Essential X-Men (Vol. 2)

Well, now that I'm back, let's get the next issue rolling. Here now is the first three origins out of six. If I posted EVERYTHING, it would likely be too long for this. With only three origins, it's already 13 pages long on word! Anywho's, here's the issue now, so enjoy!

My name is Charles Francis Xavier. I founded the X-Men because I believe this world can co-exist with both humans and mutants alike. I searched for those were able to help me in my cause that would one day rid of the hatred that fills the hearts of those who wish ill against us. I brought together six mutant outcasts to do just that.

Cyclops. Iceman. Jean Grey. Colossus. Beast. Wolverine.

And then we found Storm during a mission in Africa.

Now if only the world can see the good that can come from this…


The Canadian team known as the Alpha Flight came unannounced looking for Wolverine and the 'Xavier Files'. After a quick brawl with them, the X-Men found out the truth that Xavier was keeping from them. The truth about how to defeat the X-Men with weakness of their powers. After Wolverine put a stop to the fight and gave what he said were the files to Guardian, leader of Alpha Flight, they left back home, keeping Bruce Banner as their prisoner.

With now knowing such an unnerving fact about the Xavier Files, the X-Men team leaves for the night to cool off, even Wolverine.






The Xavier Institute for Higher Learning-
The next day

Jean's Room:

Jean's room was painted a vibrant red. On the wall to the right of her door, which faced opposite of her window on the other side of the room, was a 'Phantom of the Opera' movie poster that was framed and signed. On Jean's dresser were pictures of herself as a little girl in a ballerina's outfit. Her T.V. was right next to her closet, which had more clothes than it could fit.

As Jean prepared herself for the trip she and the others were going to take, she couldn't help but feel as something wasn't right. She had a worried look on her face that sooner or later, something very bad was going to happen. Jean then stopped thinking about and finished packing her bag. She picked up her bag and placed it outside her bedroom's door, and decided to pay Scott a visit, whose room was just three doors down.

Scott's Room:

Scott packed his bag with he was going to take with him on the night out. He had his bag on his bed. Scott's room was filled with a lot of posters of the Beatles. Scott didn't have much in his room. He had his stereo on the left side of his room, and his T.V. next to the corner of the little hallway that led to the room's door. Scott did have his own closet, like every bedroom, but unlike Jean's, it wasn't overfilled. Scott's closet had everything organized neatly, all the way down to his shoes and shoe boxes.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Scott said without even looking back to see who it was.

"Hey there. You almost ready?" Jean asked looking innocent.

"Yeah, I'm almost done. Just fixing some thing here," Scott replied Jean. He still didn't look back to talk to her to her face.

"Listen Scott," Jean began to tell him. "We all feel the same-"

"I'll meet you downstairs. We should be leaving in about 15 minutes or so," Scott interrupted her on purpose; not wanting to talk about the Xavier Files, which he knew Jean was referring to. Jean didn't understand why it was hurting Scott the way it was. But she knew when to leave things alone when they should, so she left the room to get her bag and meet the others downstairs.

Bobby's Room:

Bobby laid on his bed listening to his ipod with his bag already packed. Bobby's room was more packed the other rooms, even more than Hank's whose room was filled with beakers, a chalkboard and science books. And more so then Peter's room with all the weight lifts he has. Like Jean, Bobby also has movie posters on his walls, but mostly of Jackie Chan, Vince Vaughn, Star Wars, and Lord of the Rings. He had his comic books stacked next to his dresser, which on the dresser he had pictures of him with Opal. Next to the pictures, he left a Sports Illustrated issue of the Swimsuit Edition.

Bobby looked at his watch and saw it was 10 minutes to 4. He quickly got up from his bed, grabbed his bag, and ran downstairs.

The Main Foyer
10 minutes later-

Everyone was waiting for Scott who still hadn't come down from his room. Bobby, Hank, and Peter were all together telling each other jokes and laughing. Jean talked with Ororo and shared with her "secrets" for how to keep her finger and toenails clean and shiny. Wolverine stood next the door as he lit a cigar and began to smoke it.

Next to the stairs at the top, Scott barely came into view. It was as if he was studying the others.

Look at them. Acting as if nothing happened yesterday. How can they be happy with knowing what we know now? Don't they think about what else could be hidden from us? Scott thought to himself, putting his head down and sighing. He soon headed downstairs and went straight for the door.

"Let's go guys. We're leaving as of now. Everyone better have everything they need. Hank, you packed our food, correct?" Scott went on.

"But of course," replied Hank.

"Uh, Scott? Shouldn't we let the Professor know we're leaving?" Bobby asked.

"Let's hurry this up. Leaving now will have us at the camp site within the hour or so," Scott told the group, ignoring Bobby's question. Bobby had a puzzle look to his face. Everyone just picked up their belongings and met Scott at the van they were taking to the site.

On one of the second floor windows peeked out a depressing Charles Xavier.

The Camp site
5:08 p.m.-

The X-Men's van pulls up to the destined location, as Scott puts the brake on. Everyone gets out with their bags and begin to put them on the ground. Scott gets out the van and just stares into the distance.

"Hank, Bobby, you guys get the firewood. The rest of us will set up camp," Scott told them as Bobby and Hank went to do their job. Everyone began to set up the tents and get the area ready for the firewood.

As Bobby and Hank gathered the firewood, Bobby asked Hank about Scott's current emotional condition.

"What do you think? I mean, he totally acted as if I didn't ask him anything. I mean, I'm pissed about those files, too, but you don't see me, or any of use, taking it the way he does," Bobby asked Hank.

"But what you must perceive, dear Robert, is that we all have different customs of expressing our angers and fears. As for Scott, being Xavier's first and foremost X-Man, and the past the two shared, it would wound him the most being not trusted to know of such files," Hank explained.

"Well, I think we have plenty of firewood for the night. Let's head back now," said Bobby, grabbing tightly the firewood he held. The two turned around and went back to meet the others.

That night-

"So now what do we do? Share ghosts stories? 'Cuz I got plenty to tell," Logan asked as he took out another cigar and lit it with the campfire's fire.

"Do you ever stop with those, Logan? They are not healthy you know," Ororo told him.

"Listen doll, ya don't have ta worry about what's not healthy for me. Trust me on that. Now, I know we just ain't gonna sit here an' do jack-%*$@, right?"

"Ghosts stories are for kids. We should talk about something else. Something like what our lives were before we became X-Men or something. That seems better to me," suggested Bobby.

