Ultimate Central: The Fanfic - Volume 7

Two Months after the events of Issue 50

A barren wasteland, untouched by humans for a better part of a decade because of nuclear waste was now inhabited by one person. The lone figure was absorbing the energy that could be lethal and deadly to humans, but he is unfazed. Closing his eyes, a meditating on the task before him, he thought of people, and how quickly they accepted the new Emperor into their life, how the good guys were labeled bad, and how the public turned on them as quickly as they could.

Rene: Penny for your thoughts?

The figure was startled, and looked up at Rene, who was in his goblin form.

Ultimate Bigby: You shouldn't be here. The radiation is still lethal.
Rene: In this form, I'm alright. I'm here to talk.
Ultimate Bigby: About what?
Rene: Reforming the team.
Ultimate Bigby: What team? The Avatars have died, and most of the others have run, as far as they could. Didn't you hear the Emperor's proclamation? If he found any superpowered people not working for him, he'll ban them.
Rene: I know
Ultimate Bigby: And yet, you still want to form the team?
Rene: Of course. But this time, we need to be strike from the shadows, hit the Emperor when he doesn't realize it. Cripple the bastard, from the legs up, until we get strong enough, and cut off the head.
Ultimate Bigby: I don't think that'll work.
Rene: You spend days, hell, weeks at these type of places. Why?
Ultimate Bigby: Because in the long run, it'll make a difference.

He pauses

Rene: Exactly
Ultimate Bigby: We'll need a place of operations.
Rene: Scouted one out already. You remember the hero Doc Comic?
Ultimate Bigby: Oh, the Indiana Jones guy.
Rene: Yeah, him. He's been missing ever since that day. His mansion is located far from everywhere. It's got high technology there, and a vast communication system. I say we go there, and light it back up.
Ultimate Bigby: What if he comes back?
Rene: Then, we'll ask him to join us. He'll want to fight the good fight.
Ultimate Bigby: Do you have any clue on who you want to join?
Rene: I've been keeping tabs. I got an idea.
Ultimate Bigby: It's gonna be different working in the shadows.
We'll need a different type of team to deal with it.
Rene: Like I said, I got some recruits in mind.


Visions is what he had, visions of people sacrificing themselves to save the world that didn't want them, or didn't even need them anymore. He saw people get incinerated in the atmosphere, he witnessed the destruction of ideals, and felt the pain in so many levels. He could see these things even now, in this room.

It wasn't going to change. But he wanted it too, so badly.

Getting up, he headed for the sound proof door, and braced himself for what he would feel when he stepped through it. They would need him, and he would be there to answer the call.


UltimateE has been revealed as the Emperor of a dying world, and with the help of Ultimate Central, he has taken over our world. The Avatars are dead, defeated by him and his monstrosities, but people are still around that can face him, but will they join together?


Emerging From the Ashes

Volume 7, Issue 51, By Ultimate Houde

Voice: Can I come?
Other voice: I told you before, NO!

Baxter and UltimateDJF where in the middle of a city, and Baxter, annoyed that the big green guy kept following him, was trying to go into a supermarket, and didn't want the innocent blood thirsty monster to follow him. In fact, he didn't want the damn beast around him at all. Ever since the epic battle, in which he lost, UltimateDJF has followed him around like a lost puppy. He was a drain on Baxter's bills, as well as Baxter's immense patience. Considering Baxter and UltimateDJF were fugitives as well, it is much harder to disguise UltimateDJF, who tended to hate makeup and wouldn't lose the big cowboy foam hat he found one day.

Baxter: Listen, I can't let you in the store, someone will figure out who you are.
UltimateDJF: I wanna candy bar
Batxer: We both know how you get when you have sugar, so no

UltimateDJF shouted this statement, dropping to the ground, and throwing a tantrum, pounding his feet and hands into the ground, acting like a little kid.

Too bad he's a seven foot tall indestructible green monster with super strength.

Baxter watched in dismay as he caused the concrete under him to buckle and crack, as well as nearby cars get launched into the air from the tremors, and the building across the street shake like an earthquake, and the, well, I think you get the idea.

Baxter: Fine fine, stop that, jeez, you are worse than a little kid, I'll buy you a candy bar if you stay out here, okay?
UltimateDJF: I like candy..
Baxter: Good, now stay out here.

Baxter entered the supermarket, aware that people stern all over the floor from the earthquake caused by UltimateDJF's tantrum. He stepped over some people, and picking up food he needed off the ground.

