Ultimate Central: The Fanfic - Volume 7

What is happening on 6/16/2007?!


That got me giddy like a schoolgirl.
It better
Sounds cool! Great cover too. :D
Gee who made that extremely great cover, I wonder who


What is that a trailer for?!
... meow...
What is happening on 6/16/2007?!


Why 6/16/2007 is the anniversery of when you were all first graced with my presence here.
My nipples are erect
Just dont ruin this by posting a picture
Ultimate Houde shook his head.

Ultimate Houde: I think you are making a big mistake. If you value the life of your men, you will back off and let us leave the city.
General: I remember the day you killed my father, the greatest warrior to ever live in this place. And now, you come here, and expect me to back off Ultimate Houde, I hardly doubt that.
Ultimate Houde: When I defeated your father, I didn't even have my sword, and now I have two.

Ultimate Houde brought the two swords in front of him, and went to activate their powers.

Nothing happened.

Ultimate Houde: Skotti?
Skotti: Can't produce a spear or teleport, been trying while you were talking.
Ultimate Houde: I guess we are going to have to do this the hard way then.

He smiled.

Ultimate Houde: You want me so bad, come get me.

The General charged, his loose robes revealing two blades of his own, jittes to be precise. Bringing the up, they connected with the blades of Ultimate Houde's katanas. The two warriors faced off.

General: Without your powers, you are nothing!
Ultimate Houde: Whatever.

He headbutted the general, then brought a knee into his groin region.

Ultimate Houde: Now I just fight dirtier.

The General laughed at him. Kicking out and jamming Ultimate Houde's knee, wrenching it. Without his powers, Ultimate Houde felt the pain much worse than before. He dropped to one knee, and received a kick to the face. The General laughed, spinning the jittes in his hands.

General: You are nothing without those powers of yours, are you.

Ultimate Houde didn't answer with words, instead actions. He brought an elbow up quickly, hitting the General on the chin. Gritting against the pain of his wrenched knee, he followed through with the hit, smashing the hilt of his sword against the General's face, breaking his nose. Ultimate Houde spun around, kicking, hitting the General in the body, and knocking him into a nearby house. Ultimate Houde then charged, his swords extended, seeking to impale the General.

General: While you may be fine, what about your girlfriend?

Ultimate Houde turned to look, and saw Skotti, beaten, and propped against a wall. She had blood coming out of her mouth.

Ultimate Houde: She isn't my girlfriend.
General: I'll still kill her if you don't come peacefully.
Ultimate Houde: Fine.

Ultimate Houde stopped his charge, and dropped the swords to the ground. He immediately was punched in the back of his head, and as the blows came down, and he passed out, he swore he heard the General mention about the money he would get from the Emperor for this.


Cover by Random

Rene and Ultimate Bigby want to restart the Avatars, but to do so they'll need a place of operations, and they found the place for this, the abandoned mansion of the former hero, Doc Comic. Ultimate Houde and Skotti are surrounded by soldiers in Pholus, while Widdle_Wade and Ultimate Quicksilver go to talk to so leaders of a small South American Country. Are these events the beginning of the end, or merely the start of a new beginning?



Volume 7, Issue 52, By Ultimate Houde

As alarms rang out, both Ultimate Bigby and Rene ran towards the Mansion of Doc Comic. As the neared the doors, both of them slowed down as they saw impossible beasts head to intercept them.

Ultimate Bigby: Is that….a panda shark?
Rene: I think so….and that one looks like a Lion giraffe….

On top of a giraffe's body was a giant lion's head, which roared in defiance athe two intruders. Next to it was a Shark's head, and a fin, on the back of a giant Panda. It was happily eating bamboo.

The giraffe-lion roared, and grabbed the bamboo out of the panda-shark's hands and threw it at Rene, who caught it. The panda-shark looked at him, roared, and charged, along with the giraffe lion.

Ultimate Bigby: I can't move, they are so hideous.
Rene: Fine, I'll burn them.

Rene caused fireballs to form in his hands, and released them. The fireballs lit the grass on fire, and when this happened, both Centralites heard the voice of Doc Computer.

Doc Computer: Fire on grounds, this is unacceptable, turning on sprinklers.

