Ultimate Vision Backstory (Discussion/spoilers)

I'm finding the Ultimate Vision thing to be quite underwhelming.

Solid writing...solid art...but if it were it's own comic. I'd pass on it. It's a good thing it's not coming to TPB. I'd be pissed knowing that as I'm reading these mini-issues and not really liking them....I'll still get them when released on TPB.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Ah so the issue that's supposed to justify the sex change. 1/5 and I don't even have to read it.

It worked for me. Makes sense. I have less of a problem with R0808008Z now, to be honest.
UltimateE said:
It worked for me. Makes sense. I have less of a problem with R0808008Z now, to be honest.
Once they decided to do the sex change, they absolutely needed to provide justification for it. I don't see why that's an automatic reason to give this installment a poor rating. I would be much more likely to go 1/5 if they didn't.
icemastertron said:
Ladies and Gents....it has arrived.


Reed says he's 19. Yet when UFF #1 came out, it said "21 years ago" when he was born.

Yeah....Any other problems we need?

Eh, all the Fantastic Four history is supposed to be fixed soon according to Joe Q., to fix the previous mentions before the series and their appearances in Team-Up, the Super Special, and Dr. Doom's mention as ruler of Latveria. So you might as well throw that into there as well.

Or maybe he just forgot.
TheManWithoutFear said:
You're all fools.
You're the king of them all. :wink:

TheManWithoutFear said:
We all knew there'd be a logical reason for it. We didn't just think they were gonna say, hey she's a girl now. If Vision can take the form of anything, why'd it have to be a chick?
Y'know, I'm starting to think you're a sexest person. :p
TheManWithoutFear said:
You're all fools. We all knew there'd be a logical reason for it. We didn't just think they were gonna say, hey she's a girl now. If Vision can take the form of anything, why'd it have to be a chick?

Why the hell not? If he turned himself into a pink ermine you'd be complaining that he was a pink ermine.

I've never seen so much bickering over a pair of round shiny boobies.
Eh. I was sorta right when I guessed she took that form for communication purpose.

She apparently didn't have to scan the minds of the geeky horny boys present in the room when she assembled to choose her form, but I was close enough.
TheManWithoutFear said:
If Vision can take the form of anything, why'd it have to be a chick?

Think about it - if Vision takes the form most likely to get the attention of the world it is going to, why wouldn't it be a chick?
TheManWithoutFear said:
If Vision can take the form of anything, why'd it have to be a chick?
You know what, it could have been worse:

UltimateE said:
Think about it - if Vision takes the form most likely to get the attention of the world it is going to, why wouldn't it be a chick?

Because women with big breasts often complain that they aren't taken seriously?
UltimateE said:
Think about it - if Vision takes the form most likely to get the attention of the world it is going to, why wouldn't it be a chick?

I thought it was because naked robotic women are more believable than one-legged albino midgets???
E.Vi.L. said:
Because women with big breasts often complain that they aren't taken seriously?

I've finally seen the stories in USM and UXM, so I've caught up that much. (Read them in Borders without buying the issues, because I'm just not spending the money on two issues of titles I normally would pick up in trades.) First off, Sam Wilson is now "Dr. Wilson". No complaints about that, but does any part of the Ultimate Galactus story thus far suggest or state what he might be a doctor of?

Second, I have to agree that giving the robot a female form is actually counter-productive. Why wouldn't people have listened to Vision in its previous form? It communicated pretty well with the SHIELD party at the end of Ultimate Nightmare. All it really needs to be able to do is speak understandable English (or other Terrestrial language) to impart information and answer questions. It could do that in the form of a box with a speaker system. The fact that it can change shape at will should be enough of an attention-getter. Becoming a "shapely female" would certainly get the attention of most of the males in the room, but it's the sort of attention that would be more likely to stimulate the hormones while shutting off the brain cells. That's precisely the sort of distraction humanity doesn't need.
Seldes Katne said:
Second, I have to agree that giving the robot a female form is actually counter-productive. Why wouldn't people have listened to Vision in its previous form? It communicated pretty well with the SHIELD party at the end of Ultimate Nightmare. All it really needs to be able to do is speak understandable English (or other Terrestrial language) to impart information and answer questions. It could do that in the form of a box with a speaker system. The fact that it can change shape at will should be enough of an attention-getter. Becoming a "shapely female" would certainly get the attention of most of the males in the room, but it's the sort of attention that would be more likely to stimulate the hormones while shutting off the brain cells. That's precisely the sort of distraction humanity doesn't need.

*Applause and cheers* :twisted:
Seldes Katne said:
Becoming a "shapely female" would certainly get the attention of most of the males in the room, but it's the sort of attention that would be more likely to stimulate the hormones while shutting off the brain cells. That's precisely the sort of distraction humanity doesn't need.

Women are only useful for making sandwiches and making babies.

So who wants to go out with me?

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