Just caught up and watched all six episodes TODAY. Sheesh.
Exhilarating but disappointing.
Exhilarating in that some major problems in the show have been solved and disappointing in that they've done some stupid-*** things.
- I didn't like it when Adam died. I've made no secret of my love for this character, and he was essentially completely mishandled. He was played for comic relief in the episode before this, and in this one he was just an annoying coward. Disappointing.
This move is enough to make me want to quit the show, to be honest.
Adam is, by far, one of the best things in the show. He's a
genuinely interesting villain and a perfect counterpoint to Hiro.
Hiro is the naive guy, who keeps stumbling into an oncoming apocalypse that will happen if he doesn't do something - unfortunately, he's so powerful he's not able to control it and every time he tries to change the future (or past), he has the potential to mess things up. Hiro's greatest ambition is to be a hero of destiny. He is constantly given that chance by a power he has. And that power is the main reason he can fail. It's delightfully tragic.
Adam is the ancient immortal who has lived for hundreds of years and is continually trying to destroy the future. He is an ancient threat that recurs to destroy the future. Not only must the future be known to avert his plans, but his plans have been laid down for decades and they create a mystery to unravel not only in the future, but in the past. All this, and Hiro is the reason he exists at all.
Plus, David Anders and Masi Oka have terrific on-screen chemistry. David Anders' Adam is a superb character.
And they've pissed him away. They turned him into a joke and then a cowardly punk.
The man is 400 years old. He
created the Company.
Mr Petrelli is convincingly 'evil' and magnetic. But Adam was
Seriously - I am so disappointed. I can only hope they bring him back some way because... Christ, look what they've done to Sylar.
- Mohinder needs to die. NOW. They keep teasing us with it, and it just needs to happen. Please, please, let Tracy just freeze him so that he can crack and fall apart. Preferably in slow motion. With Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus" playing in the background.
Poor Mohinder. I feel the Loeb on him.
- I really want to see Sylar using something besides telekinesis. There's a theory floating around that maybe he lost all his other abilities, which may be true, but come on ... if he really wanted to stop Peter, could he not have used the ability to manipulate sound? Or maybe turn his coat into an extremely heavy metal? I don't know, I just want him to do something else.
There's gonna be lots of telekinesis because it's a cheap power to shoot. It's actually a pretty cool power, but it's very cheap to do so there'll be more. ****, if *I* were Kring, I'd use his tk a lot too. It's a smart move.
- The Puppet Man was awesome. A very creepy dude, played by a very creepy actor. And it was nice to see Claire's mom getting in on the action. Just a very well-executed storyline all around.
I assumed the Puppet Man would be "pulling the strings", get it? But no. He's just a rape metaphor. :/
- FINALLY Peter is de-powered. I don't know if it will stick (doubtful), or even if Peter will be able to stand on his own as a character with no powers to angst about, but at least now he won't be a walking, talking plot hole (unfortunately, that title has now passed to Dad, who, with the ability to manipulate time, could theoretically just blow up the world without anyone even knowing it's going on. But we'll cross that bridge when we get there).
I have said, for a while, that Peter is a terrible character. The actor who plays him does a sterling job - he really does - but the character's rubbish. Not only is he a dull, overly-emotional whiner, but his power means no villain can ever truly threaten him (case in point: he beats the tar out of Sylar). So far, they've only had Peter not go around smashing everyone in sight by either making him "too good to use his powers properly" or he's mind-numbingly stupid. They got so desperate they gave him AMNESIA (yeesh). I've said that he needs to be depowered or turned into a villain.
It's amusing that they did BOTH in the first six episodes. Finally, no more Peter Petrelli. I hope the actor stays on as Peter and Peter has stuff to do. Now, the character can grow. And in a smart move, they've made an extremely powerful villain who, just by meeting the heroes, can trump them every time. That's a smart move.
I do expect Peter to get them back. Maybe when Papa Petrelli dies, they get their powers back (and that means Adam too), or maybe because Peter copies everyone's powers he also has Papa Petrelli's power-stealing ability? I dunno.