Sprinklers shot on, and the wet mist doused the fireballs of Rene.

Rene: What? Sprinklers take me out? I have that type of weakness?
Ultimate Bigby: I guess I'll have to take care of them.

Ultimate Bigby stepped forward, and his eyes glowed a fierce green. He focused his powers, and sent out a blast of pure radiation into the giraffe-lion. The blast hit, knocking the giraffe lion backwards, and into the grass.

Doc Computer: High levels of radiation spotted on grounds. Initializing the protocol for safety.

Two Doc Robots came out of the mansion doors, one heading towards the panda-shark and now dead giraffe-lion, and the other heading towards Ultimate Bigby and Rene.

Rene: They look so cute. So tiny and non-threatening.

Now, both of these people were hardened superheroes, and one of them has already been dead once, and didn't want that to happen again. Plus, they have seen anime, where anything cute could actually be extremely dangerous, so they did what was sensible, they ran for their lives.

Doc Robot: Come back human-like people. I must protect you from radiation.
Ultimate Bigby: I think it wants to eat us!
Rene: Look what it did to the panda-shark!

One of the robots had given the panda-shark a new piece of bamboo, and then encased the panda-shark in a radiation suit. It ineffectively tried to get the bamboo in its mouth. The Doc Robot then went and put a radiation suit on the dead giraffe-lion.

Ultimate Bigby: The humanity….
Rene: The doors are open, let's punch it!

The two heroes managed to get through the mansion doors before they closed again. The lights were off, but Rene flames his hands for some light. They saw torches, and a long hallway that looked like it was from a cave.

Rene: I've seen something similar to this before….
Ultimate Bigby: I did too. It was called Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.
Rene: Oh yeah.
Ultimate Bigby: Now, all we need is the classic dart trap and we'll be all set.

Ultimate Bigby took one step into the hallway/cave, and heard something click.

Ultimate Bigby: We need to really stop activating all these traps.

They ran as darts shot from one side of the hallway to the other.

Small Town in South America

Widdle_Wade: That was good food.

Him and Ultimate Quicksilver's hosts where two beings with powers as well. Blacksword looked like a typical noble, he had a spiky goatess, his hair was jet black and slicked back, and he wore the best suit on this side of the equator. His friend was Shadowprime, someone who wore all black because he looked cool in it, and he expected everyone to realize that.

Widdle_Wade patted his stomach as he leaned back in his chair. He hadn't had good old fashion meal since becoming a super powered being. It felt good to eat meat that was drowning in gravy and mash potatoes smothered in butter, and they weird dish with the crunchy things.

Blacksword: I never knew someone to enjoy sugared crickets that much Wade
Widdle_Wade: Well, they were good, and needed. There's not many places for someone like us anymore, if you know what I'm saying.
Blacksword: Ah yes, the new Emperor of the World I presume, or will be soon even if he isn't now. He is very strict about the handing out of powers I know. One day, me and Shadowprime here expect to have enough power to rival even him.
Widdle_Wade: How did you two get your powers?
Blacksword: On that day that the Moon disappeared, and rained down from the sky, me and Shadowprime were granted powers, and we stayed with our powers. One day, we hope to be able to expunge the stain that is that new Red Star out of the sky.
Shadowprime: One day, maybe, if he threatens us.
Blacksword: Which hasn't happened yet.
Ultimate Quicksilver: You're too small at the moment, insignificant to him, in every detail, maybe you'll achieve our status of the criminal elite one day, and he'll maybe take the two minutes it will take to crush you.
Shadowprime: I think they did.

Balancing a dagger on his fingers, Shadowprime smiled in an arrogant way.

Shadowprime: Don't forget, we rule around here.
Ultimate Quicksilver: Please, you only rule because no one here has the gumption to beat you
Widdle_Wade: Man Quick, everywhere we end up, you always insult people, and you know what happens? I always get hurt. Everytime.
Ultimate Quicksilver: You have a healing factor, you've dead five times at least, I think you can take a few hits and punches.
Widdle_Wade: I still feel the pain numbnuts, got it? Pain still hurts.
Ultimate Quicksilver: You worry too much.

