Ultimate Annuals previews (several merged threads)

I really wasn't trying to make it into anything... I was just saying that, in a thread before I said that they should put a hold on all of the ultimizations, and I was simply making an exception to my opinion.
Tanday Bowen (AKA Dagger) has surely made an off-panel appearance in Ultimate Spiderman. I don't remember which arc off the top of my head, but there was a large banner in the hallway at school that said "Vote Tandy Bowen for class president" (or something to that effect).

My vote is for Shadowcat as Peter's new girlfriend. The silhouette is wearing a skirt. Gwen would not wear a skirt. Felicia Hardy has short hair as Felicia Hardy; as the Black Cat she wears a wig like the one in the picture and a leather catsuit that is devoid of a skirt. The silhouette appears to be floating, the hair is not expressing movement; Liz may wear a skirt but she can't float. Tandy Bowen has not shown her actual face so I have no way to judge her. Shadowcat floats, wears a skirt (her X uniform is a skirt), has appeared in the pages of Ult Spiderman, and has expressed love interest in Peter. Shadowcat it is.
mrpopstar said:
My vote is for Shadowcat as Peter's new girlfriend.
Just as anyone else has guessed, this is highly not going to happen. Kitty just got hooked up, and for Bendis to just take that apart would be stupid and pointless. Yes, Kitty has mentioned she loves Spider-Man, but like I said before, it's one of those love things as another girl loving Brad Pitt or Orlando Bloom, or whoever.

mrpopstar said:
The silhouette appears to be floating, the hair is not expressing movement; Liz may wear a skirt but she can't float. Tandy Bowen has not shown her actual face so I have no way to judge her. Shadowcat floats, wears a skirt (her X uniform is a skirt), has appeared in the pages of Ult Spiderman, and has expressed love interest in Peter. Shadowcat it is.
You should know by now that you can't judge what will happen in the story by what's on the cover. Just cuz something happens on the cover, doesn't mean it's going on inside the issue.
Goodwill said:
What if the girlfriend is a complelety new character?
Did the solicitations not say something along the lines of a "character familiar to Ultimate Spidey fans"?
Mark Millar said:
Yep, these are going to be good.

I actually LIKE annuals. When I was a kid growing up in the eighties, I saw annuals as very high profile and high prestige. This is where you maybe had Alan Moore and David Gibbons do Superman together in an extra-sized, movie-style format that was twice the size of a normal comic. This is where the big boys would get a crack at these characters, writers and artists who were normally too busy or too slow to handle the monthly books. They just felt special.

They were diminished a lot in the 90s with cheap crossovers an those terrible THEME annuals ("this year's summer annuals will all explore the concept of guilt and redemption"), but the two Brians and all I all had a chat about these before we agreed to do them. First of all, we all agreed that the only thing linking them together should be that they're all ****ing great and secondly, we took the first couple of FF annuals as our template in the sense that the annual (more pages, more money) should be a little more special than a regular issue of the monthly. Something BIG has to happen here, just as big things happened in the past; whether it was the wedding of Reed and Sue or the big conclusion to Alan Moore's anton Arcane storyline.

It's not my place to give away the details of the other two annuals, but my own will feature a brand new super-team in The Ultimates, made up entirely of new characters and having been put together by Nick Fury for a reason you probably shouldn't hear about until you've read issue six later this month. The UFF annual is pretty unusual for me in that we're dipping into old Marvel characters (as opposed to just creating new ones and new situations) and doing the Ultimate Inhumans. It's a new take on the characters and I think you'll dig it, especially when you see the glorious artwork of Mister Jae Lee on these characters again. I was an absolute pain in the arse with Marvel regarding ythe artists on my two books, knocking back seven different proposed artists until I got the ones I wanted. Like I said, these have to be big and special and the artists had to be A-list if readers are being charged extra cash for the story.


Source: Millarworld.com

Err... was this posted already? :?
Possibly. The last paragraph sounds familiar. :?
Well, I like the fact that Millar is treating the Annuals with a certain prestige and dignity, as I don't think any others besides the ones on them would treat them. I am looking forward to these and let's hope they don't come out on the same day...
I don't know if its been mentioned, but its possible that Fury's new super team has been designed to police other US super heroes. It's possible that the Defenders and Pym create a huge snafu and this is the response to that.
Bass said:
I don't know if its been mentioned, but its possible that Fury's new super team has been designed to police other US super heroes. It's possible that the Defenders and Pym create a huge snafu and this is the response to that.

ooooh.... I like that Idea. I like that Idea a Lot.

I would guess it wouldnt be limited to US Superheroes... Fury would be bold enough to take on International superheroes with a secret team.

I'm still holding out for the Howling Commandos.
Fighting fire with fire, huh? Sounds like a typical war general... I like that idea. Now, I'm not familiar with all of the teams or whatever, but the Hawkeye/ Fury team sounded cool because it could be a self-contained story and something could definitely happen so that the team would have to re-unite for an issue if they existed in the past.
Originally Posted by Mark Millar:

"It's not my place to give away the details of the other two annuals, but my own will feature a brand new super-team in The Ultimates, made up entirely of new characters and having been put together by Nick Fury for a reason you probably shouldn't hear about until you've read issue six later this month.

This seems to indicate that timeline wise the Ultimates Annual will occur after Ultimates 2, or at least after #6.

Originally Posted by Bass:

I don't know if its been mentioned, but its possible that Fury's new super team has been designed to police other US super heroes. It's possible that the Defenders and Pym create a huge snafu and this is the response to that.

I also really like that idea, and think its a very likely possibility.
DIrishB said:
Originally Posted by Mark Millar:
Originally Posted by Bass:
I like how you didn't use any quote-specific formatting for the "originally posted" sections, and how it feels like you just put Bass on a level with Mark Millar. :D
Well, what if Fury finds out that the Hulk is still alive? This prompts Hank to leave and begin the Defenders, meanwhile the Ultimates have trouble on their hands with something in the Middle East and Fury is forced to call upon new heroes to stomp both the Defenders and the Hulk...
roguefan said:
What if Fury is creating The Avengers?
No way that name is gonna be used in the UU.

Hopefully we'll see the team on the cover, or at least hints to who's on the team on the cover, when the previews come out this weekend or the next.
I reckon the cover may have the Ultimates looking forward, with a shadow of the team members behind them, as though the two teams are looking at each other. If you've seen the cover for UXM #58 you'll know what I mean.

And I think The Avengers will be used. Maybe, just maybe, this new team will make The Ultimates leave Fury.
Goodwill said:
Well, what if Fury finds out that the Hulk is still alive? This prompts Hank to leave and begin the Defenders, meanwhile the Ultimates have trouble on their hands with something in the Middle East and Fury is forced to call upon new heroes to stomp both the Defenders and the Hulk...
That actually makes a lot of sense. Cool.

But I think it'd be more interesting if what would essentially be an Ultimate Hulkbusters (With Added Defenders Stomping Action!) was under the command of someone other than Fury. Millar seems to be going with geopolitical angst within the Ultimate Universe, sure but as much as Fury and the Ultimates are facing the rising wave of "superhuman envy" that is the source of many non-American nations' insecurities, I doubt that is what Fury concerns himself with.

Sure, Fury cares about the kind of PR the Ultimates generates, but policing the world's superhumans doesn't seem to be as important to him as say making sure crazy nurses don't eff up the superhuman projects of his European allies and trying to justify the 500-billion dollar budget needed to support the Ultimates.

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