Ultimate Central: The Fanfic - Volume 9

That was my bad. I had went through my photobucket, and in my organizational ways, started to move things around. I'll post the new links when I get the chance. SOrry guys
*sigh* I need a life...

Am I wearing a silly hat?
That's entrophy, I cut corners and use you as a template, funny how you looked at the little guy in the corner and not the huge version of you by the moon
Random rules! When does he find time to sleep?
rarely, sleep is the most precious thing to me in the world

It amuses me every time I see that one dude whose design is ripped off from Kingdom Hearts.
not sure who your referring to, I just made these off the descriptions I can find
SLimjim requested that he look like DiZ from Kingdom Hearts a long time ago

Okay, saying "ripped off" was a bit strong, but there are a lot of similar design elements between that guy (that's SlimJim, right?) and this character:


I remembered DiZ as having fewer feminine curves...

As Houde said, Slimjim made that what his character look like on one of the team up covers, I made a few alterations so it wouldnt be a direct copy, not that much though
Doc Mansion

UltimateDJF: Run doggie!

UltimateDJF threw a stick in the air, in mid air the panda-shark jumped up and caught it.

UltimateDJF: Good doggie!

He ran over and patted the panda-shark, who tried to take off UltimateDJF's arm.

Victor Von Doom: Are you serious?
Ultimate Houde: Yeah, it's a cross between a panda and a shark, it's the stupid green guys pet, and lastly, it has saved my life.
Victor Von Doom: This mansion is the balls.
Ultimate Houde: For the most part it is.

He hands Victor Von Doom a folder, manilla, within it names of certain people.

Ultimate Houde: Can you recruit these people for us? There's a mission we need to do, and quite frankly, we've had our hands busy ever since we got the information from the Conspiracy group. Lot's of missions we can do to take out several different bases of the Emperor. But these guys were part of a group, which has since disbanded. A former member is going to help us out on these raids we are going to do. But these three manage to shake us before we found them.
Victor Von Doom: Sure, this guy here, his power is sound?
Ultimate Houde: Yeah, listen, we need you to train them in basic fighting, well, him and the light one. The other guy in that sheet is damn good at fighting, but he's a ball full of rage. He'll need some refining.
Victor Von Doom: Man, you have me being the mentor for the B-Team, don't you
Ultimate Houde: Knew you would understand.

Ultimate Houde withdrew his swords, and cut a portal. The dark streets of Chicago were shown beyond it.

Ultimate Houde: Here's a communicator. With it we can keep tabs on you, you need help, press the red button, and we will come and help you out. Good luck man, the Emperor is getting anxious; he's going to start hunting us down, all of us.
Victor Von Doom: I'm good at hiding, been doing it for years now.
Ultimate Houde: Alright man
Victor Von Doom: Well, this is going to be legen…wait for it…dary

He jumped through the portal, and into Chicago.


At a laboratory, Professor Houdenmeyer was screaming at his associates. In the background, various clones were around, doing busy work. The Method was seen, along with the mangled corpse of the Controller.

Professor Houdenmeyer: How goes the harvest?
Iceshadow: Good I guess. Brought you a couple more today. You know something Bill Nye, you should go through bodies a little less quicker. It's getting harder and harder to cover it up.
Professor Houdenmeyer: You and your flunkies do as I say Iceshadow, or I shall show you what happened to your 616 counterpart. You understand me?
Iceshadow: Whatever wrinkles.
Professor Houdenmeyer: Get out of my sight. Worthless peons.

Iceshadow, Blacksword and Shadowprime walked out of the lab.

Iceshadow: Sometimes, I wish I got the cushy gig with Lithium, dealing with the inmates at that prison with Ice.
Blacksword: What I find interesting is the fact that our counterparts are missing from the Emperor's fold.
Shadowprime: If we get free time gentlemen, I suggest we try to figure out what happened to them. But let's get this job done, I'm hungry.

They stepped into the teleporter, and disappeared from the lab.