Then, the massive wooden table that held there meal was thrown at them. Widdle_Wade, of course, took the blow, while Ultimate Quicksilver simply vibrated his molecules so fast, the table went through him. He stood there and looked at them.

Ultimate Quicksilver: Of course you can try to beat us, but man, was that stupid of you
Blacksword: You came here to take our kingdom!

He held out his hands, and a purple glow surrounded them

Ultimate Quicksilver: Kay, dude, don't think just cause we don't like you means we are going to take your pathetic kingdom from you. We don't care about this place, at all
Blacksword: How can you have powers, and not care about ruling people with them?
Ultimate Quicksilver: All I care about, is living day to day with the least amount of effort, and you are seriously pissing me off in that regard, you know that Mr. Blacksword.

Ultimate Quicksilver went to move, but found out he couldn't. Looking down, he saw an unnatural black shadow extend from him to Shadowprime. Shdaowprime held up the dagger, and smiled.

Shadowprime: Vibrate now.

He threw the dagger, but instead of hitting the chest of Ultimate Quicksilver, it was caught by the hand of Widdle_Wade, who pocketed it.

Widdle_Wade: See, everytime, I GET HURT!

Pulling out an uzi, he shot at Shadowprime. The man moved, causing the unnatural shadow to break, and freeing Ultimate Quicksilver, who sped up and hit Blacksword in the face, knocking the arrogant noble down.

Ultimate Quicksilver: Grab on.

Widdle_Wade held out his hand, which Ultimate Quicksilver grabbed, and they ran out of the woods, and into the village center.

Widdle_Wade: I have a massive splinter in my intestine. I bet it's infected too. That wood didn't look too healthy looking.
Ultimate Quicksilver: It never fails to surprise me, a hypochondriac with a healing factor.
Widdle_Wade: Sorry for being paranoid, okay.

He pulled out the splinter, and tossed the six inch stick it to the ground. As the two of them went to walk away, they noticed a long shadow extend from a nearby house, and the two rulers step out. Ultimate Quicksilver turned around long enough to be blasted by a purple beam.

Widdle_Wade: HA! You got hurt this time!

Comsopolis Police Station

Moonmaster: Freedom of the press! Freedom of the Press! You need to let me inside to interview the inmate!

Moonmaster was with a bunch of other reporters, all of them trying to get inside the police station to get the exclusive interview with the former Subnic member.

Chief of Police: I'm sorry, but the prisoner is too dangerous to allow that! No one gets an exclusive!
Moonmaster: Chief! Chief! You remember that story I wrote about you this past fall?
Chief of Police: Yeah, it was very short, and the whole time rhymed with Randy, which isn't even my name.
Moonmaster: But it expose that you sir do in fact, have a fine and dandy
Chief of Police: I don't even know what that means!
Moonmaster: Well, my story won awards and exposed the corruption in your department, if you want a repeat, then fine, don't give me the exclusive!
Chief of Police: Listen Rockafella, this is out of my hands and is being handled by the US. Government. Try to use your wiles on them, okay?
Moonmaster: Shouldn't be too tough sir.
Chief of Police: I'm watching you Rockafella! Alright everyone, get off the street and outta out hair. Come on now, move it move it move it!
Moonmaster: So, he thinks he can keep me out. I could probably run circles around the US. Government, but that would take too long, instead, I think I need to get the exclusive another way.

Doc Comic's Mansion

Rene and Ultimate Bigby made it to the control room of Doc Comic's mansion, or should it be called, Deathtrap. They had a the hallway of darts, the pitfalls into spikes, a room filled with killer mosquitoes, a room that the ceiling would drop into the floor, and a room, which they presumed was a kitchen, that had a giant oven that attacked them.

Rene: This is getting ridiculous, I mean, how paranoid was this guy.
Ultimate Bigby: Makes me wonder how we are going to live in here.
Rene: I think there's another trap coming up.
Ultimate Bigby: Why?
Rene: Really, would this guy really label a room called The Main Control room? Come on.
Ultimate Bigby: I would actually expect it in this place.
Rene: That can't be the control to the building.

The huge room had one small computer desk in the corner, with a tiny computer resting on it. Ultimate Bigby went over to investigate.