Some other good things: Hiro and Ando are brilliant and hysterical. Especially the attempts to kidnap the African. Had me howling. I also like Parkman a great deal. (The African has been an awesome thing in every way really.) The new villains are surprising because they're all really quite good. The pyrokinetic hasn't been developed yet, but Knox is good, so is the Puppet master, and especially Daphne are really quite good. Angela Petrelli's pretty good too and it's good we finally know her power. (What was Kaito's?!) Also, the skill-copying girl isn't around. (Yes!) And Elle is still hot. I'm glad she isn't dead. Also, the vortex guy (Bubbles from The Wire) was really very good indeed.
Some stupid things: Sylar being a good guy. Angela Petrelli tells him she's his mum and suddenly he wants to be a good guy. Sylar has become Venom. A super cool predator villain who the fans liked so much, the writers neutered him and turned him into a good guy. Sylar, after season one, shouldn't have come back for at least half a year. He should have had the big dramatic villainous return. Instead he showed up without powers, was lame for 12 episodes, and is now in a buddy cop movie co-starring Noah Bennet. It's a testament to Zachary Quinto because he's really, really, captivating no matter what the hell he's doing.
In an irony, Mohinder being a villain is also stupid. It comes out of the blue and is completely against his character. Yes, he worked for the company, but the one thing Mohinder
never did was do tests on people. He never would. Having him do that requires a MAJOR change in character which they didn't do. He just injected himself and went crazy. Maybe it's because his power made him evil. Apparently they do that.
Seriously. Sylar's power makes him evil is the lamest ****ing excuse for a face turn I've ever seen.
Maya's also stopped being interesting. I love how contradictory Heroes can be. One scene, Maya's almost going to kill Suresh out of fear for her power. The next, she's cleaning up after him and going out
on her own doing the shopping.
It's as if she forgot that
she lives in terror that if she loses it a bit she'll kill everything around her and, oh yes, the BRAIN EATING PSYOCOPATH WHO KILLED HER BROTHER IS STILL LOOKING FOR HER. Remember her first scene, where she BASHES Mohinder on the head because she's terrified it might be Sylar?
Also, remember how Mohinder says, "I've tried Maya, but I can't cure you." Then Maya does what she did in EVERY SCENE in the previous season and Mohinder acts like its NEW INFORMATION that he can use to recreate The Fly.
These characters turn on a six-pence.
Mama Petrelli was a goddam whore. No wonder he husband pretended to kill himself and then paralyzed her.
Another stupid thing: The African is an Isaac clone. Angela Petrelli sees the future. While Peter's dreams being his mum's power makes sense (it would be the first power he inherits after all), and Hiro's "Mister African-Isaac" line was wonderful, I'm bored of this. Every season follows the same ****ing pattern of the future promising an apocalypse. Something NEW would be nice. It's the same schtick every "volume". What's more annoying is that IF you're going to plan a big story arc and you need Isaac around, don't kill him off. They killed him off, but then needed him to paint more pictures so they found a secret stash of his pictures in season 2. That's cool, and an inventive solution. Now they want another set of paintings (I assume Tim Sale HAS to draw stuff for Loeb all the time) so they just bring another Isaac into the show. Granted, he's a cool counterpoint in terms of his character to Isaac, but goddam it, stop repeating yourselves. Enough with the precog apocalypse. You have Hiro. You need the future to show up, Hiro's there. Also, considering how hard it is to defeat a precog, Mama Petrelli seems to fall victim to it pretty easily.
I also miss Bob. He kinda just didn't get his contract renewed.
Claire's kinda rubbish. I don't think the actress is either being given enough direction or she's just not very good. Every scene she's in, she replaces emotion with tears and a stern face. She's young, and it's possible no one's telling her what she's doing wrong. She's not awful, but she's considerably weaker than those around her. I think it might be a combination of her lack of acting experience plus crappy scripts because - damn, she's a bland character. I saw Buffy. Years ago. Please - something new. I really wish Papa Petrelli took her powers rather than Adam's.
And you know what? That would've been AWESOME. Claire, at the moment, is desperately concerned with who she is or if she's even human. She gets taken to see her grandfather, hoping to make sense of her world. And he steals her power. Now, she can feel pain again and she's not able to regenerate any more. THAT WOULD'VE BEEN A GOOD DEVELOPMENT.