Recruitment Drive

Volume 9, Issue 63, By Ultimate Houde


Victor Von Doom stepped out into the cold Chicago air. Humming merrily to himself, he walked around the corner. It wasn't long before Vic realized something was wrong. People were running indoors, other ones were screaming at their children to get inside. Some guy was rushing past him and tripped. Victor stopped to pick him up when the man screamed at him.

Man: Leave me alone stranger!
Victor Von Doom: Really?
Man: Don't touch me! I won't go with you!
Victor Von Doom: I have no idea what your talk about.
Other Voice: You should.

Victor Von Doom turned around to see a man standing there dressed in a black suit, lazily balancing a dagger on his finger. He looked up at Victor Von Doom.

Other Voice: Someone is out after curfew, they get abducted. Everyone here knows that stranger.
Victor Von Doom: A kidnapping eh? And I didn't wear my sexy underwear for you today.

The man chuckled, and threw the dagger straight at VVD's chest. VVD went to dodge it, but found out he couldn't. The dagger hit VVD in the chest and simply bounced off.

Other Voice: Ah, you are one of us, unexpected to say the least.
Victor Von Doom: And why can't I move?
Other Voice: I have control of you via my shadow. The name is Shadowprime. What's yours?
Victor Von Doom: Victor Von Doom, I suggest you let me out of this shadow hold you have me on.
Shadowprime: I think not.
Victor Von Doom: Well, you can't keep me here forever, and my unbreakable skin will make it difficult for you to stab me from afar if not impossible. So let's skip the inbetween and just let me punch you out?
Shadowprime: Oh? I think not Mr. Doom.

The shadow underneath VVD churned, and slowly congealed. A hand came out of it, and slithered it's way up VVD's legs, up his chest, and grabbed his neck, and began to squeeze.

Victor Von Doom: Man…..this is not good.
Shadowprime: Time to choke you out Mr.Doom.

Spots began to appear in VVD's eyes as his vision narrowed. Then, he heard something.

McCheese: Antidisestablishmentarianism.

A soundwave blew past VVD, and hit Shadowprime with its full force, knocking the shadow user into the side of the building. The shadows underneath VVD winked out of existence. He turned around to look at his savior.

Victor Von Doom: Thanks for the assist.
McCheese: Assist? I just saved your ***.
Victor Von Doom: Please, I was planning my escape, you just happened to show up, so I wanted to see what you could do.

They both heard a scream.

Victor Von Doom: What's your name kid?
McCheese: McCheese, and I'm not a kid.
Victor Von Doom: The name is Doom, and you look like a kid. Can you fight, other than the sound thing that is.
McCheese: Yeah, I got a little bit of skills.
Victor Von Doom: Let's move then.
McCheese: What about that guy?

Shadowprime was on the ground, unconscious, not moving, and blood was leaking from his ears.

Victor Von Doom: He's down for the count. Come on, let's go.

The dup ran through the streets, following the screaming. They came upon a mother, who was yelling in the middle of the street.

Victor Von Doom: What happened?

The mother turned around, her eyes crying.

Mother: They kidnapped my child. MY CHILD!
McCheese: Doom, they went that way.
Victor Von Doom: How do you know?
McCheese: Not many people on the streets tonight, I can feel the sound vibrations coming through the ground. Come on, I know a shortcut, and they aren't moving that fast.
Victor Von Doom: Lead the way kid.

The two of them went down an alleyway, over some fences, and across a parking lot. McCheese grabbed VVD, and hid behind the solitary car in the lot, a red jeep.

McCheese: They should be here, any minute now.

From around the corner, they saw three people enter the parking lot. Two adults and one child. The child was limp, being carried by a person dressed in noble clothing.

Blacksword: Damn that Shadowprime, he always takes forever trying to get people.
Iceshadow: Whatever, the longer he takes, the more of a break we get.

McCheese suddenly stiffened.

McCheese: Uh Oh.
Victor Von Doom: What is it?
McCheese: Someone is running here, I think it's the guy from before.
Victor Von Doom: In that case, we move now. Once you have a clear shot, take them out.
McCheese: Okay.