Ultimate Bigby: It has three questions on it. It says Doc Comic's security questions, answer the three correctly, and earn a prize.
Rene: Is this guys for real? We are both computer genuses, let's figure this out then.
Ultimate Bigby: Okay, the first question is what's the name of Doc Comic's first girlfriend?
Rene: Um…can't we hack the system instead of answering the questions?
Ultimate Bigby: I don't think so, the computer doesn't seem to be connected to anything.
Rene: So, how can we do this?
Ultimate Bigby: Answer the questions I guess. Come on, pick a name…
Rene: I don't know, Irene?
Ultimate Bigby: No, it's got to be something stupid, not an actual name, I mean, the computer is called Doc Computer, the robots are Doc Robots, the murderous oven was called Doc Oven, so….
Rene: Doc Irene?
Ultimate Bigby:NO! Doc girlfriend!
Rene: I follow you now….Doc Girlfriend, go for it.

Ultimate Bigby typed in Doc Girlfriend in the question. The computer beeped.

Doc Computer: Correct answer, instead of being incinerated, you must fight the wolf-bats.

A ceiling panel opened up and three, quite dead, wolf-bats fell to the ground.

Rene: Weird…I guess he forgot to feed them.

A Doc Robot came out another panel, and swept up the three dead genetic monstrosities, and went back into the panel, which closed behind them.

Doc Computer: Congratulations on defeating the wolf-bats.
Ultimate Bigby: The second question is up…What is Doc Comic's mother's maternal name.?
Rene: Use you PDA you always have on you to find out.
Ultimate Bigby: Gotcha.

Ultimate Bigby pulled out his PDA, and typed in a search. It came back.

Ultimate Bigby: Well, according to this it's Smith.
Rene: Well, type it in.
Ultimate Bigby:I think I'm going to type in Doc Smith. I'm noticing a pattern let's just say.

Ultimate Bigby typed in Doc Smith, and waited.

Doc Computer: You have answered correctly, now you must faced the deadly natives of the Mayan Ruins!

A panel opens up but no one comes out. Rene goes over to look inside. He sees a poker table set up, and for Jungle Natives sitting a poker table, smoking cigars, and betting. One of them looks up at Rene, shrugs, and presses a button on the wall, which closes the door.

Ultimate Bigby: Were they dead too?
Rene: Playing poker. What's the last question?
Ultimate Bigby: What is the name of Doc Comic's first pet?
Rene: Doc Irene?
Ultimate Bigby: I'll just do a search again.

After a few moments.

Ultimate Bigby: According to wikipedia, it was a Golden Retriver.
Rene: So, Doc Dog?
Ultimate Bigby: Or Doc Canine.
Rene: Go with Canine, it begins with a 'C' like Comic does.

Ultimate Bigby typed in Doc Canine, and waited.

Doc Computer: You have answered correctly, and have gained access to Doc Comic's security system. Have a nice day.

The walls in the massive room open up revealing the massive glory that was Doc Computer. Ultimate Bigby and Rene drooled.

Ultimate Bigby: Time to get to work on this.
Rene: Now, let's have some fun.

Somewhere else

UltimateDJF: Why are we here again?

UltimateDJF was holding Baxter's hand as they walked towards a circus tent.

Baxter: No reason…no reason.
UltimateDJF: Are you sad?
Baxter: Nope, got something in my eye, that's all.
Rene: I've seen something similar to this before….
Ultimate Bigby: I did too. It was called Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.
Rene: Oh yeah.
Ultimate Bigby: Now, all we need is the classic dart trap and we'll be all set.

Ultimate Bigby took one step into the hallway/cave, and heard something click.

Ultimate Bigby: We need to really stop activating all these traps.

They ran as darts shot from one side of the hallway to the other.


UltimateDJF: Why are we here again?

UltimateDJF was holding Baxter's hand as they walked towards a circus tent.

Baxter: No reason…no reason.
UltimateDJF: Are you sad?
Baxter: Nope, got something in my eye, that's all.

I took him to live on a farm. Where there were lots of geese for him to chase...

Good goin Houde.
:lol: :lol:

That was really cool. I like that Widdle Wade is a hypochondriac. That's very clever.