"Not bad of an idea. I'll go first. Seems rightly so since I was Xavier's first student," Jean volunteered. No one else said anything, so she continued on.

6 years ago-

The Professor first came to me 6 years ago, when I was 12. Few weeks before he came, I had a friend who accidentally killed herself with her dad's gun. Or at least, that's what the cops say. I never believed them. She never touched the safety clip. She knew it was on, and she kept pulling the trigger. I begged her to stop, but she wouldn't. Suddenly I had a headache…I collapsed…and the gun went off.

Everyone thought I went unconscious because of what happened. My best friend had just shot herself in the face. And it was my fault. I mean, I was traumatized, who wouldn't be? I could never stop thinking about that that. I would hear her voice in my head every night. I couldn't even cry myself to sleep, is how bad that was. My parents couldn't take it anymore. They tried everything they could with doctors, psychiatrist, whoever; but none of it worked. Every night her voice would come back to haunt me.

Then one day, my mother and I went grocery shopping. Everything was going fine. No headaches, no voices, nothing. By the time we reached the deli section, I had a quick shiver. I just shook off thinking it was the cold I felt from the meat section that was right next to us. I went ahead of my mother to grab some cookies and chips. That's when all hell broke loose on me.

Within running to the chips and soda isle, I quickly fell, just like that. I began to have a seizure and I distinctly remember people screaming for someone to call 911. My mother came and tried to hold me still, but that doesn't help. What's worse is that everything in the store, and I mean everything, began to float in the air. Couple seconds later everything came crashing down. The store had just lost their entire inventory.

Now everyone went into a panic mode. But one man was calm and came to my mother's side. He had said to her, "Madam, my name is Charles Xavier. I believe I have the means to help your daughter."

So a couple of days later after sorting everything out with the cops, Xavier came back and told my mother that he was currently living in Scotland with his wife and step-son, being in the States for a meeting with an old friend. He told her there was a school he taught at in Scotland where he could help me with my problems.

My parents were excited of course, that there was someone and something that would finally help me. But when they asked what was wrong…well, they didn't take it too lightly at first.

"A WHAT?! My daughter is no damn mutant! I've heard of these these things! They're nothing but stupid freaks of nature!" My dad kept yelling over and over and over. He was sounding like a broken record.

Then Xavier psychically calmed him down. Not by controlling him, but talking to him on a much calmer level. Xavier never lost his cool. After much explanation and a few margaritas later, my parents began to understand mutation on a larger scale. Hell, my dad even began to teach it in his science courses at NYU after they allowed him to.

So I was soon away with the professor in Scotland. It was so beautiful living there. The professor taught me what I was and what I could do. At first I could levitate things, learning that I was a telekinetic. But soon I also found out I was a telepath when I heard the professor talking to himself in his head.

3 Years ago-

Three years later, the professor had now been in a wheel chair for 2 years. He told me an old friend of his had done this to me on a trip he made to somewhere called the 'Savage Land'. I was wondering why he hadn't come back in a while, leaving me in the care of his ex-wife, Moira. He told me all about her. About she divorced him after spending all that time with me the first year I was there.

1 year ago-

After being back and living only a couple of hours away from my parents, Xavier told me of his plans about creating a team to help mutant kind. He always had plans for this, but now that mutants were really on the radar, he felt the time was right. He told me he had met a boy named Scott Summers the year before on one of his trips here from Scotland, while he was still teaching me. He never had taken Scott, for whatever reason, he never told me. But now he went himself to get him.

The here and now-

"You see, before getting Bobby, Scott and I had met the others last year, and before that too I think, but never had them in mind for the team because the Professor wanted someone else who he had in mind. But when that didn't work out, we went back and recruited them just six months ago, with getting Bobby a week later," Jean ended her story as the fire died a bit and adding more firewood.

"Wow. So were you the first X-Men member?" Bobby asked as he pulled a soda out of the food bin.

"No, actually, I was," Scott answered for Jean. "Jean was the first student, but she wasn't asked to be a member until we go the others, even though she helped recruit them."

"Well, then, what's your story Mr. First X-Men member ever?" Bobby jokingly asked.

After giving a deep sigh, Scott began to tell his tale.

21 years ago -

"Push! Come on, stay with us."

"You can do it honey."

"Shut up Christopher! I want to see you do this!"


"Congratulations. You have a healthy baby boy."

"Look at him, isn't Scott the most beautiful baby you've seen?"


"Yes, it's a good strong name."

"Scott it is. Look at those eyes. So bright and full of life."

19 years ago -

"Sorry Scott. Alex is very sick and we can't go to the movies."

"But dad..."

"Quit being a baby. Your brother needs you."

"I don't care about him."

"Scott please."

Scott looked at his mom. She looked weak and on the verge off tears. Scott said nothing and went to his room.

13 years ago -

"Are you okay, Alex?"

"I'm fine, Scott. I don't need your help."

"There were 2 of them. They would have beaten you into the ground."

"I could have handled it. So mind your own business."

11 years ago -

"Are we ready to go boys?

"Yes, dad"

"Good. Now get in the plane."

1 1/2 hours later -

"What's the matter? You going to tell them I have these."

"Where did you get those Alex?"

"Calm down, they are just harmless fireworks."

"Give them no me."


Scott grabbed for them and they started fighting. Scott pinned Alex to the ground.

"Stop being a brat and give them to me."

"No! I'm sick of you always telling me what to do."

"Alex, you're glowing."


A bright yellow flash spread out all though the plane. Scott shielded his eyes from the light. The plane started to shake violently.

"What's going on back here?"


He looked at Alex who was unconscious on the ground.

"What happened Scott?"


He ran to the front of the plane to his wife who flying.

"The instruments aren't responding. We're going down."

"We only have the one parachute."

He ran back and got it. He went to Scott.

"Put this on and strap your brother in."

"But dad what's happening?"

"Scott! Just do what I'm telling you son!"

"But dad! I don't want you and mom to stay here! Don't leave us!"

"You need to live! Now stay still while I strap on you and Alex together!"

"Please, dad! You can't leave us! We need you and mom!"

"Don't argue with me Scott! You need to be brave for me now! You need to be the strong older brother to Alex. He needs that right now."

"Come with us! Please don't leave!"

"Scott, listen to me. This is the last parachute there is. And I'll be damned to hell if I let any of you two die. You're going to live on. Protect your brother."

"Dad…mom…I love you."

"We love you, too Scott. You and Alex, both."

"Christopher! Hurry it up! I can't keep the plane straight!"

"Good-bye, Scott and Alex. We'll always love you both."