Baxter: Four loaves of bread, two gallons of milk.
Old Lady: Excuse me sir….Can you reach that can of jelly on the top shelf.

Baxter, when he didn't make himself bigger, was only about five and half feet. The lady was asking him to get something on the top shelf, six feet up.

Baxter: Sure, I just need to put these down somewhere.
UltimateDJF: I'll hold them.

Baxter passed them to UltimateDJF.

Baxter: Thank….wait a minute, you were suppose to wait outside.
UltimateDJF: I was scared.
Baxter: From what?
Old Lady: Sir, could you please get the jelly for me.
Baxter: In a minute Ma'am.
UltimateDJF: A doggy looked at me weird.
Old Lady: You can verbally abuse your kid later, just get me the damn jelly!
Baxter:You want your jelly, fine!

Baxter grew to about eight feet tall, easily grabbed the jelly off the top shelf, and handed it to the Old Lady shrinking down to his normal size.

Policeman: HEY! YOU!

Baxter looked over to the policeman.

Baxter: Dammit UltimateDJF, we need to run!
UltimateDJF: I want my candy bar though…
Baxter: Not now, and if you complain, I'm throwing you in the air again.

UltimateDJF plowed through the side of the building, and ran for it, Baxter on his heels.

Policeman: Hey you freaks, get back here!

The policeman followed them out the side of the building. Meanwhile, a man with several earrings and tattoos watched them go.

Old Lady: Oh poop, I wanted the Apricot jelly, not the Strawberry.

Outside of Pholus

A brilliant flash of white, a jagged edge of reality that was cut in an X, and then two people step out of the portal, and on the outskirts of Phobus. The edge of reality is stitched back up from their arrival, and the sun reveals them in better light. One is a man, carrying two swords, one black and one white, the black one is on his side, then white one is strapped to his back. The other is a female, beautiful with pink skin wearing a green dress number. She is twirling a pink energy spear in her hand.

Ultimate Houde: You can relax, I did liberate them you know.
Skotti: I don't trust them, they tried to hurt you.
Ultimate Houde: Over protective much?
Skotti: Fine

The energy spear dissolves into the air, leaving no trace of it behind.
Ultimate Houde: Let's go see whose in charge around here now.

Ultimate Houde walked into Phobus. The last time he was here, he had nothing but a pair of binoculars, a frog shaped hook on a string, and determination to free someone from a magical tyrant. He left, killing three generals, and the tyrant, and evidently, he freed the people from his magical imposed rule. He expected some sort of recognition.

And was disappointed when no one even gave him a look.

Ultimate Houde: Ingrateful bastards.
Skotti: They probably don't even know you freed them
Ultimate Houde: I killed the General of the army, some psycho with claws, right on main street with his entire army watching.
Skotti: I know dear.
Ultimate Houde: Don't call me dear, and yes, I've told the story a thousand times.
Skotti: I'm just saying a lot has happened since then. In case you haven't noticed, the world has undergone a lot since that has happened.
Ultimate Houde: I was hoping for some free candy or something.
Skotti: You and your sweet tooth.
Ultimate Houde: I guess I'll have to buy it.

The two superheroes walked over to a candy stand, each of them picking out a sweet, and paying the person. They sat down on a bench to enjoy it..

Ultimate Houde: So, where you want to visit next.
Skotti: Someplace warm, where I can swim in the pool.
Ultimate Houde: On my travels I found this nice hideaway island near Iceland, it had some great hot springs, and was surprisingly warm.
Skotti: We could go there.

A little kid walked up to Ultimate Houde, holding out two bracelets.

Skotti: Here there cutey, are those for us?

An adult male with short red hair came up behind them.

Adult Male: I'm so sorry, he says you remind him of someone, a hero who saved this town.
Ultimate Houde: Really now?

He gave Skotti a look. Ha ha it said.

Adult Male: And he bought these for you. You should put them on, not to would be disrespectful.

Ultimate Houde and Skotti both leaned down, and put the bracelets on. Never of them felt a strange tingle go through there body, but the bracelet became extra tight.

Ultimate Houde: I think these are the wrong size and all, but thank you.

He searched for a clasp, but couldn't find one.

Adult Male: You killed my father Ultimate Houde, and for that, well, you will pay.

Foot soldiers ran up from a nearby alleyway, surrounding both Ultimate Houde and Skotti.

Skotti gave Ultimate Houde a look that said, I told you so.