But the Doc Comic stuff is brilliant. The panda sharks and wolf-bats and the jungle natives. Home run, man! :D
Doc Computer: You have answered correctly, now you must faced the deadly natives of the Mayan Ruins!

A panel opens up but no one comes out. Rene goes over to look inside. He sees a poker table set up, and for Jungle Natives sitting a poker table, smoking cigars, and betting. One of them looks up at Rene, shrugs, and presses a button on the wall, which closes the door.

Ultimate Bigby: Were they dead too?
Rene: Playing poker. What's the last question?

Coming Next Wednesday!

The rollout continues. Various Centralites are around the globe, but events are conspiring to make them collide. Iceman and Hawkeye101 follow a strange map to a supposed buried treasure that gives it's wielder strength. Ultimate Houde faces down one of the E-Men, and even without his powers manages to get in a hit or two. And lastly Baxter must save UltimateDJF from a fate worse than death.

Becoming a Goth.

Tune in for Ultimate Central the Fanfic #53: Friends.

Cancel my subscription.

I am against all goths.

Except the visigoths.

Because they'd eat me.
Outside Comsopolis, in a small town called Tinyville

UltimateDJF: I like circus, the horses are funny looking!
Baxter: Those are called elephants
UltimateDJF: Horses are called elephants?
Baxter: No, elephants are completely different.
UltimateDJF: There's more than one type of horse?

Baxter and UltimateDJF were at the circus, Baxter having brought UltimateDJF here for a reason. The ringmaster, a short plump man who exuded an oilyness about him, was in the process of introducing the next act.

Ringmaster: Ladies, Gentlemen and people from other worlds, the next duo of extremeness need a volunteer, who dares to volunteer to participate in their next act! It will be terrifying, it will be death-defying, and it will require someone of extreme strength to carrying it out!

UltimateDJF, still giddy from the clowns, wasn't paying attention to what Baxter was saying, if he was, he may have been able to catch it for himself. He did notice Baxter stand up.

Ringmaster: I see we have someone who wishes to volunteer!
Baxter: Actually, I'm volunteering my friend here, he's to shy to do it himself.
UltimateDJF: You have other friends?

The green giant looked around, and the crowd laughed.

UltimateDJF: Whose your other friend?
Baxter: It's you, get up there.
Ringmaster: Come on down!

People, thinking was all part of the act, cheered on UltimateDJF. He walked down to the stage, scared, and acting like a lost puppy. As the Ringmaster took UltimateDJF to the middle of the stage, Baxter made his way to the exit. As he left the circus, he counted the money, a finder's fee the Ringmaster called it, for finding him a new and improved Strong Man for the circus. Baxter did feel sort of bad about it, but without UltimateDJF around, his life would be easier, and easier was always good for him. As Baxter walked away to try to convince himself he did the right thing, an anguished cry came from the circus, as UltimateDJF cried about losing his friend.

Baxter kept his head down, and moving.


Iceman and Hawkeye101 are on the trail of a lost artifact, but how did Iceman receive this map? Moonmaster tries to get his exclusive interview with the now imprisoned Watcher, but something is amiss. Rene and Ultimate Bigby have found there way to the Doc Computer, but can they reprogram it in time to save Ultimate Houde and Skotti from being captured by the E-Men?



Volume 7, Issue 53, By Ultimate Houde

In the Midwest

Hawkeye101: You know something?
Iceman: What?
Hawkeye101: Enhanced eyesight sucks in caves.

The duo treasure hunters continued their quest to find the missing Awesomenity Gauntlet, following the strange map that Iceman received in the mail.

Iceman: Really? I figured it would be better, allow you to see more and stuff.
Hawkeye101: If there light around, I would be able to, but man, without light, it blows.
Iceman: Really, you can't see in the dark.
Hawkeye101: Yeah
Iceman: You got a sucky power then.
Hawkeye101: At least my power isn't the same as everyone else's. I mean four people can control the cold as of now, oh gee, at least mine is original.
Iceman: One word, Watcher. He could see in this cave and all.
Hawkeye101: Speaking of the Watcher, have you seen him lately?
Iceman: Naw, he was suppose to come but he said something bigger came up. If he was here, he'd be *****ing about Houde, that's for sure.
Hawkeye101: Wait…up there…I see something. I think its light. Odd though…
Iceman: What's odd about it?
Hawkeye101: It's a torch, lighted, who would light a torch?
Iceman: There's nothing odd about it at all.
Hawkeye101: You know, combine this with the bridge we found fixed awhile back, and I think is someone is helping us.
Iceman: Hawkeye101, how many times have I told you this. I'm the brains, and you're the sidekick. Get it straight, okay? I come up with the ideas and plans.
Hawkeye101: Sorry Iceman, I keep forgetting.
Iceman: How nice it was for someone to put up those signs for us though, they'll make our job that much easier, makes us wonder why we got a map in the first place.
Hawkeye101: Things that make you go hmmmm….