Victor Von Doom stepped out from behind the car, and looked at the two kidnappers.

Iceshadow: Man, who is this freak? Seriously, how many of you guys do we need to fight?
Victor Von Doom: We don't have too, leave the kid be.
Iceshadow: No, we like this kid. His name is Lynx, that's what the mom said anyways when my friend here ripped him out of her arms. She still crying?
Victor Von Doom: Fine then, you are going down.
Iceshadow: I think not. Blacksword, activate the portal and get through it. I'll take care of Mr.T here.
Victor Von Doom: In that case, I pity the foo'.

Victor Von Doom charged forward, Iceshadow covered himself in black ice, and then melted into the ground to avoid VVD's punch. He reformed around VVD's fist.

Victor Von Doom: I'm so sick of ice right now.

VVD pulled a grenade out of his belt, pulled the pin out with his teeth, and shoved it into Iceshadow's face. Iceshadow melted once more, and reformed a distance away from VVD.

Iceshadow: HA! Now you take that explosion!
Victor Von Doom: No, this is just like you, a dud.
Iceshadow: Nice pun.

Iceshadow shot streams of ice at VVD, who began to dodge them.

Meanwhile, Blacksword had activated the portal. It sprang into life in the middle of the parking lot. McCheese decided it was his turn to act. Rushing out from his hiding place, he jumped Blacksword from behind, wrapping him up in a bearhug. Blacksword dropped the kid onto the ground

Blacksword: Are you for real? A bearhug from behind?

A strange purple energy emanated from his hand, and a beam shot out of it, turning in midair, and slamming into McCheese's head, knocking him backward. McCheese hit the ground, and winced from the pain. Blacksword stood above him.

Blacksword: Got anything to say for yourself?
McCheese: Antidisestablishmentarianism

The soundwave blew Blacksword backward, and through the open portal.

McCheese: ***, I wanted you to drop the kid that's all.

Doom was having a harder time, Iceshadow was keeping his distance, and Doom couldn't get to him. And if he got to close, he wouldn't be able to stay out of the way of his ice beams. So he improvised.

Picking up the car, he threw it at Iceshadow, who predictably melted into the ground, when he went to reform, VVD lobbed a grenade in the middle of Iceshadow's body. The man took one look at it.

Iceshadow: Oh F…

The grenade went off, blowing Iceshadow to pieces. The body slowly reformed, the puddles of black ice coming together in front of the portal. He paused enough to look at VVD.

Iceshadow: Next time Oreo.

He jumped through it. VVD went to move to check on McCheese when he found out he couldn't.

Victor Von Doom: Son of a…

Shadowprime limped into his view. He was holding the kid in his hands.

Shadowprime: The kid is mine. You two are lucky I don't have the power to finish you off now.

He limped through the portal and stepped through. It closed, and VVD and McCheese were released from the shadow hold.

Victor Von Doom: Crap.
McCheese: Well, that's a first huh? The good guys lost.
Victor Von Doom: We'll find the kid. No worries on that.
McCheese: You can go find the kid, I'm staying here.

VVD picked up his pack, and pulled out the manilla folder Ultimate Houde gave him.

Victor Von Doom: McCheese huh? Says on your file numerous gangs want to beat you up. That's weird.
McCheese: I got more control of my powers now.
Victor Von Doom: But you can't fight a damn. How long you think you can walk around and mutter that huge *** word of yours before someone realizes how it works huh? You need training, you need a backup plan.
McCheese: And I'm suppose to run off with you and you'll train me like that huh?
Victor Von Doom: Yup

McCheese paused to consider this.

McCheese: What the hell, I got nothing better to do, TV is all repeats right now anyways. Where's our next stop?
Victor Von Doom: Well, looks like someone you don't know either, the Unknown guy had the file on him, and presumably was going to recruit him at some point. His name is Joe Kalicki and he lives in Joilet.
McCheese: I hate that town, there's a reason why it rhymes with toilet.

