direct deal with things in front of him, he can freely interact with what he considers the past as long as the outcome will be the same. This is why Future Hiro didn't just show up and Kill Sylar, He simply gave and "out-of-time" message to Peter. He didn't physically force Peter at all, he left this one message so that all the Heroes still have to make the choice themselves.

When Hiro or Peter went to the future, they weren't changing their pasts, merely seeing what the current future outcome is like, They have not made their choices.

It's hard to properly explain, so let me putting it like this, they can't change their pasts but the can change their future, according to their perspective.
Re: Heroes *Spoilers*

It should

Maybe. But, I think its too late to start injecting scientific realism into the show.

I recall hearing that the creators said it would happen, I may be mistaken, but I like the idea of stranding Adam in prehistoric times

It wouldn't be a good idea due to the Butterfly Effect. Remember Ben punching that dinosaur in UFF? Same concept.

As for the painting. . .

Re: Heroes *Spoilers*

Speaking of Future Hiro. . .I'm having a hard time believing Hiro isn't supposed to mess with the past. Future Hiro did it. Peter does it by hoping to the future then returning. Why is Hiro so concerned about it?

Hiro can "mess with the past" but I don't think he's really able to affect it directly. He's been able to influence Adam/Kensei and Peter in various ways but he was unable to save Charlie or his father. Of course, you could argue that Kaito made his own decision in the matter, but still...

Random said:
It should

Why? If the writers let science stop them from deveolping any kind of storyline, I don't think we would have much of a story to begin with. Shows like Heroes, Journeyman and a myriad others (and comic books/sci fi/fantasy for that matter) deal with mostly theoretical science, anyway, so the sky's the limit and the rules can be bent/broken to fit the storyline.
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Re: Heroes *Spoilers*

I like the idea of stranding Adam in prehistoric times

The problem with that is then Adam isn't 400 years old, he is about 6000000 years old when he finally returns. And he will have had all that time to get it right.

But that would also bring more similarities to my Adam = Apocalypse thoughts. The guy is eternal, wants to refresh the Earth to make it stronger, and for a comment he made in the last episode, was starting to think he is a God.. Stick him back to prehistoric times to hone his skills, increase his knowledge, influence events how he sees fit as he knows the future... we have the makings of a mini En Sabah Nur...
Re: Heroes *Spoilers*

When did Nikki get an injection? Mohinder stopped to fight Sylar on the way to get to her.

She got an injection by Mohinder; that's how he knew the old vaccine didn't work.

Of course, that injection didn't have Claire's blood and thus, Niki never got Claire's blood. So you are right - but she did get an injection. Just not one with Claire's blood.

I was expecting him to Midas touch Mohinder in that one episode where Mohinder was whining and slamming him against the wall. Anyway, Bob is one of the few people who could kill or permanently injure Adam or Claire.

Probably doesn't work on people. :|

You know what's sad? I think watching Elle go off to fight Sylar was the first time I've been really afraid for a character and cared whether they lived or died.

I get that feeling every time Sylar squares off against a villain.

Sylar and Hiro are the best things the show has. Sylar is SUCH a good villain that even when he has NO powers, he's still scary as hell.

Tour de force. Sylar will probably be remembered for all time as one of the best TV villains ever - unless he does something ****ing stupid.

The problem with that is then Adam isn't 400 years old, he is about 6000000 years old when he finally returns. And he will have had all that time to get it right.

But that would also bring more similarities to my Adam = Apocalypse thoughts. The guy is eternal, wants to refresh the Earth to make it stronger, and for a comment he made in the last episode, was starting to think he is a God.. Stick him back to prehistoric times to hone his skills, increase his knowledge, influence events how he sees fit as he knows the future... we have the makings of a mini En Sabah Nur...

Yes. I made two n00b suggestions to my friends when watching this episode.

First; I said that Peter should've just used DL's powers to phase through into the safe. A friend pointed out there may be no air. If I were Peter, there's a good chance I'm dead now.

Second; I'm Hiro and I send Adam into the prehistoric pangea times. A friend pointed out too, that now Adam is a billion years old and now I have to face TWO Adams. If I were Hiro, I'd've probably killed me.

Re: Heroes *Spoilers*

I get that feeling every time Sylar squares off against a villain.

Sylar and Hiro are the best things the show has. Sylar is SUCH a good villain that even when he has NO powers, he's still scary as hell.

Tour de force. Sylar will probably be remembered for all time as one of the best TV villains ever - unless he does something ****ing stupid.

And HRG.

But yeah, I agree.Even if the show winds up staying in suck mode, I think Sylar will be remembered.

Second; I'm Hiro and I send Adam into the prehistoric pangea times. A friend pointed out too, that now Adam is a billion years old and now I have to face TWO Adams. If I were Hiro, I'd've probably killed me.


Or, he could have wiped out humanity long ago, winning battles that were previously lost, killing world leaders, or spreading the Bubonic Plague to all corners of the globe.
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Re: Heroes *Spoilers*

Why? If the writers let science stop them from deveolping any kind of storyline, I don't think we would have much of a story to begin with. Shows like Heroes, Journeyman and a myriad others (and comic books/sci fi/fantasy for that matter) deal with mostly theoretical science, anyway, so the sky's the limit and the rules can be bent/broken to fit the storyline.
I'm willing to allow things go, but there's a point where it just becomes silly and completely unrealistic and that won't fit the tone that Heroes set up. I really don't want healing to automatically equal permanent immortaty no matter what the circumstance. I just don't want it to become like wolverine being blown up to just about nothing but his skeleton and complete regenerating from nothing. They should always attempt to bring these powers into a more realistic setting. Now if they can create a damn good story from something outlandish
The problem with that is then Adam isn't 400 years old, he is about 6000000 years old when he finally returns. And he will have had all that time to get it right.
I knew I was going to get this reply. The thing is its more likely he would of died by now, whether by being eaten by dinosaurs, in the presence of barbarians, or by people who would see him as a devil. Not to mention the psychological impact of being alone for millions of years. Logically (that being the key word) He'd be long gone probably before homo sapians ever showed up.
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