South America

Ultimate Quicksilver, shaking his head, stood back up.

Ultimate Quicksilver: That hurts
Blacksword: It's my special blasts, when they hit someone, it feels like a sword pierces their body!
Ultimate Quicksilver: Oh? My power is when I hit someone, it feels like someone punched them 1,000 times over.

Within a split second, Ultimate Quicksilver was back by Widdle_Wade, and both Blacksword and Shadowprime were on one knee, breathing heavy.

Ultimate Quicksilver: Bando de filho da puta!
Widdle_Wade: What? What the hell did you say?
Ultimate Quicksilver: I insulted them
Widdle_Wade: It's not an insult if no one understands you.
Ultimate Quicksilver: It is an insult punk, just cause you don't understand it doesn't make it a non insult.
Widde_Wade: You and your stupid language, the rest of the world speaks English you know, you should learn
Ultimate Quicksilver: I do know English, and it's not the most spoken language in the world, Spanish is.
Widdle_Wade: I need new friends...
Ultimate Quicksilver: Ah, vá se foder!
Widdle_Wade: What was that, 'Up yours?' or something?
Ultimate Quicksilver: See! You do get it even though you don't understand it. Insults work in any language.

A shadow slithered over the ground, and grasped Widdle_Wade's leg. It pulled, and Widdle_Wade found himself being dragged. Shadowprime, standing up again, threw a dagger, slamming it into the ground, and piercing Widdle_Wade's shadow.

Shadowprime: Now you can't leave that area, my dagger pinned you to the ground.

Widdle_Wade looked up at Shadowprime and cocked an eyebrow.

Widdle_Wade: Really?

He reached down and picked up the dagger.

Shadowprime: How did you…?
Widdle_Wade: You have one sucky way of using your power. You pinned my shadow so I wouldn't be able to move away from it. Then, you don't make a way for me not able to pick up the dagger? Stupid. Amateur mistake, and for that, I won't hurt you…too bad anyways.

Widdle_Wade, drawing his dagger, approached Shadowprime, smiling evilly.

Meanwhile, Ultimate Quicksilver was having fun taunting Blacksword.

Ultimate Quicksilver: Meep Meep!

He dodged around another blast by Blacksword, circled around behind him, and tapped him in the shoulder.
Ultimate Quicksilver: You need to work on your aim

Blacksword snarled, and shot another blast. This time, Ultimate Quicksilver hit him in the head a few times.

Ultimate Quicksilver: This was fun, but, I'm bored. Be right back.

Ultimate Quicksilver zipped up to the castle, and back, holding some rope. He punched Blacksword a few more times, and threw him into the fountain in the center of town. He then zipped past Widdle_Wade, who was in the process of reeducating Shadowprime, and put him in the fountain too. Then he tied the two of them up on the fountain.

Ultimate Quicksilver: So much better.
Widdle_Wade: I really wasn't done beating them up yet you know.

Suddenly, the townspeople came out of the nearby houses, each of them running up to the two of them, congratulating on defeating the bad guys, raising them up on their shoulders. Widdle_Wade seemed to enjoy it, but Ultimate Quicksilver crossed his arms, and gave everyone who touched him a look.

Widdle_Wade: Wow! This is awesome! Who knew being a hero was great!
Ultimate Quicksilver: Yeah….awesome and stuff.

Unbeknownst to the two of them, shadows condensed around Shadowprime and Blacksword, and they disappeared.


Ultimate Houde groaned, and wearily opened his eyes. His body felt like lead, his head ached, and the light was too bright at the moment, he quickly shut them.