2 years ago -

"I don't know what happened, mr..."


"Ok Mr. Xavier. Some kids were picking on him and all of sudden there was this bright red flash. The kids are in the infirmary but are fine. We didn't know where to turn to."

"I assure he will be in the best care."

"But he also has a brother. He never shown any signs like this. He doesn't know about any of this."

"I think it would be best just for me to take both of them."

Elsewhere -

"I don't know what happened Alex. They just poured out of my eyes."

"I don't want to leave here. We don't know anything about this guy Scott. He could be trying to exploit you."

"I think that he wants to help."

"Well you do want you want. I'm staying."


"And well…you know the rest," Scott said as he stared at the campfire.

"So this is the name brother that you said was broken out of that prison, da?" Peter asked as he put his hand on Scott's shoulder.

Scott took a few seconds to answer, and then replied, "…Yeah. Yeah, it's him."

"Well Scott, believe it or not, I know how you feel when it comes to problems with your brothers and sisters," Peter said trying to comfort Scott. "Perhaps I shall go now."

4 years ago.

"It's Pietr! Pietr!" Someone shouted through the cold Siberian air. Voices responded, and people ran in various directions. Everyone was drawn towards a crowd, surrounding a 15-year old boy.
"It's the Rasputin boy!" An elderly man shouted over the din, pointing at the boy in the centre. Instead of skin, he seemed to be coated entirely in metal.
"He's a mutant!"

4 years ago.

"So, you work for us, and we make sure you're secret is safe, right comrade?" The overweight man known as Boris explained. His breath stunk so much, Pietr had to look away.
"Having second thoughts, are we?" Boris blew his putrid breath back into Pietr's face, and grabbed his arms.
"No, I'll do it," Pietr responded.
"Congratulations Mr. Rasputin, you now work for the Red Mafiya."

3 years ago.

"You're only sixteen?" Viktor asked, cradling a gun. He had a cigarette hanging out of his mouth, and was blowing smoke out.
"Yes, does that matter, comrade?" Pietr replied.
"Well, I'm just wondering why someone like Boris picks someone like you for this mission, as you are only a child."
Pietr smiled. "He picked me because I can do things you can't possible imagine."

3 years ago.

"I'm going to do something mother," Pietr explained to his mother, who was busy cooking soup in the kitchen.
"You're always doing something, Pietr," his mother turned to him and grinned. "You're a busy young man."
"I know, but this time it's different… once I do this, I might not see you again."
"Don't be silly, I'll always be here for you. What is it? Do you have a lady or something?"
"No, it's just that I've got a job… working for some people… um, I have to go overseas for a bit."
"Oh Pietr, I'm so proud of you!" his mother stopped what she was doing and hugged her son. "You're finally doing something with your life, more than what your brother did! If Illyana was still here, she'd be so proud of her big brother!"
Upon hearing these words, Pietr crouched down. He missed little Illyana so much. Someday, he thought, someday he'd get revenge.

3 years ago.

"After months of trying, we're finally here, comrades," Boris glanced towards Pietr and Viktor, and a group of other Russians.
"So this is what America is like huh?" Viktor grinned. "It doesn't look much better than Mother Russia, huh comrades?"
"Anything's better than Russia," Pietr spoke up. "Let's do this already."

3 years ago.

"There's a mutant! He's made of metal!" Someone cried as Pietr ran into a bunch of people. Many of them were sent flying. Once he was in his metal form, he was a human colossus. Nobody could stop him.
Pietr was interrupted by the sound of gunfire. He turned around to see Boris aiming a gun at a young girl.
"Boris! What are you doing?!"
"The crying, comrade. Doesn't it annoy you so?"
"She's a girl! Barely older than Illyana was when Mikhail…"
"I let her go, and she runs away, crying for people to help. In minutes police will be swarming all over this place, and we'll be arrested and deported back to Russia. Do you want to go back to Russia and face the firing squad, comrade?"
"No… but you can't kill her." He grabbed the gun that Boris was holding and pulled it apart.
"What are you doing Pietr?!"
"I'm through being your lackey."
"You abandon me now and the whole world will know you're a mutant, you hear me? I've made sure it was a secret this whole time, killing people who got close to revealing the truth. How would it be to let your mother know you're the one who lifts tractors and robs banks?"
Pietr ignored him and kept walking away.
"I know things Pietr, things that can ruin your stupid excuse for a life!"
Pietr paused, and turned around. An evil grin crept across his face.
"There's one way to fix that then, comrade," he then looked towards the little girl. "Look away, this is about to get messy."

2 years ago.

"You've spent a year running from those who hate and fear you, Pietr, isn't it time you stopped?"
"I can't. I murdered the one man whose secrets could ruin me. I can't let them catch up with me now."
"Professor Xavier… he can help you."
"No, I don't want to hear about your professor."
"You don't have to lie from me Pietr. I'm a telepath. I can read your thoughts. You're not running. You're looking. Who's Illyana, Pietr?"
"Illyana was... is my little sister. My brother, Mikhail, he did something to her… something I do not understand… but I know she can't be dead! I must find her!"
"Then join us Pietr. We will help you find your little sister."
"But… I'm a criminal. I don't belong in a school."
"How 'bout we let that be our little secret, huh, Pietr?"

1 year ago.

"You told me a year ago that you would keep my sins a secret. Do you still keep this promise?"
"Of course Pietr. I wouldn't do anything to ruin our friendship.
"Then why did you come to me, Jean?"
"The professor. He has a machine, Cerebro. It tracks mutants. If Illyana was a mutant…"
"You want me to tell the professor about little Illyana? You want me to possible think that Illyana could be out there, as a mutant? No, Illyana cannot be a mutant. The world would be too cruel for her…"
"I'm sorry Pietr."
"It is ok. I will tell the others about what happened sooner or later… I just need time to fit in."
"Very well, Pietr."
"Thank you. And by the way… it's Colossus now."


Everyone stared at Peter for a second before gathering their thoughts to know what to say to him.

"Uh…wow, dude. How…how old is your sister now? I'm not trying to be mean, and I don't know the situation of course, so I don't want to say was…or…anything…," Bobby tried to ask Peter as politely as he could without trying to sound like a heartless person. If Bobby was anything, that wouldn't be part of his personality.

Peter answered him, "It is ok, comrade. Wherever my dear Illyana is at, she would be around eight years old by now. Illyana is alive. I can feel it in my heart."

"My good Russian companion, we are always here for you," Hank said to him. "So I guess I shall set off now with my chronicle?"