Somewhere in the Mid West

Two people stood on the rolling plains of grain, staring at the setting sun. One of them was looking at the ground, the other at the horizon.

Hawkeye101: Hey, Iceman, if I drop an arrow, and then shoot an arrow straight, which would hit the ground first?
Iceman: Sorry man, I don't care, I'm trying to figure out this map.

He holds up the map, and looks at it from varying angles.
Iceman: I don't get way it told us to come this way.
Hawkeye101: Um…Dude, you measured out the paces, not me.
Iceman: Listen, we need to find this artifact, the Awesomity Gauntlet, it will help us defeat the Emperor, alright?
Hawkeye101: Whatever you say Iceman, I'm just here for the ride. So, about my arrow question.
Iceman: Listen, I can give two ****s about the damn arrow question okay? Help me find this entrance.
Hawkeye101: You hurt my feelings.

Iceman spent some time looking at the map by himself for awhile.

Iceman: Fine, I'm sorry
Hawkeye101: Sorry for what?
Iceman: *grumble grumble grumble*
Hawkeye101: I can't hear you….
Iceman: I'm sorry for making fun of you and being mean about your obviously serious question.
Hawkeye101: Alright, hold this arrow, and I'm going to shoot this one, when I shoot, drop yours.
Iceman: I can't believe I'm doing this.
Hawkeye101: Well, guess what, we are.

He hands Iceman and arrow and then loads one himself. Sighting straight, he releases his arrow, and Iceman drops his at the same time. The dropped arrow hits the ground, which makes a hollow sound.

Iceman: Did you hear that?

He taps the arrow on the ground a few times, and hears more hollow sounds.

Iceman: There's a cave here!

Using his ice powers, he freezes the ground to such a point that it begins to crack. Using the arrow, he smashes it into the ground, creating a hole for him and Hawkeye101.

Iceman: SAH-WEET! Hawkeye101, let's get this treasure!

Somewhere in South America

Ultimate Quicksilver and Widdle_Wade had traveled, trying to leave the mercenary life behind them, and simply stayed together because they had no one else to go with. And life brought them to this corner of the world, as the two super powered beings tried to stay away from the Emperor's increasing amount of patrols. Widdle_Wade was checking out the castle before them, an old castle, it seem to be the only dominating structure in the place they found themselves in.

Widdle_Wade: I wonder who owns this place?
Ultimate Quicksilver: Good question…should we check it out? Maybe they have something we can steal?
Widdle_Wade: Hrm…I highly doubt it, doesn't seem like this country has much to offer, the people in the last village didn't have much at all.
Ultimate Quicksilver: This bores me, I'm checking it out.

The speedster was gone for almost a full five minutes, before he came back.

Widdle_Wade: You were gone a long time, I was almost worried.
Ultimate Quicksilver: Well, I think I figured out what's going on.
Widdle_Wade: I didn't realize something was going on. Care to fill me in?
Ultimate Quicksilver: The owners of the castle are taking anything of value from the land.
Widdle_Wade: How do you know that?
Ultimate Quicksilver: They told me. I talked to them, and they told me to come get you, and spend the night, at least.
Widdle_Wade: These guys, what are there names?
Ultimate Quicksilver: Shadowprime and Blacksword. I think they got powers of there own as well, I couldn't move when Shadowprime was standing in my way.
Widdle_Wade: So, what's the plan?
Ultimate Quicksilver: We listen to what they have to say. Once we figure that out, then we figure out what we can take.
Widdle_Wade: Right then. I'm suspecting a trap, just so you know.
Ultimate Quicksilver: A trap eh? Well, if there is one that simply makes it more interesting.
Widdle_Wade: You do have a weird way of making things interesting.


Moonmaster sat in his reporter's desk, ready his email, and wondering if that was it. Him and the other Centralites tried to save the world, they failed, and now humanity is rolling over for the guy who defeated them. That, and well, he's still a reporter. He wanted to go out at night, back to saving his fair city, but now, well, it won't happen anymore. E had placed a ban on superpowers, anyone showing them would be arrested and set to his mansion at the drop of a hat. Moonmaster wondered if there was life after being a superhero. He tried so hard to be a hero, and to have it taken away from him in that split second, well, it was not a good thing to have. Watching the TV, he noticed that it was a story that such big news, it interrupted his favorite soap opera. Turning the volume up, he heard the announcer.

Announcer: Yes folks, you heard it here first, we have apprehended a former Centralite that contributed to the destruction of the Emperor's world, and the massive attack on the world two months ago, his name is The Watcher.