It brings up another hole in Adam's death: If Papa Petrelli took Claire's powers, would he toe fall off? Would her burns from the nuclear explosion return? See - here's the thing: how does turning off Adam's power RESET his life? Surely it just stops WORKING. It doesn't retroactively remove it. If Papa Petrelli took Claire's powers, she'd be as she is - all the healing she's taken so far would still count, she just couldn't do it any more and would age normally. Same for Adam. Suddenly him aging 400 years DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. Peter lost his ability to heal. The scar on his head from Sylar should come back.
Oh, and here's another frickin' hole in Adam's death: Adam could've just GIVEN HIM SOME BLOOD and brought him back to full health. HE DOESN'T NEED TO STEAL HIS POWERS. He could've had a ****ing awesome ally... There's no need for Adam's death. It's just a stupid shock move to make the new villain seem more hardcore because they've no ideas for Adam. Bull****. I want a retcon.
Claire also brings up another stupid thing: the show thinks we don't pay attention. The scene where Claire's mum shoots her: Claire and Meredith are scared and crying. Why? They KNOW SHE CAN'T DIE. At what point did they think WE WOULDN'T GET IT? Hiro OBVIOUSLY didn't kill Ando. The show keeps acting like we've forgotten who has what powers and the characters seem to forget too.
So, in conclusion: some pretty good stuff, some pretty boring stuff, some stupid stuff, and then some really idiotic stuff LIKE KILLING OFF ADAM.
I'll show you why: Five 'volumes' that only work if Adam's the villain:
1. "HEIRS"
Heroes starts again: a brand new cast of normal people start developing powers. Except this time - they're told why.
Adam's blood doesn't just heal - if they have no powers, the blood activates their latent talents. Activating a very specific and small group of manageable people, he begins killing many other heroes.
The series spins round and goes from the regular cast of Heroes POVs as they start trying to put the pieces together as a string of 'hero' murders are committed. They discover something startling: the powers do not appear as random elements across the globe - there is a definite progression. Almost like a spreading contagion. And they start to notice that not only is the geographical location progressive - but so are the powers. The powers generated in a single place are meant to combine together to do something greater. Each pocket not only has certain unique powers, but there's a repetition of certain powers. And there's more - the powers are directly tied to the person's personality. There is a recurring cycle of activations. And there's always three powers duplicated: the precognative painter; the guy who "knows how things work"; and the empath that copies powers.
Adam Munroe is going around continually creating super teams until he creates the perfect combination. The painter fills the only gap in his vast knowledge; the future. The one weapon Hiro has against him. The watchmaker always helps him form a cohesive group, finding the next person he needs. And the empath is a back up if any of them should die.
Adam, after hundreds of years has finally created the perfect team of super villains (the brand new cast at the beginning) - turning regular people into devils. And then he goes to work culling all the other heroes in existence.
All these powers - it's a genealogical experiment descended from Adam. Now the family tree is bearing fruit, he's pruning away everything he doesn't need.
And he'll do it. He does it every 100 years.
An entire ward of cancer patients is miraculously healed. Homes for the handicapped are suddenly filled with completely perfect people. And people start rising from the grave... but not as zombies. Good as new. As if not a day went past. At first, the company try to keep a lid on the few cases where it shows up, but it starts to spread beyond their control. Lots of people are rising from the dead. It starts to become a recurring urban myth. The heroes discover it's actually not 'just happening' - it's traveling across the globe (which is why it's not a undisputed fact worldwide). Treating it like a virus, Mohinder tries to study the next place the resurrections will strike before they start so he can work out what's going on. Along the way, their are super powered villains who try to stop them. Eventually, it's discovered that they're doing this on someone's behalf because their loved ones are brought back to them. Huge potentials for dealing with immortality and resurrection in the normal lives of our heroes and normal people. Behind it all is Adam Munroe. Using his endless supply of blood and pouring it into the soils of graveyards and into water supplies, he's completely destabilizing the world by bringing back the dead. The eventual over population and lack of mortality will crumble society and culture and he'll restructure it to his own whim. When Hiro and the rest confront him, he has a casket next to him - with Kaito Nakamura in it. Hiro, is of course, the hero and tells Adam to go to hell. That's when Adam unleashes an army of famous villains from history - who have ALL BEEN HIS PERSONAL FRIENDS. Okay, maybe this last bit is too much but still... Hiro, Matt Parkman, and Nathan Petrelli vs Genghis Khan, Adolf Hitler, and Jack the Ripper is too ****ing awesome.