Want to know the rest? Come back to read the other's origins!

Origins in this issue written by:

Jean Grey- Ice
Scott Summers/Cyclops- thee great one
Piotr (Peter) Rasputin/Colossus- ProjectX2
Hehe, it would be interesting to hear a news report of some plane going down near the Canadian border, with a giant green person sighted.

Good stuff, especially the origins. I like the Colossus parts. :D
Oh look! Another update!

Well, at least it won't be another two months for anything. I already have the next few issues ready to go, so this'll be updated every week for the next few weeks, and hopefully more. Now here are the rest of the origin peeks that include Beast, Storm, and Iceman. No Wolverine. Not yet.

My name is Charles Francis Xavier. I founded the X-Men because I believe this world can co-exist with both humans and mutants alike. I searched for those were able to help me in my cause that would one day rid of the hatred that fills the hearts of those who wish ill against us. I brought together six mutant outcasts to do just that.

Cyclops. Iceman. Jean Grey. Colossus. Beast. Wolverine.

And then we found Storm during a mission in Africa.

Now if only the world can see the good that can come from this…


The Canadian team known as the Alpha Flight came unannounced looking for Wolverine and the 'Xavier Files'. After a quick brawl with them, the X-Men found out the truth that Xavier was keeping from them. The truth about how to defeat the X-Men with weakness of their powers. After Wolverine put a stop to the fight and gave what he said were the files to Guardian, leader of Alpha Flight, they left back home, keeping Bruce Banner as their prisoner.

With now knowing such an unnerving fact about the Xavier Files, the X-Men team leaves for the night to cool off, even Wolverine.





"My good Russian companion, we are always here for you," Hank said to him. "So I guess I shall set off now with my chronicle?"

The Past-

A grizzled ugly complexion stared back at Norton McCoy; the mirror hung so many years ago by an Illinois hospital custodian revealed the toll his wife's pregnancy had taken on the old soul. Edna McCoy was on her 32nd week, bed-ridden, beautiful and currently in Never land while Norton could only slowly breakdown. Myriad thoughts sprung forth in his mind slowly spiraling into a incomprehensible mesh of notions and ideas. His brother, Robert, had made parenting look so easy; how could he ever compare with his older brother's perfection? He couldn't. Didn't matter if he knew it or not, the comparisons would come just as soon as little Henry entered the world. Norton was driving himself up the wall.

After washing the sweat from his forehead, Norton returned to the waiting room. What seemed like eternity quickly ended as Norton was called into the operating room to witness the C-section. Blurry light blue forms went back and forth confusing Norton's senses; doctors were quickly preparing for the birth. A small knife made a delicate incision into Edna's belly, and with delicate hands, the lead doctor retrieved Henry McCoy from his mother's womb. Norton heard a gasp from the lead doctor instantly riling his fatherly instinct, compelling him to see his son. He looked down in blank amazement and disgust at his new born child: A smiling baby boy lay in the doctors palm. The boy's hands and feet were abnormally huge. "Lord, I'm not ready for this," Norton whispered into the chilly hospital air.

Norton gazed down the hallway of his Illinois home, transfixed at a door in the middle passage. It'd been years since Hank had been born and Norton still considered himself an awful father; He had to create some kind of coherent relationship between him and his son before it drove him insane. Slowly, his skinny legs dragged him over to Hank's room. His sweaty palms clenched hard as he gently opened the door. He scanned the room and found his little five-year-old son barefoot sprawled on the floor engrossed with a comic book. Norton just watched his son, he'd been told not to interrupt or extinguish any of early childhood's pleasures or it could be damaging to the father-son bond. So he just stood in the doorway until his thoughts were interrupted by his son's high-pitched voice, " What are you doing?"

"Just watching, Hank. That's all."

"Oh, that's amicable."

"Can I see what you're reading?"

Hank held up his comic, a fiery man blazed on the cover without any semblance of pain. Norton gestured to see it up close and looked at the cover and at his son. Hank once again interrupted his father's thoughts, "How does fire work?"

Finally, actual science, Norton thought and sat down on Hank's bed. "You see fire is simply the continual combustion of molecules creating an intense heat, you understand so far?"

"Yep, What else?"

Norton wasn't going to get dinner going for another two hours.

Hank sat solemnly on the other end of the cafeteria, watching others as he juggled reading his assigned reading- The Giver- for the fifth time, finishing his algebra, and actually eating the paste the school board called "food". He was never someone to do one thing at a time. It was his last year at his Illinois Middle School and he still was unaware if he had gained any friends; It seemed that he was shunned for being different in every aspect- appearance, intellect, income- nothing was overlooked in his constant humiliation. Some times he felt that his father was wrong, Hank would need to fight back at some point. The anger was building daily and he and his father were both aware of the possible consequences of suppressed anger.

A muscle-bound arm reached in over Hank's head directed toward his tots. Hank would have recognized that arrogant Neanderthal anywhere, just another bully in a long line. Before the muscle-head even uttered a derogatory comment, Hank's gargantuan hands seized the closing arm, and casually and surprisingly flipped the jock straight onto his back. Hank had never been able to react that way, yet it was strangely refreshing to see a long-time enemy unconscious at his feet. Freshmen year was definitely going to introduce a new Hank McCoy.

"Seeeeeeeeeeet HAIKE!" The game was in motion. Bodies were flying everywhere. Muscle pounded against muscle; heart rates sped up, and sweat spilled over the football field. Hank McCoy was already into his fourth game: one of one freshmen who were on the school's major football team. When the Quarterback's guttural nonsense escaped throat, all of Hank's trig, physics, and Victorian knowledge went out the window. Instead he had one mindset: Get open, receive ball, make a touchdown.

Adrenaline rushed through him as his bulky legs ran forward. Cheering fans made his disfigurement bearable as he easily avoided the defense. The ball practically attracted itself to Hank as his giant hands wrapped around the ball. Nothing could stop him now. No man had ever tackled him since the his mutation bloomed. He ran down the field with joy in his breast and a smile on his face.

"What do you think, Jean?"

"The Professor said this Henry McCoy was our guy."

"I don't know, he seems pretty damn happy here. Makes me wonder."
"About whether what we're doing is the right thing?"

"Exactly. It seems silly to tear anyone away from happiness."

"Scott, what Xavier has planned is far more important than any meaningless football game."

"I suppose you're right."

"Then let's get going; it looks like this game is just about over."
Hank now knew the feeling of acceptance. It had taken a great deal of time but people knew who he was and liked him for what he was. At least that's what he thought as he gallivanted into the in-zone. A cannon cheer rang out as Hank McCoy successfully finished the game. It wasn't until later, after everything had settled down that two young strangers approached the young athlete on the bench.