Moonmaster stared at disbelief in the TV screen.

Announcer: He will be held at Comsopolis police station before he gets transported to the Emperor's base at the Red Star. Of course our news station will keep everyone abreast of the situation.

Moonmaster stared at disbelief at the TV screen.

Pasty White: As soon as you shave, I told you about this.
Moonmaster: Sorry about that chief! I'll do it right away!

Moonmaster shouted this last bit running out of the newspaper building, heading towards the police station.

Doc Comic's Mansion

Rene and Ultimate Bigby stood in front of a mansion, one that was on a hill, overlooking a town that was in the distance. It stood far away from everyone, and a biplane was in the driveway, looking forlorn. Rene read the words on the side of the plane.

Ultimate Bigby: Doc Comic eh? Whatever happened to him?
Rene: After his encounter with UltimateDJF, no one really knows. Anyways, his mansion was his place of operations.
Ultimate Bigby: And?
Rene: He had lots of technology, between me and you, we should be able to make a working base out of it.
Ultimate Bigby: So, you want to transform this place to our base?
Rene: Correct, and with that, we then recruit new members. This base is far away from civilization, no one will expect us to be here, plus, with the technology we can create, we will make this place invisible to sensor activity. I'd like to see the Emperor ban us now, huh?
Ultimate Bigby: Right then, let's do this. I wonder if this place has security.
Rene: I doubt it.

The two of them walked up to the gate and swung it open. The stepped on the courtyard, and a robotic voice was heard.

Doc Computer: You are not Doc Comic. Please leave this area at once or you will perish. If you are a mime, you will be shot anyways.

Ultimate Bigby and Rene looked at each other.
Rene: Okay, maybe some security.
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That was cool. I particularly liked the Pholus and Doc Computer bits.

Iceman looking for the Awesomity Gauntley was cool. I couldn't really fit that in.

Widdle Wade was strangely verbose, though!

Also, I'm hoping we get "The Dark Moonmaster Returns" or something, where Mooney finally comes back to Cosmopolis and kicks ***.

But yeah, really cool. And surprisingly good attention to continuity! Thanks, man. :D

Great start!
Baxter, when he didn't make himself bigger, was only about five and half feet. The lady was asking him to get something on the top shelf, six feet up.

I'm 6 foot 3 :-|

Adult Male: You killed my father Ultimate Houde, and for that, well, you will pay.

Does Ultiamte House have six fingers?

Ultimate Quicksilver: Shadowprime and Blacksword. I think they got powers of there own as well, I couldn't move when Shadowprime was standing in my way.


Good start man.
Great start Houde! The djf part had me laughing

Wait till he goes emo


Iceman looking for the Awesomity Gauntley was cool. I couldn't really fit that in.

I know, it was one of your ideas on the manifesto

Widdle Wade was strangely verbose, though!

Yeah, he gets more and more talkative in the next one.

But yeah, really cool. And surprisingly good attention to continuity! Thanks, man. :D

Great start!

I'm trying to stay in continuity, I don't want an Ultimate MArvel mistake happening here

I'm on the cover! Or at least my mansion is!

That was an awesome issue. I loved the bit with Houde and Skotti.

Doc Computer's awesome security system is in the next one.

With all the ideas you gave me to put in it

Awesome start Houde!

Thank you

I'm 6 foot 3 :-|

It was for the joke Bax. I envision you being any height you want.

Does Ultimate House have six fingers?

Nope, but in Issue 43, Ultimate Houde killed the General in the town by beheading him with his own weapon. This is his son, looking for some payback.

Ultimate Houde and Skotti are surrounded, Rene and Ultimate Bigby tripped the amazing security of Doc Comic's personal Mansion (Panda-sharks?), and lastly, Ultimate Quicksilver and Widdle_Wade discover two new people in the South Americas, but are they friends or foes?

Considering the title is called Clashes, I think we know.

Issue 52 is coming out next Wednesday people.
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Ultimate Houde and Skotti are surrounded, Rene and Ultimate Bigby tripped the amazing security of Doc Comic's personal Mansion (Panda-sharks?), and lastly, Ultimate Quicksilver and Widdle_Wade discover two new people in the South Americas, but are they friends or foes?

Considering the title is called Clashes, I think we know.

Issue 52 is coming out next Wednesday people.

Sounds cool! Great cover too. :D



What is that a trailer for?!
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