Ultimates 3 #1-5 discussion [Loeb/Madureira] [spoilers]

I agree with zombipanda. Its the same argument we had for UIM. Iron Man's core concept is a man in a robotic suit, you change that you change the core character. 616 and UU Fury still hold on to the core concept of a bad *** human who commands great respect and is willing to cross the line for what he believes in. Really it's just the interpretations of that bad *** that's changed, but not the fact that he is bad ***.

As Zombi said, being African is a huge part and a big fundamental concept to Black Panther. Now on changing races, I don't mind when they change a white to something else cause lets face it, there are hundreds of white characters and they should throw in some balance (something I think the UU has done pretty well). Take Wasp for example, they changed her to an asian but really nothing else about her would have changed. So hey we still have a great character and we know have another asian hero that some demographics may potentially relate to better.

Also another point that always pops into my mind when **** like this hits the fan, is the potential of stories and characters. Remember what speculation was like, how we would all try to come up with new interesting spins trying to put old characters in this new universe. That for Panther, like so many other character, have been thrown away. Imagine what could have been done with the idea of black panther. Remember what that idea of ultimatzation was, though now, I really feel now the term ultimatzation is dead. Thanks a lot Loeb... dick...
Ultimates 3 has obvioulsy been a massive down-fall, i havent read it yet, i will wait for the TPB to be released, but i think there is another black panther out there. We do have a Ultimate Captain America Annual being released soon so, which features Black Panther on the cover so we may find that there is another black pnather.
Some authors write stories for their children. Loeb writes for the painfully recreated simulocrons of famous mentally handicapped celebrities that he's building in his basement. One day he'll open up his basement for everyone to see. And do you know who'll look retarded then? You! Every single one of you! Plus the retard robots in his basement...... It's going to be like the Disney Hall of Presidents. just with a lot more slobber. and irritable, over-petted kittens...

For the hilarity of this, and for the truth of your later post on the random nonsense of wringing any social/racial importance from a character (BP) for no reason, you sir, are my hero!!
People have not mentioned the awesome line where Wolverine says to the robot Hulk: "I wish you were the real Hulk. We have unfinished business."


It's the final issue, the big climax, and he's making in-jokes! :roll:

It's actually not a bad line, but it's just extra stupid.

Also, the issue is rubbish.

The Ultronites create a robot Venom (out of liquid?!?!) to attack and kidnap Scarlet Witch. Which makes no sense. Why Venom? Why not Magneto? Why a low-level Spider-villain to take on the Ultimates?

Also, the Ultronites can make robot clones out of liquid and non-metal things that look like metal. (Did Mad read the script? I don't blame him if he didn't.)

The Ultronites also shoot Wanda when Pietro kisses her because they realise they'll never be together... why doesn't the Ultronite shoot Pietro instead? In fact, why, since they're passing UNDETECTED AS BUTLERS don't they POISON THE ULTIMATES.



This is the first time I think I've seen a plot hole that is, in its self, another plot hole.

Oh, and Wolverine can tell when a dinosaur is coming to ambush Juggernaut but his super senses can't actually notice Juggernaut. He is so stealthy, after all.

Why was Spider-Man in #2 again? Oh, right. No reason.

Captain America as Black Panther still makes no sense. At all.

Also, Hawkeye shoots an ARROW at Magneto and Quicksilver gets in the way and gets killed. However, four issues ago, Quicksilver was able to INTERCEPT AND CATCH A BULLET WITH HIS BARE HANDS THAT WAS MOVING BY ITSELF TO KILL HIS SISTER. HE ACTUALLY ****ING CATCHES IT. HE MANAGES TO CHASE A BULLET SHOT FROM NOWHERE AND CATCH IT YET HE CAN'T CATCH AN ARROW. Did Loeb even read his own comics?

And speaking of the bullet - if the Ultronite was just following Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch without the intention of shooting them, WHY DID HE CARRY A GUN SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED TO KILL WANDA WITH HIM?

Doom makes a cameo at the end that is utterly arbitrary. While the comic says "The End" what it really means is, "To be continued". Ultimates 3 is a prequel to a crossover.

Oh, and Hank Pym, who created Ultron and is a TRAITOR TO THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (apparently, this only gets him HOUSE ARREST?!) is backed up by Jan for him helping them fight Ultron. Jan then yells at Captain America and says if he doesn't like Hank being on the team (!!) he can QUIT.

He's Captain ****ing America. Captain America doesn't take **** from Wasp. Wasp being the leader makes no ****ing sense at all. And Cap not being able to actually command ANY RESPECT from ANYONE is retarded. But then, HE IS RETARDED BECAUSE HE PRETENDED TO BE THE BLACK PANTHER. Why? We don't know. It doesn't matter. It just means Captain America has been ****ing around. Captain America wants to be bossed around by Wasp so much, HE JOINED THE TEAM TWICE.

Seriously. Tony Stark = Billionaire business man. Captain America = Led troops into World War II. Thor = Norse God and son of Odin. And somehow, none of them have the presence to lead a team whereas Wasp, a government scientist, can BOSS THEM AROUND in military operations. This makes no ****ing sense. At all. Cap could leave the team, and create his own one. With blackjack and hookers.

But then, none of it made any sense. It is, by far, one of the most stupid comics I've ever read. It's insulting how many people in this world would've killed to do Ultimates 3 - for so much less - and this got published.

Absolute ****ing failure.

...Ladies and gentleman...

The Ultimates 3 Manifesto, by Bass

It's nice to see Jan was able to get over that whole silly "being violently beaten and then left to be eaten by ants" thing. Way to stop being a silly girl and being overdramatic about **** that should be water under the bridge! Hopefully Valkyrie will get over herself sometime soon and agree to go on a date with Mastermind and Pyro.


So i'm rereading the early stuff in the ultimate U so i can remember why i used to like this stuff (and so i can find more continuity errors brought on by U Origins and U3). I'm working my way through UXM right now; the Hellfire and Brimstone arc has about 6 different plots twisting together throughout it, but one of them is Wolverine and Cyclops (and a stowaway Kitty) going to the savageland and finding an evolved supercomputer that is planning to take over the world by replacing people with robots (or reanimating corpses by making them into robots).

Way to go Loeb...way to take the one lame sub-plot that Mark Millar ever used and try to make it into a whole miniseries! (byt the way, Kitty single handedly beat the evolved Super computer by accidentally phasing through it while yelling, "I guess that makes me the mother ... wait, i think i'm getting mixed up.
Way to go Loeb...way to take the one lame sub-plot that Mark Millar ever used and try to make it into a whole miniseries! (byt the way, Kitty single handedly beat the evolved Super computer by accidentally phasing through it while yelling, "I guess that makes me the mother ... wait, i think i'm getting mixed up.


God, that was a notably terrible moment of an extremely cringe-inducing mini in its entirety.

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