Scott Summers placed his right palm over Hank's shoulders to get his attention. Hank shifted his body toward the couple: He beheld some slim little squirt with red glasses and one gorgeous red head.

"Hello, Mr. McCoy. My name is Jean Grey, and this is Scott Summers." Seemingly verbatim Jean uttered what Hank would eventually call the usual spiel. "We represent a team of concerned teenagers on a mission; while it may seem like an issue, soon mutant kind will become a key factor in the future of man kind. Some men such as are benefactor Charles Xavier wish to make it an amicable process, others see the coming of mutants as a survival of the fittest agenda with mutants being the true inheritors of the earth.

"Our leader, Xavier has seen the good in you and would appreciate you joining the cause."

"Seen? I've never even heard of this man, dear Jean."

"Don't worry his methods will become clear soon enough."

Hank paused to contemplate his dilemma. Would he continue on his eventual profitable path or go with these strange individuals he just met? He'd always wanted to do some good with the world very much like the costumed crusaders he used to read about, besides with his brain and knowledge he would be an incredible asset to a cause worth fighting for, not to mention his promising mutation. Hell, he might as well give it a try, stretch his intellectual muscles [this Xavier seems like a smart fellow].

"Sure, I'll join your little ragtag team of adventurers, but only if I get free access to whatever kind of library you have at this clubhouse, all right?"

Scott looked at Jean with a questioning eye. Jean nodded and smiled.

"Then it's settled, I'm coming with you guys. So how are we getting where we're going?"

Scott uttered, "We're taking the X-Jet."

"Oh, of course, the what?"


"And then I went on to become more of a specialist on the Blackbird than anyone," Hank joked as he took a bite out of a sandwich he made while telling his story.

"A braniac since birth, eh?" Bobby laughed.

"Easy Drake," Scott said as he stared relentlessly at him from across the camp fire.

"What? I'm only just messin' with him," Bobby said, turning serious now.

"Don't even think about askin' me 'cause I ain't tellin' ya nothin'," Logan said, leaning back against a tree with a cowboy hat covering his face.

"Well then young one, it is us two left. Who goes first?" Ororo asked Bobby as she turned to him.

"Oh, ladies first by all means," replied Bobby as he gave a wink and a smile to her.

"Such a gentleman," Ororo pointed out and began to tell her tale…

22 years ago-

I wasn't actually born in Kenya. I was born here in New York City. My parents were Ambassadors from Kenya and travelled a lot between America and Africa. By the time I was born was when my father and mother were here on a meeting. They stayed here for a couple more weeks before they left back to Africa. Sadly that was the last trip they would have ever made.

A couple of months later, as my parents had told me, a new ruler had taken over the president's seat by force. Lots of people had been killed. He would not let anyone out of the country, let alone the city. He had made things very difficult for everyone, more than it already was. My father grew furious and began to plot a way to take the man out of the seat, which made my mother grow with more worry everyday, fearing my father would get caught and killed.

This went on for years.

12 years ago-

10 years had gone by and nothing had changed. Nothing for the better, that is. My mother had another child, a sister, who she was able to put on an escape boat that was leaving for the states. As she was going to put me in, she got caught by some soldiers and the boat had gone away, luckily missing the shots that came at them from the soldiers that fired at them. For days my mother was tortured before being released. I was made to watch her torture; something that I could never forget, not even if I wanted to.

About two weeks later is when my life would begin to change forever. My father and mother had been killed by a raid the soldiers had done. They blew up buildings, killing anyone that was in it. They didn't care for whoever was left in there. No matter if it was a child or even a soldier of their own. Some soldiers had come into my home and began tearing it apart looking for my parents. They found them and began to ask them questions I cannot remember what now. All I remember is my father telling them no and spitting in their faces. Behind the soldiers was a piece of a table they broke. I could have done something. I could hit them. I COULD HAVE SAVED MY PARENTS!!

But I hid the dark corner, scared stiff. I saw them knock my parents out with the back of their guns. One man pulled out some dynamites and strapped them to my parents. I began to scream and I was found. The next thing I remember was a white flash. Then I woke up and my house was destroyed. The soldiers…and the parents…were dead. I was under some rubble, badly hurt, but somehow survived.

A man came around who was a friend of the president. I heard him call him by 'Amahl Farouk'. He took me in as part of his little band of thieves. I had no choice and there wasn't anything I could do. With no one to turn to, he owned me like a slave.

6 years ago
Cairo, Egypt-

I was part of his street thief gang for 6 years before a man helped me escape. I cannot remember his face; I didn't really get a good view of it. What I found odd was that earlier from that day, I had stolen from the man. I took his wallet and took his money and threw the wallet back without looking.

I saw him asking around for me, and people pointed around where I could be found. I quickly told Amahl. When the man came in, I hid in a room, peeking through a hole. He and Amahl began talking. Soon they began fighting, but not with fists. The man closed his eyes, as Amahl had done, but whatever had happened between them Amahl had lost. He screamed in pain and fell to the floor as if he was lifeless. I gasped loudly and the man heard me. He told I was no longer under his control and that I was free. I was too scared to trust him and left.

Not long after this encounter, is when I had found about my mutant abilities. I did not know that I was a mutant at that time, nor did anyone else. When I first got the powers to control the weather, Mother Nature, I was travelling back to my home. It was a very long way, but I wanted to do it. I walked the long deserts that helped me become who I am today. They taught me what I know. One night I was attacked by men from a nearby town. When they attacked me, I was pushed unto a rock and I screamed for help. I screamed to the heavens for lightning to strike the men. And it did. Clouds quickly gathered and lightning struck each and one of them. I was scared; I didn't know what had happened. There was an old wise man that saw the whole thing happen from the truck the men saw me in. He explained to me the gods had gifted me with the power of Mother Nature herself. He asked me where I was going and I told him. I told him everything.

He took me under his care and became my mentor. We travelled together back home. It took many weeks, but we survived and I learned to control my powers more and more. When we came back home, I had enough control to rid the president who was still in control of the city. I had taken over as the people had begun to call me the 'Beautiful Windrider'; a God. I stayed in control of the city for all the years until you guys came.


"I miss people with all my love, but I know they are fine with who is in charge. Still, it would do good to visit them soon," Ororo finished her story as a tear came down her eye and swept it away.

"Wait, I don't mean to be rude or anything, but the man you said you stole from…what was his skin color?" Bobby asked curiously.

