Wizard reveals new Ultimates 3 information, sketches

I'm with Nas, change is good sometimes and i personally thought the appeal of the ultimates was the writing and not the art(which i thought was second rate at best, like Romita Jr.). Mad is a great artist and as long as the stories continue to be good I'll keep picking it up. And Mad draws a rack as good if not better than any artist in the biz. Here! Here! for ultimate tatas.
Synch said:
I'm with Nas, change is good sometimes and i personally thought the appeal of the ultimates was the writing and not the art(which i thought was second rate at best, like Romita Jr.). Mad is a great artist and as long as the stories continue to be good I'll keep picking it up. And Mad draws a rack as good if not better than any artist in the biz. Here! Here! for ultimate tatas.
And here's where I semi-agree with you, after you just agreed with me, thus ending any future agreements we have before they even happen. Dammit I hate being the spawn of Kang!

Anyway, I LOVED Hitch's art and see it as far superior to Mad's. As for JR Jr. - he's one of my favorite artists in comics (at least he is when he's doing Spider-Man and, recently, Wolverine!) - and I just know you ALL hate him and are gonna attack me for liking him, but whatever!

As for the ultimate tatas! Damn straight! I used to use Mad's art for recreational purposes back when I was a kid ALL the time! And by recreational purposes I mean tracing the images with a pencil...perverts!
Re: Ultimates 3 Tidbits!

X2727 said:
The Scarlet Witch looks like the Scarlet Witch from X-Men Legends 2. And her costume during onslaught. In fact so does Iron Man's.

I don't care for the Iron Man redesign. Looks too much like the old Nimrod sentinals from X-Men stories
Scarlet looks hot,and I must say that's an excellent costume.

However,I'm not too convinced with Iron Man.Hitch's design was probably the best looking design ever.It doesn't looks bad but it would probably look better toned down a bit and less anime.
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Okay, before I rant, I loved U1 and 2, looking forward to 3.

To explain to those who don't understand, or care not to. Mad does not draw anime, anime is animation. If you're insisting on using a Japanese term, use the correct one boys, it's manga (which loosely translates to comics). Now, those of you are whining the most about his style, do you draw? Have you ever tried to draw? It's actually easier to draw realistic than stylized and have it look good (like Mad does). Hitch is good, don't get me wrong, but seriously, if you google, you can find the exact pictures he drew from reference. I'm not saying he traced, but he did draw from photo reference. Drawing from the mind's eye is VERY difficult, especially with a deadline, I know from experience. My last question is this, why do people insist on this broad "I hate anime" crap? I understand not liking a particular artist, like Leifeld or Takehashi, but a whole genre?? C'mon, grow up and open your horizons some. I mean, that would be like someone saying "American art sucks, viva la Euro art!". I'm sure most of you who ***** do it just to feel important, and I'm sure I'm wasting my breath, just needed to vent.
skotti-chan said:
Now, those of you are whining the most about his style, do you draw? Have you ever tried to draw?

Oh, PLEASE. To suggest that someone can't hold an opinion (or should change it) just because they aren't experienced in what they are criticizing is weak. If that were valid could anyone ever criticize politicians?

I personally don't care for the manga (thank you for the correction, by the way) style (and "opening my horizons" won't change that). BUT, I'm looking at the coloring on the Cap pic in particular, and I really, really like the darker tones and colors being used. I hope that is the direction they go on the actual book, because it makes the art much more enjoyable.
UltimateE said:
Oh, PLEASE. To suggest that someone can't hold an opinion (or should change it) just because they aren't experienced in what they are criticizing is weak. If that were valid could anyone ever criticize politicians?

I personally don't care for the manga (thank you for the correction, by the way) style (and "opening my horizons" won't change that). BUT, I'm looking at the coloring on the Cap pic in particular, and I really, really like the darker tones and colors being used. I hope that is the direction they go on the actual book, because it makes the art much more enjoyable.

Actually your argument is moot. Politics is something we all do when dealing with friends, family and case in point, running message boards. But, it seems to me you missed the point of my rant, disliking and ENTIRE style is weak. THe re is NO valid reason to dislike and entirety of anything. I could understand if the arguement were "I don't care for Joe Mad's art", but putting down an entire style, that I'm sure you've only seen a TINY fraction of is ludacris. Like i said, it would be like me saying "I hate American comic art".