A small back up arc for this arc's arc
I think its part of his plan to rule the world
Who know exactly what this cat is thinking?
Not even him, anyways, I proudly present to you!

Not by Ultimate Houde, but by the bestest member evah conceived! TOG!


It was a warm sunny day. The waiter was sweating in the heat. Well, he would be sweating if he could, but being covered in gold doesn't allow one to sweat. And being 40 feet tall doesn't help either, but it was a job, and he needed cash for the job, so here he was, Curly, the mascot and waiter for the Hawaiian chain of restaurants called the Giant Gold Giant.

Seriously, the place is really called that. The fact Curly works there, being a giant gold giant himself was a coincidence.


Anyways, he walked out onto the beach to serve some more drinks.

Curly: Welcome to the Giant Gold Giant, I am legally suppose to say I'm not thee Giant Gold Giant, just a Giant Gold Giant who happens to work for the Giant Gold Giant. What can I get you?
Tourist: Are you thee Giant Gold Giant!
Curly: I told you sir, I'm not the giant Gold Giant, just a Giant Gold Giant. What can I get for you today?
Tourist: Oh, well, that sucks. I guess I'll have the house specialty.
Curly: One Superly Humongously Goldly Giant coming up sir.

Curly turned around, and bent his head down to the kitchens.

Curly: I need the special
Cook: Get it yourself!
Curly: My hands can't fit in the kitchen
Cook: I told you to fix that Curly
Curly: I know, sorry sir.

The cook hands him the drink on a tray. Carefully balancing it, he headed back to the tourist.

Curly: Here's your drink.
Tourist: Are you the real Giant Gold Giant? That other guy was a bum.
Curly: Sigh, I'm the other guy sir
Tourist: Oh

The tourist went to sit down when something screamed at him.

Thing: This is my seat you ignoramous!

The tourist turned around, and screamed in fright.

Thing: You've never seen a head before? Well, my name is Thee Great One! And I will rule all!

The tourist ran off in fright. He tripped and fell face first in the sand

Curly: Thee Great One? Is that really you?
Thee Great One: Of course it is. I've been rolling back and forth in the seas, and I think a crab is nesting inside my brain.
Curly: Well, he'll have plenty of room in there.
Thee Great One: Did you try to insult me? THEE GREAT ONE!
Curly: Um…no?
Thee Great One: Good. I need to find the rest of my body, I know where they are, I just can't get to them, I need your helkp.
Curly: Well, I have Friday off, I was going to go to the volcano though, I haven't seen it yet and all. Maybe hit the clubs.
Thee Great One: Curly, you stupid idiot, you're a forty foot tall gold giant. YOU MAKE YOUR OWN VACATION DAYS!
Curly: But, I kinda like this job.
Thee Great One: CURLY! I need to get my other body parts! WE GO NOW!
Curly: Okay, let me check out first, I don't want them to charge me for lost time.
Thee Great Head: Fine, then we go to the luau across the street.
Curly: Okay.

Curly walked away and the tourist surfaced from the sand.

Tourist: I had the weirdest dream…
Thee Great One: Did it involve me at all? Maybe wearing lingerie?

He ran away. Thee Great One went to say something, but the crab inside his head walked out an ear, regarded him coldly, and headed towards to the ocean.

Thee Great One: I hope I don't spread crabs around. I would hate to tell all my sexual partners about it.
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Victor Von Doom: Well, looks like someone you don't know either, the Unknown guy had the file on him, and presumably was going to recruit him at some point. His name is Joe Kalicki and he lives in Joilet.
McCheese: I hate that town, there's a reason why it rhymes with toilet.
I do hate Joliet.

Also, JOE!!! WOOT!!!
Tourist: I had the weirdest dream…
Thee Great One: Did it involve me at all? Maybe wearing lingerie?

He ran away. Thee Great One went to say something, but the crab inside his head walked out an ear, regarded him coldly, and headed towards to the ocean.

Thee Great One: I hope I don't spread crabs around. I would hate to tell all my sexual partners about it.

Good stuff Houde.

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