"He was an American man. Why do you ask?" Ororo wondered.
"I…I think that was Professor Xavier!" Bobby exclaimed.

"How?" Scott asked, wondering what Bobby was going on about.

"Remember one of the first History lessons he taught us? He said he had travelled to Cairo! He was telling us about his trip there and that he had his money stolen by a little girl," Bobby answered Scott's question. Everyone had a dumbfounded look. They were surprised, more Ororo than anyone else.

"Oh my dear heavens!" Ororo said.

"We will have to talk to him about this. But it's getting late and you go now, Bobby," Peter reminded him as he threw away his napkin from his sandwich into a bag.

"Okie doke then," Bobby said, then starting to tell his story…

1 year ago-

Well, before Jean came to me that day when I had my date with Opal (God I miss her…), I had first found out I had powers about a year before. There was this school jackass who thought he was the king of the whole place. Rocky Beasely was his name. At that time, I was going out with Judy Harmon: hottest girl of the school and captain of the cheerleading squad. Rocky was always pissed about that. One time he even challenged me to a fight outside the school after the day was over. I didn't accept at first, but they had taken Judy with them. I was about to punch his face in, when I just accepted the offer.

Once school was over we met for the fight once everyone cleared out. His friends held Judy so she wouldn't go free. Rocky began the fight, but he wasn't going to win it. Not with my parents having me learn some self-defense classes, I had thought. Oddly enough, that wasn't what helped. I was able to fend off Rocky and then grabbed him by the throat. His face was literally turning blue and I quickly let go. He was having trouble breathing. I was scared, thinking I had almost killed him. Suddenly I let out a blast of ice shooting Rocky back a couple yards. We were all freaked out. Judy's parents came to pick her up and were just furious about what was going on. They didn't see the ice, they just saw her held up and blamed everything on me. She was transferred the next day to another school and I never saw her again.

As for Rocky and the others, they went through a lot of therapy. No one believed them about what the whole ice thing. Since it was a hot day, the ice melted away before anyone could see it the next day. The nurse was curious how his blood flow had frozen for a few seconds when Rocky asked to be fully checked. When I had heard that…I went and told my parents everything. My father was angry and disappointed. As if I had choice in this! We didn't tell anyone.

Against my father's wishes, or more like commands really, I still practiced with my powers, learning to make things out of ice and even learning, accidentally, how to make myself covered in ice. About four or five months later I ran into Opal at the mall and that's when we hit it off, though I haven't heard from her in a while.


"There's not much else I can tell. Nothing really happened from then until Jean came," Bobby finished telling his story.

"Well, now we all learned about whom we are and were we come from…for the most part. Hopefully we can appreciate each other more?" Jean asked as she dosed out the fire.

"Time for sleep everyone. We leave first thing in the morning," Cyclops said as everyone got up and went to sleep.



Origins in this issue written by:

Hank McCoy/Beast- Ultxon
Ororo Munroe/Storm- Ice
Robert "Bobby" Drake/Iceman- Ice
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thee great one said:
It was alright, but the parts with Storm stealing from Xavier is just a replay of the comics.
Of course it was. I didn't see a reason for changing that. I liked that about her how it connected her and Xavier together.

The Essential X-Men #30
Written & Cover by ice
"Magneto's Return" Part 1 of 4

Remember Magneto? The crazy talking guy that tried to destroy NYC? Well, he's back, and with a vengeance! The Magneto before isn't the Magneto now. And you just might be surprised why.

Release Date: 8/18/06
And on we go! Beggining now is the first part of the 4-part Magneto arc. He's coming back and badder than ever. Thought I wrote him loosely and wrong in the beggining? Well, it may seem so, but I had a reason for it. Granted I could have done it better, but hey, we're not all perfect and it's not as if I'm a professional writer. Anyways, now the fun really begins with this arc as there are plenty of interesting things to come. Enjoy them very much and don't be afraid to post your thoughts, be good or bad.

My name is Charles Francis Xavier. I founded the X-Men because I believe this world can co-exist with both humans and mutants alike. I searched for those were able to help me in my cause that would one day rid of the hatred that fills the hearts of those who wish ill against us. I brought together six mutant outcasts to do just that.

Cyclops. Iceman. Jean Grey. Colossus. Beast. Wolverine.

And then we found Storm during a mission in Africa.

Now if only the world can see the good that can come from this…

The Acolytes. Magneto. The Upstarts. Sentinels. The Brotherhood. Proteus. Juggernaut. Alpha Flight.

All enemies the X-Men have come up to face since their coming together. Every one a challenge to them, but not enough a challenge to bring the X-Men down. The X-Men have been very lucky defeating their foes, but what lies ahead of the X-Men from here on out may just be the downfall of them all…






S.H.I.E.L.D. Hellicarrier
Known to only certain people
2 Days ago-

The S.H.I.E.L.D. Hellicarrier, secret headquarters, or rather, the REAL headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Nick Fury, it's commanding officer, floats 100 miles above the front headquarters building of the organization, the Triskelion. The Hellicarrier, masked by clouds all over now, is at least three football fields wide, and its length runs pretty far as well. Fighter jets are parked on its deck.

One helicopter was landing down in the middle of the deck, as a tall, blonde woman jumps off and heads towards the main door. The woman, wearing dark sunglasses and a large brown trench coat with black boots, dusted herself off as she pressed her hand on a pad that was right next to the door.

"Agent Sharon Carter. Password: Crystal Sky 7638216," Agent Carter said into the pad as a green light appeared and the door opened itself. Carter walked in and proceeded to head down the long hallway with a guard sitting at his desk a few inches away from the door. Red lights lit the hallway on top with each light a few inches away from each other. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. walked all over the place as they welcomed Agent Carter.

"H-hey there, Sharon! How was the vacation?" One of the Agents stumbled to ask as he tried to clean up his goatee that he slobbered all over going all puppy-eyed over Carter.

"Sharon? Sharon! How's it going, eh?" Another Agent asked. Everyone was ignored by Carter as she kept walking and eventually arriving at the head honcho's office.

"Come in, Agent Carter," a man's voice called out to there as Carter was about to knock on the door.

"How did you-" Agent Carter was about to ask, but was interrupted by the answer she asked for.

"Eyes all over the place, girl. You of all should know that," the man said. He turned around to look at Carter, and sat down at his desk, with his name on a plaque.


