Star Wars General Discussion (dedicated to Houde)

Just finished the Tarkin novel. Easily the best of the new canon novels I've read (though I've only read three so far). Was great seeing Vader and Tarkin working together and developing a begrudging respect for each other.

Now onto Lords of the Sith.
Yeah, Tarkin is great. It reads a little bit like a history book, which is fine because there is a ton of world building, and I loved the call backs to The Clone Wars and
Tarkin suspecting Vader of being Anakin
. Easily my favorite. Lords of the Sith is a close second though.
Yeah, Tarkin is great. It reads a little bit like a history book, which is fine because there is a ton of world building, and I loved the call backs to The Clone Wars and
Tarkin suspecting Vader of being Anakin
. Easily my favorite. Lords of the Sith is a close second though.

Yup. It is a bit dry at times, but that's usually countered by brilliant writing and characterization for both Tarkin and Vader. And I loved Tarkin working out
who Vader was

Just started Lords of the Sith last night so only a couple chapters in, but I suspect when I'm done Tarkin and LotS will rank as my favorites also.
Yup. It is a bit dry at times, but that's usually countered by brilliant writing and characterization for both Tarkin and Vader. And I loved Tarkin working out
who Vader was

Just started Lords of the Sith last night so only a couple chapters in, but I suspect when I'm done Tarkin and LotS will rank as my favorites also.

You think Teller will ever come back? I bet he'd be pretty upset to find out Tarkin died. I'd imagine he'd be happy that it was Tarkin's pride and arrogance that killed him though.

If your favorite part of the Darth Vader comic is Sheev and Anakin's relationship it will be. Absolutely great interactions. There were mistakes throughout though unfortunately. Sixes should be Fives for instance. It's just some simple errors like that though.
You think Teller will ever come back? I bet he'd be pretty upset to find out Tarkin died. I'd imagine he'd be happy that it was Tarkin's pride and arrogance that killed him though.

I kind of like that they left it open ended. Allows the author (or another author) to write a sequel or at least reuse Teller. I'd prefer a sequel, though, that focuses on Tarkin in the intervening years leading up to the Death Star's completion and ANH. Tarkin is an interesting character, and seeing him navigate the political and ideological eddies of the Empire in his rise is a lot of fun.

If your favorite part of the Darth Vader comic is Sheev and Anakin's relationship it will be. Absolutely great interactions.

I am looking forward to that.

There were mistakes throughout though unfortunately. Sixes should be Fives for instance. It's just some simple errors like that though.

Huh? What's that a reference to? Not the Clone Trooper "Fives", right?
I think I figured out why I didn't enjoy the Star Wars trailer. It's not that anything was wrong with the content, but rather that every trailer I have seen for any movie lately has been complete garbage. I don't really watch them like I used to and they've changed a lot in format. I remember when I saw Ant-Man that the trailers were giving me headaches because of how it just overloads you with visual and noise without really telling you anything. It's a telling sign that this is the best trailer I have in a long time. It was put together for free at the last minute and it blows away anything I've seen in years. I think Everest was the worst. I almost had to walk out. It literally just starts throwing words at you with loud bangs each word. I started to feel ill. There's no subtly or story to it anymore. "Come see our movie even though you don't know anything about it! MONEY!"

Finished Servants of the Empire #4. Expect Zare to return to Rebels.

I kind of like that they left it open ended. Allows the author (or another author) to write a sequel or at least reuse Teller. I'd prefer a sequel, though, that focuses on Tarkin in the intervening years leading up to the Death Star's completion and ANH. Tarkin is an interesting character, and seeing him navigate the political and ideological eddies of the Empire in his rise is a lot of fun.

I am looking forward to that.

Huh? What's that a reference to? Not the Clone Trooper "Fives", right?

I'd love for a new Tarkin book. One set during A New Hope would be cool. See how he runs the Death Star at full operation.

Yes, Clone Trooper Fives. It's during my favorite scene though so I'm not going to spoil it.
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Yes, Clone Trooper Fives. It's during my favorite scene though so I'm not going to spoil it.

What is this spoiling?

I like how the comic is sort of rewriting the relationship between Palpatine and Vader. It's not retconning anything but it's expanding on it in a way I wasn't expecting.

Similarly I like how Leia is sort of being redefined as a stronger female character. I'm in the middle of Moving Targets and while there's nothing majorly significant in it it does a good job of explaining her reluctance as a figurehead for the Rebel Alliance and the idea of people dying in her name.
There's a scene near the end of Lords of the Sith where Fives is accidentally called Sixes. I don't want to say what is going on in the scene though because it is a great scene. I was just mentioning it because the Order 66 arc in The Clone Wars is one of the best the show ever did.