General: Are you awake yet? You have amazingly high endurance, took a lot of punches, I must admit, to knock you out. Didn't take as many too knock out your girlfriend though. I must admit, she is sure a looker.

Ultimate Houde groaned some more.

General: Oh, I didn't have my way with her you know, that would be too, well, unhonorable. If anything, my father taught me to be an honorable fellow. Unlike yourself.
Ultimate Houde: You should look up the word samurai one day.
Female Voice: So he does speak, after all.

Ultimate Houde risked opening his eyes to look at the female. His ears told him who it was, but the eyes confirmed it. The high heels boots, red fishnet stockings, and incredibly revealing costume…
Ultimate Houde: Hello Ultimate Scarlet Witch. Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

A kick slammed into his face. Ultimate Houde spit out some blood.

Ultimate Houde: Didn't know blood turned you on so much.
Ultimate Scarlet Witch: What happened to the stoic warrior eternally searching for his girlfriend? The one who hardly talked huh? And this new scarred looked you have going for you, when did that happen?
Ultimate Houde: Well, to answer your questions in order, I woke up, I woke up, and surfing a meteor on it's way to destroy Earth does that to a man.
Ultimate Scarlet Witch: I heard about that Ultimate Houde, and I also noticed that the same meteor claimed three super powers that day, Manwithoutfear, Ultimate Gambit, and the insufferable TOG. Man, he couldn't even spell his own initials right.
Ultimate Houde: But at least he was more honorable than you.

Another kick to the stomach. More blood this time.

Ultimate Houde: Man, I don't know about you, but this kinda foreplay I like Witchy.
Ultimate Scarlet Witch: If only your girlfriend could see you now.
Ultimate Houde: Alright people, how many times do I need to tell you, she is not my girlfriend, she is a friend, and there never was a missing girlfriend in the first place, and goddammit stop kicking me everytime I say a smart alec comment. Cause you'll just make your leg tired, General.

The General sneered, and went to kick again, but this time, Ultimate Houde moved, he caught the leg, slammed his hand into the knee joint, dislocating it, came up with his shoulder tucked, slamming into the General solar plexus, effectively knocking the breath out of him, and then followed it up with a headbutt to the nose, breaking it.

Ultimate Houde: Now Witchy, you listen to me and you may get out…

Ultimate Houde screamed as for a second, his brain was shut off. He tumbled down to the jail cell floor, and passed out. The light around Ultimate Scarlet Witch's hand went out.

Ultimate Scarlet Witch: General, you leave him alone, E wants this one alive. Tell me when the girl wakes up.
General: Sure thing.

As they walked out, the General kicked Houde one more time. There was no reaction.


Baxter felt kinda bad about abandoning UltimateDJF to the circus, but it was better. Freaks where allowed in the circus, and UltimateDJF required too much attention for him to watch him all the time, and at least he could get away with being green…

He's got a mind like a little kid, I have no business watching a little kid all the time, you know, I mean, we weren't friends or anything, he just followed me around all the time, and I had no idea were to leave him thought Baxter.

Baxter looked around the tiny town's main, and probably only, paved street. It was a quaint little town, it had a library/post office/city hall building. And there was a small bank, and look, it even had the punks that big towns had, hanging out in front of it.

One of them was big and green.

Man, thought Baxter, How did he get around to hanging out with all those Goths? Nevermind, not my problem.

Baxter hunched his shoulders, and walked around the punks on the corner, and listened into the conversation, not because he was spying on UltimateDJF, not that at all, just because he was worried about the punks doing something stupid.

Goth Punk 1: So, we rob this bank real easy like, okay
UltimateDJF: Wait, if we all rob it together, aren't we all doing the same thing?
Goth Punk 2: Oh yeah, I don't want to be conforming you know. We all can't be doing the same thing.
Goth Punk 1: Oh, already thought of that man, we each do our own little part, so therefore, we ain't conforming to the man, and we ain't doing the same thing.
UltimateDJF: But, who says we need to conform to you?
Goth Punk 1: No one man, we all decided to rob this bank, remember?
UltimateDJF: We did? When was that?
Goth Punk 1: I ask if we all wanted brownies, and you said yes, well, I also said to get money, we needed to rob the bank first.
Goth Punk 2: I want cookies.
Goth Punk 1: Well, we'll get your cookies too, no worries. We just need money, and to stick it to the man, you know?
UltimateDJF: When can we be emo kids?
Goth Punk 3: Goth's are emo.
Goth Punk 1: And after we get the money.