"Good to see you again, Carter. You took an extended vacation. I'm not surprised you took an extra two months, seeing as how you rarely get a vacation anyhow," Fury said to Carter as he held his head with his fist under his chin and his elbow on his desk. Fury wore his eye patch over his left eye with marks coming out from it in the shape of lighting bolts.

"Who took my place while I was gone?" Carter asked, still wearing the trench coat and sunglasses.

"Always territorial, aren't you? Agent Hill was your replacement for the time being. But she's now back to her duties as you shall be. I do, however, have a new task for you," Fury said, as he got up and walked over to one of the five cabinets that stood behind his desk, just only six feet away. He opened one of the drawers of the third cabinet and took a giant file and placed it on his desk, in front of Carter.

"This is my new task?" Carter asked staring at the file without opening it.

"As you requested on your way in. I was wondering why you would request such an odd offer. Odd being that this is in no way your kind off gig, know what I mean?" Fury questioned. He continued saying, "Of course, I would expect it from anyone after the accident you had, leaving you to take your vacation leave. But you wanted prisoner watch, you got it."

Agent Carter opened the file and saw pictured of a man with white hair in a grey prisoner outfit, and more pictures of the same man, but in a red and purple outfit that had a cape, and the man wearing a helmet. On top of the briefing page had his name, 'Erik Magnus Lensherr" with the words underneath it scribing, "Magneto".

"So this who I have to keep an eye on? This mutant?" Carter asked looking through the file, studying her new 'friend'.

"This is TOP priority. This is one of the most dangerous mutants known in existence. His power of metal and magnetism is not one to be taken lightly. Now, if there is anything else you need, you may take your leave. The file will tell you all you need to know. Is that understood?" Fury asked, looking at Carter with a serious face.

Carter didn't answer. She closed the file and picked it up as she stood up. She looked at Fury, gave him a nod, and left his office. Fury eased a bit after Carter left, and sat down again.

Xavier Institute of Higher Learning

The X-Men's van pulls up in front the mansion's garage that's located around the corner of the front entrance. As soon as Scott parked the van, everyone exited the vehicle and began to collect their bags. Scott didn't get his right away. Instead, he waited for everyone to get ready to go in, waiting to tell them something.

He began, "As soon as you have your belongings put away, get into your uniforms and head straight to the Danger Room. You're all due for another training. And yes, that includes you, too, Logan, even though you don't belong here."

"What?!" Bobby yelled.

"Something wrong Drake?" Scott asked Bobby.

"Dude, what the hell is your problem? We just got here and you're throwing us into some grudge match just because you're pissed off the Professor didn't tell you about those things? News flash! We're all upset! But you're taking it too far," Bobby lashed back.

"You shouldn't talk! You don't know anything! Especially coming from the weakest member here! You of all need the training! You want to play with the big boys now? Wise up! It's time you learned to grow up and quit making an @$# of yourself. Start doing something for this team for once!" Scott yelled at Bobby furiously.

"Scott! How dare you talk like that?! What is wrong with you?!" Ororo asked him, shocked more at what Scott said to Bobby than the tone he took with him.

"Start doing something? Hey %#^$!&$! Who's the one who came up with the idea to take down Magneto, huh? Sure as hell wasn't you, now was it? What now soldier boy?" Bobby yelled, keeping the battle of words between him and Scott raging on. Scott grew more furious than ever, with his face.

"Oh what my eyes have seen with such utter dissatisfaction as they have now," chimed in Hank, saddened by the event that went on before him.

"What are ya yappin' about? The runt ain't half bad if I do say so myself," teased Logan as he leaned back on the van and kept watching on with everyone else.

"*X-MEN! That will be quite enough! This madness will cease immediately! Everyone get settled and head to the war room. That is an order.*" Xavier's said to everyone, talking to them telepathically.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Hellicarrier
Fury's Office

"The truth," Agent Carter said as she barged into Fury's office and slammed her fists on the table.

"Come again?" Fury asked, sitting in his chair and then leaning back on it.

"You heard me. I want the truth. You've never given me a simple watch over someone job. This isn't you," Agent Carter went on, finally sitting down herself.
"Let me explain, Carter," Fury began to explain. "You see, we have plans of moving Magneto into the newly built vault, "The Void". It's capable of holding baddies like him and keeping his powers at bay. Simply put, in there, any bad guy with super human power are powerless."

"And what? You want me to make sure he gets there fine? That's why you gave me this job?" Carter once again questioned Fury about the assignment he gave her, wondering really why she got it.

"On the contrary, Agent Carter, that job is actually going to Agent Daisy Johnson," Fury responded.

"I see. Your own personal protégé, huh?" Carter sighed as she slouched in her chair.

"You're one of the best agents I have, so you'll need to keep an extra eye on Magneto. Because if anything happens…it's your head. You understand me?" Fury asked Sharon as he stared at her with his one eye.

"Understood. But when were you planning on telling me all this?" Sharon asked as she was getting up to leave the office.

"Today, actually." Fury answered her, smiling back.

Carter came back and asked, "One more thing. Why don't you just have Magneto here instead of down in the Triskelion?"

"Remember what I told you about this Hellicarrier? We can't have prisoners here. My Ultimates don't even know about this," Fury answered here. Carter nodded and finally left.

Xavier Institute for Higher Learning
The War Room

The War Room was the X-Men's briefing room before leaving on any mission. With two giant monitors taking the space at the far end of the room and a world globe hologram in the center of the room produced by a high-tech machine. The X-Men stood around the room in a semi-circle form, while Xavier sat in front of the two monitors.

"Listen to me. I understand that you are all quite angry with me for not telling you about the files. I understand if you do not care for what I have to say, but you must, however, hear it. The Xavier Files, as you have heard, are what I have incase anything should happen, God forbid, to any of you, we have the means and knowledge to stop you, without having to kill you. If you have been taken over, you are not exactly going to just stop. I ask for your forgiveness, but I won't fret if you do not," Xavier explained to the X-Men. Silence spread through the room for a few seconds, before someone spoke out. And that someone, of course, was Scott.

"My number one problem is why would you keep this a secret from us? Why wouldn't you just talk to us about this? What else are you hiding?" Scott asked, now calmed down from before.
"I know this is something that you should all know about. But have you asked yourself what difference would this have made? I was, eventually, going to inform you all. But the time was not right. You all know now. But don't let this knowledge get the best of you," Xavier replied back.

"What is that supposed to mean, Professor?" Peter asked, confused by the last thing Xavier told them.

"That is something you must all find out on your own. In fact, I expect an answer from each and every one of you all by the end of the day. And yes, you, too, Logan," Xavier told them as he controlled his wheel chair to leave the War Room.

