Ultimate Spider-Man #99 discussion (spoilers)

TheManWithoutFear said:
I don't know what happened. Last I remember is the big splash of Richard in the doorway. Now wait. Is it supposed to be Peter's dad? I thought it resembled a Parker or was it Miles Warren?

Holy **** were you lost man!!! :lol:

Yeah...that's Peter's dad.......at least I assume it is since he went all baby on us and said "Daddy???"
I'm just waiting for the whole clone saga to be in the imagination of some retarded kid in Texas... if not Bendis better wrap this story up with no loose ends.
Ultimate Cap 4 President said:
I'm just waiting for the whole clone saga to be in the imagination of some retarded kid in Texas... if not Bendis better wrap this story up with no loose ends.

Oh man.....how many times have we used the St.Elsewhere joke here??? :lol:

It's still so applicable.
Ultimate Cap 4 President said:
I'm just waiting for the whole clone saga to be in the imagination of some retarded kid in Texas... if not Bendis better wrap this story up with no loose ends.

I like the new guy. :D

Welcome to The UC.
I want this wrapped up nicely and tied with a bow like the rest of you, but I'm also a realist.

Won't happen. No way. Bendis will bring up the ghosts of Clone Saga for the next 200 issues. Questions never answered, and stupid little things that no one will ever question in the comic. Bendis is king of streching little details out to the point that you don't care any more about what it was hinting at.

Oh and let's not forget stupid little arcs to eat up issues between his next milestone. Issue 150! Followed by issue 200!

God I hate this book, but because I loved it early on. I loved it GOOOODDDD!
Foolsfolly said:
I want this wrapped up nicely and tied with a bow like the rest of you, but I'm also a realist.

Won't happen. No way. Bendis will bring up the ghosts of Clone Saga for the next 200 issues. Questions never answered, and stupid little things that no one will ever question in the comic. Bendis is king of streching little details out to the point that you don't care any more about what it was hinting at.

Oh and let's not forget stupid little arcs to eat up issues between his next milestone. Issue 150! Followed by issue 200!

God I hate this book, but because I loved it early on. I loved it GOOOODDDD!

Yea i feel you on that one... Just look at what he did in Avengers Dissassmebled and House of M... who saw it coming that Scarlet Witch was responsible for everything. And for stupid little arcs... Just look at the two issue mini arc where peter and wolverine switch bodies... need i say more?

I just want to know if that arc ties into the clone saga also... I highly doubt it but ya never know when it comes to Bendis.
Ultimate Cap 4 President said:
Yea i feel you on that one... Just look at what he did in Avengers Dissassmebled and House of M... who saw it coming that Scarlet Witch was responsible for everything
actually it was quicksilver's fault he just used wanda
gemini-mk said:
actually it was quicksilver's fault he just used wanda

Yea kinda forgot about quicksilver but it you gotta admit that scarlet witch is a scarlet B**ch... If I were a mutant I would grab her by her left boob and stretch it like Reed Richards, let go and let it pop her in the eye. But then she'll just create a world where women have no breast... so that it would never happen in the first place. I can't win. :(
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Ultimate Cap 4 President said:
Yea kinda forgot about quicksilver but it you gotta admit that scarlet witch is a scarlet B**ch... If I were a mutant I would grab her by her left boob and stretch it like Reed Richards, let go and let it pop her in the eye. But then she'll just create a world where women have no breast... so that it would never happen in the first place. I can't win. :(
I don't think you are the first guy to have a thought about Scarlet Witch's boobs, but still that way odd but pretty funny to read. :D
Well, my comments are well past the main life of this thread, but here goes. :lol:

I think May and Richard are impostors. I think May's been an impostor ever since the end of the Deadpool arc when she never came back home that night when Peter walked in with Kitty.

As much as I think Gwen is Carnage (or some part Carnage), I'm glad she's back. She always added a nice little eccentricity to Peter's personal life. It's so obvious she's the symbiote though.

Bendis has said that after this arc, there will be a new status quo. Do you think he's just spouting off the usual rhetoric? Or do you think Peter will actually live with Richard Parker for the forseeable future?
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Having Peter Parker's dad alive maybe too much of a shake-up of the status quo, so I'm going with him being a clone.

Gwen would be great if she was a complete Ultimate Carnage. It would make Carnage a more tragic villain since it has Gwen's memories and character is clashing with the realization that she's not a real person.
cmdrjanjalani said:
Having Peter Parker's dad alive maybe too much of a shake-up of the status quo, so I'm going with him being a clone.

Gwen would be great if she was a complete Ultimate Carnage. It would make Carnage a more tragic villain since it has Gwen's memories and character is clashing with the realization that she's not a real person.

Gwen being Carnage would give Bendis a S**t load of stories to write in the future... And i was hoping she could be a regular in the story again. (Sorry to say it but..) When MJ fell off the bridge in one of the earlier issues i really hoped she would die and Gwen would be Peters new love interest. But NOOO she had to die just like 616 Gwen... Carnage or not I'm glad she's back. :)
Ultimate Cap 4 President said:
Gwen being Carnage would give Bendis a **** load of stories to write in the future... And i was hoping she could be a regular in the story again. (Sorry to say it but..) When MJ fell off the bridge in one of the earlier issues i really hoped she would die and Gwen would be Peters new love interest. But NOOO she had to die just like 616 Gwen... Carnage or not I'm glad she's back. :)

Dude, be careful with the censoring of the swears, E has a filter in place to catch them and he doesn't like it when people try to bypass the filter.
I'm going to see just how radical I can get with some theorizing here. Let's see. First, what if Peter survived the Oz in the spider venom because of some pre-existing condition that could have been a result of his father's experiments. We've seen that the Venom suit (in addition to curing cancer) gives spiderdude-like powers so could Peter's powers be more related to the suit than the spider?

This brings me to the second crazy theory. What if Richard Parker is the Ultimate Jackal? Maybe he strolled merrily out of Peter's life to start a career in cloning after the whole Venom thing went in the crapper. Does anyone remember which corporation was trying to buy the Venom suit and how it related to Osborn? [Oh yeah, Trask. Industrial espionage anyone?] Oh! Or maybe Peter himself is a clone of Richard Parker, which is why both the Venom suit and the Carnage thing were so enthusiastic about him.

And my third thing on here is what if Spider-venom-woman-lady actually is Mary Jane? Then wouldn't it be awesome to see a cat fight between her and Kitty Pride? Mmm, super cat fight, oh yeah.
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