I absolutely love Sheev and Anakin. They just keep trying to out do the other, but Vader has to come running back like the little lapdog he is while Palpatine just berates him.
I just finished Moving Targets and it was pretty good.

There were a couple major things - one was that it is revealed that
Leia and Nein Nunb are the ones who stole the shuttle Tydirium which is used in RotJ
. Also she talks extensively about
Poe Dameron to General Ematt, saying he is young and headstrong
Started Aftermath. I'm having a hard time getting through it. Just very hard to care especially with repeating parts like ""Yes!" She had said yes.". The story just isn't very interesting either.

Kanan continues to be the best comic. Loved learning about the master and it's heartbreaking knowing she doesn't make it out.
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I made a thing

I made a thing



It was a little much. Great ending though.

I'm halfway through Heir To The Jedi and it's boring. I don't understand what the point of this book is.

It was a little much. Great ending though.

I'm halfway through Heir To The Jedi and it's boring. I don't understand what the point of this book is.

My main problem with Lost Stars is I absolutely loved Thane, but could not stand the girl who's name I'm not going to butcher by trying to spell. I don't get Imperial sympathizers. She knew what the Empire was doing was wrong, but kept doing it anyway. I get that it's the whole "the Nazis were just following orders", but we got so deep in her head and how conflicted against it she was and, what really sealed it for me, was when she was fully prepared to go down with the Destroyer over Jakku only to suddenly be okay with abandoning the Empire when everyone thought she was dead. Coward. I loved that we got all those moments chugging through the OT though and it was cool getting more info on Jakku, but a romance is only as strong as it's leads.

Heir to the Jedi sucks too lol. The Journey Luke book was twenty times better and was basically the same character development.
Carrie Fisher on Her Return to 'Star Wars'

There's been some debate recently about whether there should be no more merchandise with you in the "Return of the Jedi" bikini.

I think that's stupid.

To stop making the merchandise?

The father who flipped out about it, "What am I going to tell my kid about why she's in that outfit?" Tell them that a giant slug captured me and forced me to wear that stupid outfit, and then I killed him because I didn't like it. And then I took it off. Backstage.
Abrams explains why Leia isn't a Jedi in The Force Awakens...

I agree with Leia not taking up the Jedi training, and staying as a leader (or THE leader) of the Rebel Alliance/Resistance. She was always the pragmatist, the one largely calling the shots for the Rebels, etc. I never took her for one who'd take to the more mystical/spiritual aspect of Jedi training. She seems too grounded and stubborn, in a sense.

I'm glad she's grown as a character while not becoming something unrecognizable (a Jedi Leia wouldn't have felt right). Now, Leia as leader of the Resistance, the politician, tactician, diplomat, warrior, general... I've always seen her as that, so it really does seem like a natural progression.
I'm about 1/4 through Battlefront: Twilight Company and it's probably the best written of the new canon books outside of Tarkin, but there seems to be a lot going on that doesn't seem to have anything with the game. I'm not able to tell if it's supposed to or not.

Got my tickets for the 18th, too.
The Star Wars Annual #1 makes reference to Senator Nadea Tural, who was introduced in one of the Star Wars - Rebels Magazine comics ("Senate Perspective").

I do love such minor continuity nods. :)

I'm about 1/4 through Battlefront: Twilight Company and it's probably the best written of the new canon books outside of Tarkin, but there seems to be a lot going on that doesn't seem to have anything with the game. I'm not able to tell if it's supposed to or not.

Got my tickets for the 18th, too.

Other than the Battle of Hoth and Battle of Sullust, they don't even cross over much (the book and game). And even then, the only crossover aspect is the involvement of the squad from the novel in those battles.

But, no direct crossover elements, which does kind of suck.
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The Star Wars Annual #1 makes reference to Senator Nadea Tural, who was introduced in one of the Star Wars - Rebels Magazine comics ("Senate Perspective").

I do love such minor continuity nods. :)

I do too, even though I had never heard of that (or him).

Other than the Battle of Hoth and Battle of Sullust, they don't even cross over much (the book and game). And even then, the only crossover aspect is the involvement of the squad from the novel in those battles.

But, no direct crossover elements, which does kind of suck.

The *only* crossover I've noticed so far is a guy hands a blaster to someone and it's one of the blasters from the game.
I do too, even though I had never heard of that (or him).

A "her". If you're interested in reading them PM me.

The *only* crossover I've noticed so far is a guy hands a blaster to someone and it's one of the blasters from the game.

Thats what I meant, there isn't any real crossover aspect other than the fact both cover a couple of the same major battles, Sullust and Hoth.

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