"Ain't I special, today?" Logan asked rhetorically.


The Triskelion.
Prisoner Bay: The Holding Cells
Later Today-

Sharon Carter walked down the hallway wearing her long brown trench coat and sunglasses as she always does. She walked up to the room that held Magneto's plastic cell and entered it with a face of relief.

"Gentlemen. Please open the walkway to Magneto's cell. I need to have a talk with him," Carter commanded the agents that controlled the room.

"There wasn't any mention of this. Are you sure you're supposed to this?" One the agents questioned her.

"Who is your ranking officer?! Now open this damn door or it's your job!" Carter yelled, getting the guys to open the door for her as she commanded. Carter put her gun on the plastic tray next to the door that led to Magneto's cell. Once the door was opened and the walkway was laid out, she went on to talk to Magneto.

Once there, she found Magneto playing chess with himself.

"Nice day isn't, it, Erik? Or should I call you Magneto?" Sharon asked him.

"Who might you be, young lady? I have not seen you around here before. This must be something special for me not to get my usual visitor," Erik asked her. 'Erik' was Magneto's real name.

"Who am I? I'm the one who's here to break you out."

Better late than never, as the saying goes. I've been interrupted several times while writing a review of this, but I'm at last getting it posted.

For me, one of the best features of this arc was the decision to have different authors write the individual characters' background stories. This really makes it sound as though different people are talking, which gives each character a unique voice. I liked this idea a lot.

There are the usual problems of switching tenses in the story (I don't know why I point this out – I should just accept the fact that it's going to happen and deal with it). The origins themselves seem to take elements from both the Ultimate and the regular Marvel universes. It's always better to have more sources to draw on than less.... (Okay, yes, that is a typical librarian comment. :grin: )

It's interesting how many of the characters' stories revolve around using their powers to help someone, and then having them misunderstood. However, in the cases of Ororo and Piotr, who were using their talents on the shady side of the law, it's nice to see the themes of being able to change your mind and use your talents for something positive instead.

Scott didn't have much in his room. He had his stereo on the left side of his room, and his T.V. next to the corner of the little hallway that led to the room's door. Scott did have his own closet, like every bedroom, but unlike Jean's, it wasn't overfilled. Scott's closet had everything organized neatly, all the way down to his shoes and shoe boxes.
Y'know, that's scary. Does he have them color-coded or something?

A muscle-bound arm reached in over Hank's head directed toward his tots. Hank would have recognized that arrogant Neanderthal anywhere, just another bully in a long line. Before the muscle-head even uttered a derogatory comment, Hank's gargantuan hands seized the closing arm, and casually and surprisingly flipped the jock straight onto his back.
Heh. Gotta love seeing bullies on the receiving end for a change. And it was done without shooting any innocent bystanders, either.

Also: we just read The Giver in one of my book discussion groups, and had a solid hour of really good discussion on it. I can totally see Henry McCoy reading it five times.
Ice i've read up to part 26 so far.

Now i not read vol 1 as I can't find it but I want to say great job dude.

I dont read many fan fics but yours i loved.

your style of writing and description of characters is damn good.

the way you've changed certin this is very good I love it.

I wish the stories i write on here were half as good as this dude.
Ice i've read up to part 26 so far.

Now i not read vol 1 as I can't find it but I want to say great job dude.

I dont read many fan fics but yours i loved.

your style of writing and description of characters is damn good.

the way you've changed certin this is very good I love it.

I wish the stories i write on here were half as good as this dude.
Dude, many thanks. I will PM you the link to the first 21 chapters in a minute.
just finished part 1.

It was a little weird reading part 1 after i read some of two. it's like a prequal only unlike most prequals it kicked *** dude.

I will start reading the rest of two tommorow.

been reading a chapter then stoping posting on here then reading next chapter.

IMO this is better than Ultimate x-men. You could easily write a comic book series.

Your story actually had me hooked. I dont read alot of none comics so it was a refreshing exeperence for me to read a story that felt like a comic yet was a story.

and I loved the wolverine christmas. did you do the pic for him with his christmas hat on?
It was a little weird reading part 1 after i read some of two. it's like a prequal only unlike most prequals it kicked *** dude.
Muchas thanks! :D

I will start reading the rest of two tommorow.
Always sweet.

IMO this is better than Ultimate x-men. You could easily write a comic book series.
Whoa. Bold statement, but many thanks, nonetheless.

Your story actually had me hooked. I dont read alot of none comics so it was a refreshing exeperence for me to read a story that felt like a comic yet was a story.
Thanks once again. Always nice to please people.

and I loved the wolverine christmas. did you do the pic for him with his christmas hat on?
I did. Just did that in paint.

And thanks for the comments, Seldes. As always, much appreciated.
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I did. Just did that in paint.

cool i've been taking the cheaters way with my spider-man story and using heromachine so i didn't have to do anywork.

but that is cool that you do yours in paint it shows your putting real effort in to the fan-fic and pays off it makes it alot more unique.
cool i've been taking the cheaters way with my spider-man story and using heromachine so i didn't have to do anywork.

but that is cool that you do yours in paint it shows your putting real effort in to the fan-fic and pays off it makes it alot more unique.
Wait, I think we've had a misunderstanding. The only thing I did in paint was the hat. The picture is from the 'net, like all my covers.
Wait, I think we've had a misunderstanding. The only thing I did in paint was the hat. The picture is from the 'net, like all my covers.

Oh i thought you drew all of them in paint.

When I got my laptop back, there was no Microsoft Word, and I was sure as hell not writing on Word Pad! :shock:

But I just got it back the other day, so this weekend I'm going back to writing, hopefully having the chapters coming up again in a few weeks or so.

Essential X-Men #31
Guest Cover by: JonnyFreeze
Written by: Ice

"Magneto Returns" Part 2 of 4

Feautring a guest cover done by none other than JonnyFreeze! The series returns to complete the arc that brings Magneto back! Everything you've read up to this points is revealed here. Forget everything you've heard, the truth is finally set free. The answers that begin to change the X-Men for good begins here! Get along for the ride because once the rollercoaster starts, no one knows where it'll end!!

Release Date: 11/24/06
that cover turned out really ****in sharp if i do say so myself.
those x men never learn about the whole magneto/metal thing and their latest sneak into magneto`s hideout on a tandem bike just proves it.
what i really wanna know Ice. is what is the connection between the x-men and Turner D Century`s tandem bike. i can see a massive plot twist coming here and maybe even the return of Turner D himself!!!!**

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