Civil War series discussion (spoilers)

How would you rate Civil War?

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I think in the first issue of Civil War, there was a checklist. Or there was one online somewhere.
Blech, I hate this whole unmasking bit. I hate it. It ruins the formula of Spider-Man. There will be too many people trying to kill him now for him to ever resume a normal life - and if they do have him doing that, then it wouldn't be true to writing.

Maybe the formula of Spider-Man has been played out, but I still feel like this is "big happenings" for the sake of big happenings. Peter's gonna be Spider-Man from here on out, might as well stake out a home in the Avengers.
So, this was underwhelming. Probably because there's all these comments on here and other sites raving about it. Eh.

I agree with the Spider-Man unmasking situation. Is he thinking about the possibility that every villain who can hold a gun is going to be after his family? Is he doing it so he can guarantee the best protection he can for them? We'll see.

Pretty art, though.
See, I'm not just thinking about the villians who will try to kill him. What about organizations like HYDRA, or even the Kingpin? They've got ties to hundreds if not thousands of people who can kill or threaten whoever has ties to Peter. It's not just about Mary Jane and May - no one at the Bugle is safe, someone will threaten whoever is there to draw Spider-Man out. If something happens to May or Mary Jane, how is Peter going to date again? He's pretty much limited to someone with super powers.

Peter doesn't work best as Captain America or another full-time Avenger. He needs his personal life to balance out his superhero shenanigans. I dunno, this feels like they've lost touch with the character.
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yikes i see over 80 issues ? way to expensive for me any chance for a TPB on this ?

also when will this civil war end
Gadzookie said:
yikes i see over 80 issues ? way to expensive for me any chance for a TPB on this ?

also when will this civil war end

Civil War, the mini, should end in around 6 months. The tie-ins and other minis should end sometime around then.

And yes, just like HOM, I'm sure each mini and tie-in will be collected in a trade.
It was a decent issue.

The whole thing with Cap and Iron Man seems too forced.

The only thing I loved about the Spider-Man unmasking was Jonah's reaction.

I knew it was coming with the buildup to it in his title and Frontline.

I am digging this for the crossovers (im a sucker for them) and the amazing art.

Cable meets the Young Avengers. That's cool. I really like that Cable took Cap side after there talk in Cable/DP, and someone asked about Cable's powers. He lost them. He recreated them with techinal means.

The cover to five looks like he's getting beat to hell. I wonder what Turner's variant would be.

I wait and see where it goes with the unmasking before I make a opinion.

It was an average issue. Nothing bad but not great.
Ice said:
How so? Tension between these two is nothing new.

Still a kick-*** issue, though. Art is excellent as always.

I know but it just seems rushed. They didn't really build it. It might become more evolved as the series progress.
Ice said:
How so? Tension between these two is nothing new.

Still a kick-*** issue, though. Art is excellent as always.
The art is okay, the faces bug me, some people either look really ugly or about to caugh up a lung
TheManWithoutFear said:
They were unidentifiable? I was pretty certain it was them from the get go.

But Night Nurse was news to me. I don't think I know who Jane Foster is though.

I think Jane Foster was the nurse/assistant to Thor's alter ego (forgot his name, Donald Blake, I think).

Edit: Who is Night Nurse?
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Iceshadow said:
I think Jane Foster was the nurse/assistant to Thor's alter ego (forgot his name, Donald Blake, I think).

Edit: Who is Night Nurse?
Yes it was Donald Blake

And Night Nurse is a chick who was saved by a superhero and become a nurse to help injured heroes
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Because this is such a wonderful topic to talk about, more on the unmasking of Peter Parker.

Taken from New Joe Fridays #2:

NRAMA: Macro-view – why? Why is this move necessary for the Pro-Registration side, and for Civil War as a larger story?

JQ: The Spidey reveal serves many purposes. It serves a number of story-driven purposes that will play themselves out in the next year-and-a-half, but it also drives the whole Registration point home. Peter Parker is our everyman. Spider-Man is our corporate mascot. Who better to show the implications of Civil War, both present and future, than the character that most Marvel Comic fans relate to? It was almost an inevitable, perhaps foregone conclusion.

NRAMA: Mark and Tom [Brevoort] have mentioned to us that the story went through a lot of drafts on its way to completion. How about the unmasking? Was that something that needed to be finessed?

JQ: If you read Mark's first outline, you'll see that this wasn't a part of it, so some rearranging had to happen. I believe we're about a half an issue off from the original plot outline. What also had to be finessed was the timing. This had to be coordinated with all the other Spider titles and every single Civil War tie-in.

NRAMA: Why was it important, if unmasking was the larger goal, that Peter do it himself, and not have his masked ripped off, his photo taken, etc?

JQ: It shows his belief in Registration and his trust in Tony. It's just so incredibly important to the story and the characters. Besides, there is so much power in Peter taking it into his own hands, his family supporting him in the decision. More than the reveal, my favorite part of this whole thing was the issue of Amazing that preceded it. Just the love and support shown by Aunt May and MJ was fantastic and a real pleasure to read.

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Well, Joe Fridays squashes what I thought was going to happen, as he's definitely not going to be an Outlaw Post-Civil War...

Even more than that, I think I'm going to have to pick up some of the other Spider-Books...

I like where this is going.

Especially how this effects his students, and how this is going to bring back his old life and shove it in his face.



Maybe Marvel isn't as predictable after all.
I as well like were this is going. It's definetly interesting and something fresh and new for Spider-Man.

My brother thinks its a stupid mistake, as our friend, who only really likes the Spider-Man stories from yester-year. But they're not really into comics as any of us here. They haven't reliazed that what worked back then, isn't really going to just magically work as well in the times we're in now.

Rock on Marvel.
Man, I am so excited after reading that article! It's going to be a great time to be a Spider-Man fan. I was losing interest in Sensational, but after Feral Part 5, I have started to like it again, and then this happens! And I have enjoyed every (non-Other) issue of Friendly so far; Peter David is amazing writer and Wieringo (misspelled?) is a fantastic artist, so I am pumped for the next arc. As for Amazing, 532 was one of JMS' best imo, so I have no worries about that! And Civil War is just awesome. I think that Millar is Marvel's best writer and that McNiven is their best artist, and so this mini just rocks on so many levels!!

As for those of you who hate the big reveal and think that it was a terrible decision to make, you might be feeling what I felt after reading Amazing #512 Sins Past Part Four. When I read that I was in a mad/sad/frustrated daze for a couple of days, and to this day, I've tried to put that storyline out of my mind, especially since JMS is now writing terrific Spidey arcs (most notably the "New Avengers" arc).

I know that a lot of you on this site liked Sins Past, and some of the same people here who liked it are hating the new Civil War issue, but it's the exact opposite for me, and that's why I wrote the above paragraph.

I own the entire JMS Spider-Man run, and I have to say that I've liked almost every arc other than Sins Past, which I thought was well-written, but poorly conceived...

If I were to only pick up Friendly Neighborhood or Spectacular, which should I?
Dr.Strangefate said:
I own the entire JMS Spider-Man run, and I have to say that I've liked almost every arc other than Sins Past, which I thought was well-written, but poorly conceived...

If I were to only pick up Friendly Neighborhood or Spectacular, which should I?

FNSM defintely. In fact, see my just-written post on the series in the official FNSM thread. :D

I too, own all of JMS' run; it's how I started collecting Spider-Man, and how I got into the Marvel Universe as a whole. I bought quite a few of the pre-JMS ASM run, too, but, well you know, they're not worth acknowledging. :wink:

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