And can ANYONE give a legit reason as to why the manga-esque style is any worse that western styled. Because more often than not it's the bandwagon mindset of being anti-popular, the mindset that made Punk music and the counter culture successful in the 60's.
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And yes, I feel very irritated, because like Joe Mad, I am very influenced by Japanese art. So, yes, the "I hate anime" arguement IS personal.
skotti-chan said:
Okay, before I rant, I loved U1 and 2, looking forward to 3.

To explain to those who don't understand, or care not to. Mad does not draw anime, anime is animation. If you're insisting on using a Japanese term, use the correct one boys, it's manga (which loosely translates to comics). Now, those of you are whining the most about his style, do you draw? Have you ever tried to draw? It's actually easier to draw realistic than stylized and have it look good (like Mad does). Hitch is good, don't get me wrong, but seriously, if you google, you can find the exact pictures he drew from reference. I'm not saying he traced, but he did draw from photo reference. Drawing from the mind's eye is VERY difficult, especially with a deadline, I know from experience. My last question is this, why do people insist on this broad "I hate anime" crap? I understand not liking a particular artist, like Leifeld or Takehashi, but a whole genre?? C'mon, grow up and open your horizons some. I mean, that would be like someone saying "American art sucks, viva la Euro art!". I'm sure most of you who ***** do it just to feel important, and I'm sure I'm wasting my breath, just needed to vent.

Umm no.

What's wrong with not liking that type of art?No,we're not trying to feel important,it's just not our cup of tea for this type of comic.It's is as simple as that and not as complicated as you make it sound.
I read Ultimate Secret the other day. Then I got to thinking about these new designs. Is it possible the new Iron Man armor is a cross between Tony's designs and some tips that Mahr Vell gives him. He did say he'd give Tony the chance to play around with him if they made it through Gah Lak Tus alive.
TheManWithoutFear said:
I read Ultimate Secret the other day. Then I got to thinking about these new designs. Is it possible the new Iron Man armor is a cross between Tony's designs and some tips that Mahr Vell gives him. He did say he'd give Tony the chance to play around with him if they made it through Gah Lak Tus alive.

Great connection, MWoF. I didn't even think of that and it makes perfect sense. Of course, i don't know if that's what Mad had in mind, but it certainly makes sense.

As to skotti-chan, unfourtunetly even though I often do like manga art (And I like Joe Mad's sketches), I understand where everyone is comming from. Manga art is a style. It is perfectly feasible to dislike a style. I can genuinely say that I do not like Hip-Hop music in general. I am not a singer. Yet I don't like the music. It's grating to my ears. Not just one artist, but almost all of them. Why? Because while each song is certainly different, the general style is unpleasing.
skotti-chan said:
And can ANYONE give a legit reason as to why the manga-esque style is any worse that western styled. Because more often than not it's the bandwagon mindset of being anti-popular, the mindset that made Punk music and the counter culture successful in the 60's.

Because it doesnt look realistic and we want our Ultimates looking realistic.
Nurhachi said:
Because it doesnt look realistic and we want our Ultimates looking realistic.
You've got people with super powers running around beating up bad people with super powers and saving the world from aliens and gods with naughty agendas. When did realism ever factor into comics? That's why I like what I'm seeing for U3 so far. Hitch put such a big push on making it realistic (like designing Iron Man's armor so he can realistically fit inside), I think they all forgot that this is just fantasy. And if a more manga-esque style is the price to pay for them relaxing and realizing we just wanna read the damn stories, then bring it on.
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I enjoy both styles. Hitch's style fit Millar's gritty political drama. Mad's style is going to fit Loeb's big-action superhero style.

I've given up on realism in the Ultimate Universe. I like a twinge of it (I REALLY don't want to see the cosmic beings such as Eternity or Death to show up), but otherwise it's fine.
TheManWithoutFear said:
I read Ultimate Secret the other day. Then I got to thinking about these new designs. Is it possible the new Iron Man armor is a cross between Tony's designs and some tips that Mahr Vell gives him. He did say he'd give Tony the chance to play around with him if they made it through Gah Lak Tus alive.
Good catch! :D

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