The President of the United States is killed. By being turned to frickin' ice. In the middle of July. The guy in charge of the investigation of just HOW the president died stumbles onto the company and the whole "people have powers" thing. And we're brought into this world where super powered people are used as WEAPONS. The President was assassinated by a super powered guy, and the continuing proliferation of these superpowered people reveals an unseen shadow war between superpowered illuminati. Their war rages on, the battlefields thought of only as natural disasters: super strong mercenaries pound each other causing an earthquake; super speedsters cause tsunami and hurricanes - all these terrible atrocities carried out in a vast game of cat and mouse. Shadowy super powered group versus another shadowy super powered group. The Company is one of many. And all of them were founded by Adam Munroe. Every single one. The plague was just a diversion to keep people unaware of what Adam's been up to for the last 400 years as he's set up and brought down civilisation after civilisation: He's the architect of armageddon. World War Three is on its way. Dictators and leaders fuelled by the promise of immortality feel there are no consequences for their war mongering actions. The doomsday clock ticks towards midnight. Can even Hiro turn it back?
In each continent of the world, a major outbreak occurs. A virulent plague. Terrible earthquakes. Land turning to desert. As the outbreaks pulsate, the powers of the specials at those locations fluctuate too; they either disappear (at bad times) or spiral completely out of control. The Company falls apart because as their loyal workers become unstable, the unstable inmates break free. It's mayhem. Trying to work out what's going on, locating the epicenter, the 'ground zero' for the events, they discover that each and every single one is visited by Adam Munroe. In a specific order. And it's in that order these disasters have occurred. Tracking down and finding Adam (either because he's still in the coffin or they use Molly), the heroes try to make him somehow stop these outbreaks. These outbreaks are Adam's insurance policy. If he doesn't visit these locations at specific times, the curses will tear apart the planet. What are the curses? Adam claims they're divine curses of ancient gods and monsters whom he appeases with tribute. And he's not giving it any more. In the last 50 years, he's been imprisoned and buried in a coffin. To hell with them all. Can the heroes work out what the tribute is (if Adam's telling the truth) and appease the curses before they tear the world apart?
2020. It's the last battle between the Heroes and the forces of Adam Munroe. Global despot, he's tracked the heroes down to their secret moon lair. He wins. But Nathan Petrelli manages to cut Adam in the last moments of the fight, and as he dies, he flies as fast as he can to where there's a cryogenic, perfectly preserved corpse of Hiro. Putting the blood into Hiro, he resurrects him and tells him what's happening. Hiro sees Munroe kill Nathan and travels back in time just before Munroe kills him.
2010. Hiro appears in the past. Munroe has just become a global leader. Everyone likes him. Hiro has to try and stop the coming troubles.
The series is in reverse. Told in small blocks of two or three episodes, each episode focuses on a different time period as Hiro keeps travelling further back in time trying to stop Munroe's rise to power. A war through time is waged as Munroe fights from the past and Hiro fights from the future. Hiro's every turn is preempted by Munroe, who has access to the many precognitives across the world. But there's something even more sinister about it - Munroe's tactical skills at defeating Hiro are continually ingenious and unpredictable. The way every single one of Hiro's actions seem to only benefit Adam is terrifying.
It's because Adam Munroe's entire plan for global domination
came from Hiro. Hiro TOLD HIM HOW TO DO IT by TRYING TO STOP IT. The series progresses farther and farther back until we get to the 1940s in which Hiro and Adam duel. Hiro's desperate: he's at the very focal point of all the strife that is to come. And every action he takes only puts the future into motion. He creates the Company. He helps Adam Munroe invent the technological research that lets him take control of the planet. Can Hiro change
anything or is destiny inevitable?
I really miss Adam Munroe.