Baxter heard enough. Somehow, UltimateDJf got mixed up with idiots, and having the little kid brain he has, he's becoming like one of them, in his own convoluted way. Plus, he got to beat up on Goth's if this went right.

Baxter: Hello young fine citizens

The Goths turned around and looked at him. UltimateDJF's foam hat was painted black to go with his costume of being a goth.

UltimateDJF: Bax? Is that you?
Baxter: Sure thing, I lost you at the circus you know. Who are your new friends?
UltimateDJF: We are Goths, we are sticking it to the man and then acting all sullen about it.
Baxter: Sounds stupid
UltimateDJF: They said you left me at the circus.

Baxter twinged.

Baxter: Why would I do that?
UltimateDJF: They said you didn't like me
Baxter: I can honestly say I didn't miss you till you were gone UltimateDJF, lets go.

As UltimateDJF went to walk away, Goth Punk 1 reached out and grabbed his hand.

Goth Punk 1: UltimateDJF, he did leave you just like you told us, twice in fact. Don't you remember? He left you in Africa, then now in the circus. He hates you UltimateDJF, hates you like the Man does. Don't let him manipulate you again. Stay with us, and help us stick it to the man.

UltimateDJF looked up at Baxter, and for the first time, Baxter saw a lot more intelligence in that look than he had ever before.

Could he simply be pulling a fast one on everyone this whole time? Is he really smarter than we all took him for? thought Baxter.

The smart look went away within a blink of Baxter's eyes. UltimateDJF looked at the hand grabbed him.

UltimateDJF: He's my friend. I have lots of friends, they just don't know it yet. You touch me again, and I'll break your body.

Very, very delicately, he grabbed the goth's hand in two of his massive fingers, and lifted it.

Goth Punk 1: I won't allow you. too leave. I'll force you to stay

UltimateDJF tilted his head at the Goth Punk.

Then he broke the wrist.

UltimateDJF: Robbing banks is a bad thing. Don't do it. And don't be goth, Goths are stupid.

Baxter looked on, impressed.
Baxter: Shall we blow this small town?
UltimateDJF: Sure
Baxter: Let's go to Cosmopolis, I hear they have good ice cream joints.
UltimateDJF: I love ice cream!

All in all, thought Baxter, I could have worse friends.

Doc Comic's Mansion

Ultimate Bigby and Rene have spent the last day working on the Doc Computer, reconfiguring it to search for news broadcasts, radio transmissions, and other outlets in where they could possibly get information on where other Centralities where.

Rene: Wow, this computer was almost as advanced as the one at the Ultimate Central Mansion.
Ultimate Bigby: I know, I found a med room in the back. Once you get past all the traps, this is a nice place and all.
Rene: It'll keep us on edge, anyways, this teleporter should work by tomorrow.

An alarm went off. Both men looked at the computer.

Doc Computer: Radio transmission coming in from the city-state known as Pholus.
Rene: I hate that place.
Doc Computer: Decrypting…….decyrption complete. The message is as follows, We have captured Ultimate Houde and Skotti. We are waiting for transportation to the Red Star.
Rene: Well, that's poetic. He rescued me there, and now, I have to go rescue him.
Doc Computer: News Broadcast about the Watcher. He has been captured, and placed in a jail cell in Cosmopolis.
Ultimate Bigby: Let's get the transporter working, then we go help these guys as soon as possible.
Rene: Sounds like a plan.
Good job Houde! The Baxter/DJF scenes were touching, and I like how DJF didn't non-conform, also the jab at all the ice powers had me :lol: ing.

Cover by Slimjim, photoshop by Random

Will Rene and Ultimate Bigby get the teleporter working in time? WIll Moonmaster rescue the watcher? And how will Ultimate Houde and Skotti escape the clutches of Ultimate Scarlet Witch? All this and the debut of a new 616 character.

Coming Wednesday

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