Ultimate Moon Knight (Speculation)

"On the doomed planet Moonon, a scientist places his only child into a space ship set for Earth..."

... no.

Maybe it was "Bitten by a radioactive moon.."... no.

Moon Knight is Marc Spector, an archaeologist who found in the ruins of the pyramids of Egpyt a _____________(plot device) that gave him superpowers and a desire to fight crime.

Moon Knight's origin was explained in a ridiculous amount of detail in the Earth X trilogy (I think it was Paradise X) and tied to all facets of Marvel continuity (just like everyone else), however, I believe the official origin is something akin to what I mentioned above (the archaeology, not the planent Moonon or whatever).

Moon Knight is a martial artist that uses nunchukus (because there were tons in Ancient Egypt) and fights mystical villains.

I can't really recall correctly, so this might not be accurate.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Good thoughts Goodwill but Spider-Man's only been around for 9 months right? I don't think he's ready to train anyone.

I hope MoonKnight is more vigilante in the UU

that can be said....but the people he could train could be on the level of thinking that geldoff was on....or worse...we are talking complete idiots, people with no conscience getting powers or what not...

Also, they(those in a possible new team) could be better than pete, and he could just be given that position of power under fury and want to be responsible....they could be better than him and yet look up to him cause hes been in the game longer than him......

as long as the idea of "warriors" is there, anything came happen thats team oriented...im sure spidey will team up with some if not all of the heroes before its over...kingpin and hammerhead both will have to deal with them..
Moon Knight

I bet a lot of mysticism comes with Moon Knight. They are bringing more and more "magical" characters into the Ultimate Universe (Doc Strange and Damien Hellstrom appearing in the Ultimized Defenders).

I only hope they make him as tough (if not tougher) than Batman.

I reckon Hellstrom is gonna be more of a David Blaine anyway (though hopefully nowhere near as annoying).

And damn I hope they keep the magic out. But with Bendis, you never know.
Now. I may be mistaken, but I've always thought Moon knight was just a crazier batman. He's got all his little secret identities in idffrent walks of life to gather information, except he's gone all scitzophrenic on us al actualy thinks he is those people when in disguise. I know this was all in a wizard recently.... Shame I'm too lazy to go find it.
The Captain said:
this one has a hood as well, its just not over his head right now
Eactly why I said hood up :D

Anyway, I picked up 20 some issues of Moon Knight out of my shops 50 cent box last night, some even written by Chuck Dixon. Seems to have alot of geust apperances by The Punisher in it, and I haven't gotten to the mystical stuff yet, but the next arc has the Cult of Konshu in it, so we'll see.
yeah, chuck dixon is a good writer, the beginning of the series was actually decent....they(marvel) got stephen platt to draw it during one of volumes, but the art was waaaaay better than the stories....im just waiting to see if i was right about how moon knight fits into this arc....

i know marc raxton is molten man in 616.....but the identity of hobgoblin in 616 changed before it was revealed to be one guy......

shaw and harry are the only suspects at this point to be considered to be hobgoblin (unless someone shows up next issue that isnt either one of them)

the names of the characters may or may not match...

so what i am getting at here is, what if marc raxton really is moon knight instead of molten man??
Well, I just read 6 issues. We had an arc where MK and the Punisher didn't really team up, but just tried to not get in eachothers way to find the Kult of Konshu, and eventualy killed MKs brother, who wanted to ursurp him as the Avatar of Konshu, or something like that. There was a little mystical elemnts, but nothing that couldn't be explained without magic. The second arc was MK vrs the good Doctor Doom. Apparently Spectorcorp found an amulet that was Doom's mammies, and he wanted it back. Hyjincks ensued.

So what have I learned. Moon Knight has mystical connections, but other than his supposed ressurection, wich can be in doubt anyway since there was one person there, and she might not have been educated enough to know if he was really dead. He's go no powers so far, but at the end of the lst issue he was... well, rotting. He's got Stark Level resources, owning a full city block of New York to build his base in. And he's got an assistant named Frenchie. Who's been crippled. Maybe more than once, I;m missing a few issues. He seemed to have gotten better, then bam, crippled again.

The next Arc I have is an infinity war tie in, so I'm a little hesitant to read it. More to come.
So, uh, hate to break it to you guys, but there can't be an Ultimate Moon Knight. See during the Inifinty War there were evil dopplegangers of the Marvel Heros sent to earth to keep them busy. Well Moon Knights and little Franklin Richards teamed up to suck out all of the real Franklin Richards power into the doppleganger. Moon kNight interviened, but his doppleganger doublecrossed the fake Franklin Richards and started absorbing the energy of all the Moon Knight analogs throught the Multiverse. In the end all that was left was 616 Moon Knight, and Moonman, a Batmanish Moon Knight varient. All the otheres were killed. Even Moon Ghost, the Space Ghost varient :cry:
Nurhachi said:
Yeah but this dude only became (Ultimate) Moon Knight after that
But time in Marvel is static. It's impossible to go back in time and change things, you only go into an alterante universe. If that's the case then the future is set too. If this person was to become Moon Knight then he would have been destined to become Moon Knight, making him an analog yet to be. He's still Marc Spector. He just hasn't put on a mask yet.
Somewhere along the lines I missed something...

Anyway, is Moon Knight going to be another New York super hero? I think we're beginning to have too many of those. We'll need to have stories set in other locations, too, no matter if it's Spider-Man or X-Men. The X-Men have travelled around, I know, but I think it would be cool if we got a breath of fresh air and got away from the city with Moon Knight...
Goodwill said:
Somewhere along the lines I missed something...

Anyway, is Moon Knight going to be another New York super hero? I think we're beginning to have too many of those. We'll need to have stories set in other locations, too, no matter if it's Spider-Man or X-Men. The X-Men have travelled around, I know, but I think it would be cool if we got a breath of fresh air and got away from the city with Moon Knight...

mk will probably be in new york, at least for this arc...

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